Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 30, 2008, Page 9, Image 9

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Iuly 30. 2008
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1 Ofc s e r v e r
2008 MINI
Cooper Clubman
K athleen C arr
The C lubm an notion isn’t a new
idea, but it rem ains a good one.
It's the th ird body style in the
reborn M in i lineup, alongside the
second-generation coupe, w hich
came to m arket early th is year,
and the co n v e rtib le , s till on the
ca rryo ve r gen-one p la tfo rm fo r
another year o r so.
P ow ering the standard M IN I
C ooper C lubm an is an a llo y 1.6-
lite r, transversely mounted, in lin e
4 -c y lin d e r engine. In this co n ­
fig u ra tio n , it is rated at 120 hp.
The 1 .6 -lite r engine on the M IN I
C ooper C lubm an S uses forced
in d u c tio n , in the fo rm o f a tw in -
A u t o R e v ie w
News aiul reviews an new matin' vehicles
s c ro ll tu rb o c h a rg e r, to boost
horsepow erto 175. It is s till fun to
d rive .
The 2008 clubm an is a ll about
space and access to it, so besides
the s p lit rear-cargo doors, there's
a rear-hinged, h a lf-d o o r-s iz e ac­
cess panel on the passenger side
that makes back-seat entry and
o u tle t a m uch easier p ro p o sitio n
than in the co u pe-all the better by
w h ich to e n jo y the much-needed
increased legroom . The M in i tw o-
door's sim p le hatchback arrange­
ment is fa r easier to operate and a
good deal m ore p ra ctica l in e v ­
eryday use. The rear doors have
added appeal to the m in i.
Despite the cle a r emphasis on
v e rs a tility fro m its la rger fo o t­
p rin t, the new C lubm an manages
to retain all the sp o rtin g fun o f
Specifications: Dual overhead cam 1.5-liter inline 4-cylinder
engine: 6-speed manual transmission: 28-City 37 Highway MPG:
$28,700, MSRP
the standard tw o-door. O ur o n ly
real c ritic is m involves the torque
steer that's apparent w h ile accel­
erating hard fro m low speeds. Part
o f the reason can be found in the
a d d itio n a l w e ig h t at the back o f
the car. Second, the fro n t wheels
now carry a brake-regeneration
syste m to p ro d u c e e le c tric a l
pow er fo r the battery, so the a l­
ternator is disengaged fro m the
engine d u rin g acceleration. (T h is
brake-regeneration system w ill
not be a va ila b le on U.S. m odels
u n til later next year, how ever.)
The w ay the C lu b m a n rides
re a lly g o t o u r a tte n tio n . T he
lo n g er wheelbase not o n ly lib e r­
ates m ore space inside, it also
provides the M in i C lubm an w ith
a sm oother and m ore c o n tro lle d
ride. T h e re ’s less flu tte r in the
suspension o v e r ro u g h p a ve ­
ment, and once ru ffle d by large
bumps, the suspension tends to
T he standard a u d io system
features six speakers, A M /F M
radio, and a C D player. A “ H i-F i”
C D A u d io System, w ith ten up­
graded speakers, is available. The
audio can also be upgraded fu r­
ther to sa te llite or h ig h -d e fin itio n
radio. M IN I o ffe rs an on-board
trip co m p u te r as standard.
T h e 2 0 0 8 M in i C o o p e r
C lubm an has been a hit. B M W
has taken the standard m in i an
im p ro ve d it. It has im p ro ve d in
the style, ho w e ver it s till lacks
legroom in the rear. The clubm an
w ill draw m ore buyers than the
standard M in i do the o ve rlo o k,
added length and ease o f not ha v­
ing to bend o ve r to get in the rear
settle faster.
o f the vehicle.
H ealth
Dentures Worth
Smiling About!
• Professional Services • A ffordable Prices
Paym ent Plans: O A C
• O ver 20 years experience
• Full & Partial D entures • Natural A ppearance
Full Service Lab • A ccepting O regon Health Plan
New Prices Effective May 1,2007
Summit Research Network, located in the Montgomery Park building at 2701 N. W. Vaughn St., is offering free blood pressure
screenings as part of a medication research study.
