11,1'^Jortlanii ©baertier________________________ Iuly 30. 2008 © n iia M 1 Ofc s e r v e r 2008 MINI Cooper Clubman by K athleen C arr The C lubm an notion isn’t a new idea, but it rem ains a good one. It's the th ird body style in the reborn M in i lineup, alongside the second-generation coupe, w hich came to m arket early th is year, and the co n v e rtib le , s till on the ca rryo ve r gen-one p la tfo rm fo r another year o r so. P ow ering the standard M IN I C ooper C lubm an is an a llo y 1.6- lite r, transversely mounted, in lin e 4 -c y lin d e r engine. In this co n ­ fig u ra tio n , it is rated at 120 hp. The 1 .6 -lite r engine on the M IN I C ooper C lubm an S uses forced in d u c tio n , in the fo rm o f a tw in - A u t o R e v ie w News aiul reviews an new matin' vehicles s c ro ll tu rb o c h a rg e r, to boost horsepow erto 175. It is s till fun to d rive . The 2008 clubm an is a ll about space and access to it, so besides the s p lit rear-cargo doors, there's a rear-hinged, h a lf-d o o r-s iz e ac­ cess panel on the passenger side that makes back-seat entry and o u tle t a m uch easier p ro p o sitio n than in the co u pe-all the better by w h ich to e n jo y the much-needed increased legroom . The M in i tw o- door's sim p le hatchback arrange­ ment is fa r easier to operate and a good deal m ore p ra ctica l in e v ­ eryday use. The rear doors have added appeal to the m in i. Despite the cle a r emphasis on v e rs a tility fro m its la rger fo o t­ p rin t, the new C lubm an manages to retain all the sp o rtin g fun o f Specifications: Dual overhead cam 1.5-liter inline 4-cylinder engine: 6-speed manual transmission: 28-City 37 Highway MPG: $28,700, MSRP the standard tw o-door. O ur o n ly real c ritic is m involves the torque steer that's apparent w h ile accel­ erating hard fro m low speeds. Part o f the reason can be found in the a d d itio n a l w e ig h t at the back o f the car. Second, the fro n t wheels now carry a brake-regeneration syste m to p ro d u c e e le c tric a l pow er fo r the battery, so the a l­ ternator is disengaged fro m the engine d u rin g acceleration. (T h is brake-regeneration system w ill not be a va ila b le on U.S. m odels u n til later next year, how ever.) The w ay the C lu b m a n rides re a lly g o t o u r a tte n tio n . T he lo n g er wheelbase not o n ly lib e r­ ates m ore space inside, it also provides the M in i C lubm an w ith a sm oother and m ore c o n tro lle d ride. T h e re ’s less flu tte r in the suspension o v e r ro u g h p a ve ­ ment, and once ru ffle d by large bumps, the suspension tends to T he standard a u d io system features six speakers, A M /F M radio, and a C D player. A “ H i-F i” C D A u d io System, w ith ten up­ graded speakers, is available. The audio can also be upgraded fu r­ ther to sa te llite or h ig h -d e fin itio n radio. M IN I o ffe rs an on-board trip co m p u te r as standard. T h e 2 0 0 8 M in i C o o p e r C lubm an has been a hit. B M W has taken the standard m in i an im p ro ve d it. It has im p ro ve d in the style, ho w e ver it s till lacks legroom in the rear. The clubm an w ill draw m ore buyers than the standard M in i do the o ve rlo o k, added length and ease o f not ha v­ ing to bend o ve r to get in the rear settle faster. o f the vehicle. H ealth Dentures Worth Smiling About! • Professional Services • A ffordable Prices Paym ent Plans: O A C • O ver 20 years experience • Full & Partial D entures • Natural A ppearance Full Service Lab • A ccepting O regon Health Plan 1 <1 New Prices Effective May 1,2007 Summit Research Network, located in the Montgomery Park building at 2701 N. W. Vaughn St., is offering free blood pressure screenings as part of a medication research study. Martin Cleaning Service Free Blood Pressure Screening H igh risks fo r high blood pres­ sure happens at an earlier age. and is more severe fo r many A frican Americans. The good news is that high blood pressure can be con­ tro lle d — and better