Martin Cleaning Service
Free Blood Pressure Screening
H igh risks fo r high blood pres­
sure happens at an earlier age. and
is more severe fo r many A frican
Americans. The good news is that
high blood pressure can be con­
tro lle d — and better yet, it can be
Blood pressure is the force o f
blood pushing against your blood
vessels. Y our blood pressure is at its
greatest when your heart contracts
and is pumping blood. This is sys­
tolic blood pressure. When your
heart rests between beats, your blood
pressure falls. This iscalled diastolic
blood pressure. Blood pressure is
always given as these two numbers:
the systolic and diastolic pressures.
The numbers are usually written one
above or before the other, w ith sys­
tolic first, forexample, 120/80.
When your blood pressure is
high, your heart has to work harder
than it should to pump blood to all
parts o f the body.
O ver 72 m illio n Americans have
high blood pressure, that's one in
three adults. High blood pressure
is known as the “ silent k ille r" be­
cause one third o f those w ith high
blood pressure don’ t even know
they have it.
I f you are overweight, stressed
o r get little exercise, you may be at
risk for high blood pressure. High
blood pressure increases your risk
o f diabetes, stroke or heart attack.
T h a t’ s w hy it is so important to
find out i f you have high blood
pressure and to get help fo r it.
Sum m it Research N etw ork is o f­
fering a free blood pressure screen­
ing on Wednesday, Aug. 6 from 11
a.m. to 2 p.m. at the M ontgom ery
Park B uild in g , 2701 N .W . Vaughn
St., in the M t Adams Room on the
second floor.
For more information, call Summit
Research Network at503-228-C ARE
orvisitSum m itPortland.com .
The w arning from Dr. Ronald B.
Herberman, director o f the U n ive r­
sity o f Pittsburgh Cancer Institute,
is contrary to numerous studies
that don’t fin d a lin k between can­
cer and cell phone use, and a public
lack o f w orry by the U.S. Food and
D rug Adm inistration.
Herberman is basing his alarm
on early unpublished data. He says
it takes tot) long to get answers
from science and he believes people
on the side o f being safe rather than
sorry later," Herberman said.
No other m ajor academic cancer
research institutions have sounded
such an alarm about cell phone use.
But Herberman's advice is sure to
Wellness Focus at Mt. Olivet
Health and wellness w ill be cel­
ebrated w ith educational talks, chai r
massages and health screenings
d u rin g a D ay o f W ellness fo r
Women o f C o lo r event, on Satur­
day, Aug. 2 from 8 a.m. to noon at
M t. O live t Baptist Church, 8725 N.
Chautauqua Blvd.
1— I tj1 A f 'T ’l J
1. I *
Topics w ill include breast health
and cancer prevention, as well as
screenings fo r heart health, stork
risk factors and colorectal cancer.
The heart screening includes a
personalized measurement and
analysis o f blood pressure, choles­
terol levels, blood sugar, lean body
C h ild b irth Preparation -Thursdays, starting July
31, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., are the launch dates fo r a
four-week series to help first-tim e parents prepare
fo r a more com fortable labor and delivery w ith lec­
tures, practice and discussions; $85 per couple. To
registcr.call 503-574-6595.
(Includes: / sm all H allway)
1 Cleaning Area (wt/v)
(Includes Pre-Spray Traffic Area • Hallway Extra)
Stairs (12-16 stairs)
(W ith O ther Services)
Additional $ 1 ().(X)
Chair or Recliner
Throw t Pillows
(With O ther Services)
$109 - $139
$35 - $49
See Fly ers for Additional Prices
Call For Appointment
Sara Loughran, a 24-year-old graduate student at the University
of Pittsburgh, talks on her cell phone while waiting for a bus on
campus. (AP photo)
factors and develop a plan to pre­
vent a stroke.
The event is open to the public
and free o f charge. C all 503-335-
3500 to pre-register fo r screenings.
An ongoing series of questions and answers about Amencas natural healing profession
Dr. Billy R. Flowers
Part 27. Chiropractic VS Migraines: Saying
goodbye to the most menacing of headaches
breathing, CPR and choking maneuvers fo r infants 1 to
|2 mon(j,s o |,j. $34 fee po r more inform ation and to
register, call 503-574-6595.
Welcome to Medicare - Thursday, Aug. 14. from 7 p.m.
to 9 p.m. and Saturday. Aug. 16, from 10a.m. to noon.
M t. Hood C om m unity College w ill provide the free
classes explaining the fundamentals o f Medicare al­
low ing new recipients to make inform ed decisions
regarding various options available; to register call
“ V egetarian Dessert H e a v e n " --T h u rsd a y, A ug.
7, fro m 6 p.m , to 8 :30 p.m .. M t. H ood C o m m u n ity
C o lle g e w ill o ffe r a course teaching the art of
co o kin g lo w fat and c h o le ste ro l-fre e n u tritio u s
and d e licio u s dessert; $34 Ice, to register c a ll 503-
N ew born C are "S aturday, Aug. 16 from noon to 5 p.m.,
expectant parents get a complete look at preparing for
the new arrival, topics include bathing, diapering,
safety and answers to comm on questions; $45 fee per
In fan tC P R -M onday. Aug. I I,fro m 6 p .m .to 8 p .m .,
couple. T o register, call 503-574-6595
(503) 281-3949
mass, fat weight and optimal weight
Registered nurse stroke care
specialists w ill assist attendees in
identifying their personal stroke risk
this class w ill teach fam ilies how to perform rescue
A T 'C ^ H
▼ ▼ zA J.
Carpet Cleaning
2 Cleaning Areas nr more $30.00 Each Area
Pre-Spray Traffic Areas
Area & Oriental Rug Cleaning
Auto/Boat/RV Cleaning
DetxJorizing & Pet O dor Treatment
Spot & Stain Removal Service
Scotchguard Protection
phone users and especially par­
raise concern among many cell
He says children should use cell
phones o nly fo r emergencies be­
cause their brains are still develop­
Minimum Service CHG.
Heavily Soiled Area:
Advice is to err on side of safety
should take action now — espe­
c ia lly when it comes to children.
"Really at the heart o f m y con­
cern is that we shouldn't w ait for a
d e fin itive study to come out, but err
Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning
Residential & Commercial Services
Cancer Expert: Limit Cell Phone Use
( A P) — The head o f a prom inent
cancer research institute has is­
sued an unprecedented warning to
his faculty and staff: Lim itc e ll phone
use because o f the possible risk o f
Mekinie Block, L.D. D enturist
We *ve Moved!
200 N.E. 20th Ave., Ste 100
Portland, OR 97232
Free parking
i v , 3»
Tests offered at
Park building
: Can anything be done for
migraines? I'v e had them
form e last 20 years and I sincerely
can’ t take it much longer.
: I had a patient once ask the
same question. Her concern,
h o w e v e r, was that C h iro p ra c ­
tic m ig h t h u rt. A fte r b ecom ing
a p a tie n t, she began to m ake
progress. S lo w ly b u t s u re ly
the nauseating e ffe c ts o f the
m ig ra in e were leaving her. One
d a y, re la xe d and w ith o u t pain,
she said to me " I c a n 't b e lie ve
that I w a ite d 20 years fo r th is !"
T h a t's one c o m m e n t I ' l l never
fo rg e t! The s to ry had a happy,
but is n 't it sad that it had such
an u n fo rtu n a te b e g in n in g . So
m any s u ffe r fo r so lo n g w ith
th e ir p a in . T h e y lit e r a lly w aste
years o f th e ir liv e s , w a itin g ,
th in k in g th a t it is ju s t a te m p o ­
ra ry c o n d itio n . L ife its e lf is a
te m p o ra ry c o n d itio n . We are a ll
here fo r o n ly a w h ile . W h y
w aste one p re cio u s m o m e n t,
let alone years s u ffe rin g need­
le s s ly ? F in d y o u r fre e d o m
th ro u g h good h e a lth N O W ...
n a tu ra lly . F in d y o u r fre e d o m
th ro u g h C h ir o p r a c t ic ... and
m ake each day c o u n t. Is n 't it
tim e yo u stepped up to safe,
e ffe c tiv e C h iro p ra c tic ?
Flowers' Chiropractic Office
2124 N.E. Hancock Street, Portland Oregon 97212
P hone: (5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 -5 5 0 4