yet, it can be prevented! Blood pressure is the force o f blood pushing against your blood vessels. Y our blood pressure is at its greatest when your heart contracts and is pumping blood. This is sys­ tolic blood pressure. When your heart rests between beats, your blood pressure falls. This iscalled diastolic blood pressure. Blood pressure is always given as these two numbers: the systolic and diastolic pressures. The numbers are usually written one above or before the other, w ith sys­ tolic first, forexample, 120/80. When your blood pressure is high, your heart has to work harder than it should to pump blood to all parts o f the body. O ver 72 m illio n Americans have high blood pressure, that's one in three adults. High blood pressure is known as the “ silent k ille r" be­ cause one third o f those w ith high blood pressure don’ t even know they have it. I f you are overweight, stressed o r get little exercise, you may be at risk for high blood pressure. High blood pressure increases your risk o f diabetes, stroke or heart attack. T h a t’ s w hy it is so important to find out i f you have high blood pressure and to get help fo r it. Sum m it Research N etw ork is o f­ fering a free blood pressure screen­ ing on Wednesday, Aug. 6 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the M ontgom ery Park B uild in g , 2701 N .W . Vaughn St., in the M t Adams Room on the second floor. For more information, call Summit Research Network at503-228-C ARE orvisitSum m itPortland.com . cancer. The w arning from Dr. Ronald B. Herberman, director o f the U n ive r­ sity o f Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, is contrary to numerous studies that don’t fin d a lin k between can­ cer and cell phone use, and a public lack o f w orry by the U.S. Food and D rug Adm inistration. Herberman is basing his alarm on early unpublished data. He says it takes tot) long to get answers from science and he believes people on the side o f being safe rather than sorry later," Herberman said. No other m ajor academic cancer research institutions have sounded such an alarm about cell phone use. But Herberman's advice is sure to Wellness Focus at Mt. Olivet Health and wellness w ill be cel­ ebrated w ith educational talks, chai r massages and health screenings d u rin g a D ay o f W ellness fo r Women o f C o lo r event, on Satur­ day, Aug. 2 from 8 a.m. to noon at M t. O live t Baptist Church, 8725 N. Chautauqua Blvd. 1— I tj1 A f 'T ’l J 1. I * Topics w ill include breast health and cancer prevention, as well as screenings fo r heart health, stork risk factors and colorectal cancer. The heart screening includes a personalized measurement and analysis o f blood pressure, choles­ terol levels, blood sugar, lean body C h ild b irth Preparation -Thursdays, starting July 31, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., are the launch dates fo r a four-week series to help first-tim e parents prepare fo r a more com fortable labor and delivery w ith lec­ tures, practice and discussions; $85 per couple. To registcr.call 503-574-6595. (Includes: / sm all H allway) 1 Cleaning Area (wt/v) $40.00 (Includes Pre-Spray Traffic Area • Hallway Extra) Stairs (12-16 stairs) $25.00 (W ith O ther Services) Additional $ 1 ().(X) UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Sofa Loveseat Sectional Chair or Recliner Throw t Pillows (With O ther Services) $79.00 $59.00 $109 - $139 $35 - $49 $5.00 See Fly ers for Additional Prices Call For Appointment Sara Loughran, a 24-year-old graduate student at the University of Pittsburgh, talks on her cell phone while waiting for a bus on campus. (AP photo) SPINACOLUMN factors and develop a plan to pre­ vent a stroke. The event is open to the public and free o f charge. C all 503-335- 3500 to pre-register fo r screenings. An ongoing series of questions and answers about Amencas natural healing profession Dr. Billy R. Flowers Part 27. Chiropractic VS Migraines: Saying goodbye to the most menacing of headaches breathing, CPR and choking maneuvers fo r infants 1 to |2 mon(j,s o |,j. $34 fee po r more inform ation and to register, call 503-574-6595. Welcome to Medicare - Thursday, Aug. 14. from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. and Saturday. Aug. 16, from 10a.m. to noon. M t. Hood C om m unity College w ill provide the free classes explaining the fundamentals o f Medicare al­ low ing new recipients to make inform ed decisions regarding various options available; to register call “ V egetarian Dessert H e a v e n " --T h u rsd a y, A ug. 7, fro m 6 p.m , to 8 :30 p.m .. M t. H ood C o m m u n ity 503491-7572. C o lle g e w ill o ffe r a course teaching the art of co o kin g lo w fat and c h o le ste ro l-fre e n u tritio u s and d e licio u s dessert; $34 Ice, to register c a ll 503- N ew born C are "S aturday, Aug. 16 from noon to 5 p.m., expectant parents get a complete look at preparing for 491-7572. the new arrival, topics include bathing, diapering, safety and answers to comm on questions; $45 fee per In fan tC P R -M onday. Aug. I I,fro m 6 p .m .to 8 p .m ., couple. T o register, call 503-574-6595 (503) 281-3949 THE mass, fat weight and optimal weight measurements. Registered nurse stroke care specialists w ill assist attendees in identifying their personal stroke risk this class w ill teach fam ilies how to perform rescue A T 'C ^ H ▼ ▼ zA J. Carpet Cleaning 2 Cleaning Areas nr more $30.00 Each Area Pre-Spray Traffic Areas Area & Oriental Rug Cleaning Auto/Boat/RV Cleaning DetxJorizing & Pet O dor Treatment Spot & Stain Removal Service Scotchguard Protection phone users and especially par­ ing. $45.00 ADDITIONAL SERVICES raise concern among many cell ents. He says children should use cell phones o nly fo r emergencies be­ cause their brains are still develop­ Minimum Service CHG. Heavily Soiled Area: Advice is to err on side of safety should take action now — espe­ c ia lly when it comes to children. "Really at the heart o f m y con­ cern is that we shouldn't w ait for a d e fin itive study to come out, but err « Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Residential & Commercial Services Cancer Expert: Limit Cell Phone Use ( A P) — The head o f a prom inent cancer research institute has is­ sued an unprecedented warning to his faculty and staff: Lim itc e ll phone use because o f the possible risk o f Mekinie Block, L.D. D enturist 503-230-0207 We *ve Moved! 200 N.E. 20th Ave., Ste 100 Portland, OR 97232 Free parking i v , 3» Tests offered at Montgomery Park building PageA9 : Can anything be done for migraines? I'v e had them form e last 20 years and I sincerely can’ t take it much longer. : I had a patient once ask the same question. Her concern, A h o w e v e r, was that C h iro p ra c ­ tic m ig h t h u rt. A fte r b ecom ing a p a tie n t, she began to m ake progress. S lo w ly b u t s u re ly the nauseating e ffe c ts o f the m ig ra in e were leaving her. One d a y, re la xe d and w ith o u t pain, she said to me " I c a n 't b e lie ve that I w a ite d 20 years fo r th is !" I T h a t's one c o m m e n t I ' l l never fo rg e t! The s to ry had a happy, but is n 't it sad that it had such an u n fo rtu n a te b e g in n in g . So m any s u ffe r fo r so lo n g w ith th e ir p a in . T h e y lit e r a lly w aste years o f th e ir liv e s , w a itin g , th in k in g th a t it is ju s t a te m p o ­ ra ry c o n d itio n . L ife its e lf is a te m p o ra ry c o n d itio n . We are a ll here fo r o n ly a w h ile . W h y w aste one p re cio u s m o m e n t, let alone years s u ffe rin g need­ le s s ly ? F in d y o u r fre e d o m th ro u g h good h e a lth N O W ... n a tu ra lly . F in d y o u r fre e d o m th ro u g h C h ir o p r a c t ic ... and m ake each day c o u n t. Is n 't it tim e yo u stepped up to safe, e ffe c tiv e C h iro p ra c tic ? Flowers' Chiropractic Office 2124 N.E. Hancock Street, Portland Oregon 97212 P hone: (5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 -5 5 0 4