Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 30, 2008, Page 10, Image 10

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1,1 |J n rtla n ö (© hseruer___________________________ M y 3 0 .2008
Dear Deanna!
I learned that my husband has been
eheating on me. I am currently
trying to decide if I can forgive him
and if we can salvage our 10 year
marriage. He told me that he was
very sorry for what he has done but
I could have reduced the pain if I
hadn't followed him to the hotel
and caught him. He says all men
cheat at some time and it’s a man's
DNA. He then pointed out our male
friends that cheat and named a few
celebrities. If things don't work out
is this what I have to look forward
to in a marriage? -Terribly Disap­
pointed: On-Line Reader
Dear Disappointed:
Your husband is sorry indeed be­
cause he got busted with another
woman and tried to Hip the script
and put the blame on you. All men
don't cheat and infidelity has to do
with lust, immaturity and being self­
ish. If he and his friends all have
cheating in common, they’re birds
of a feather that shouldn’t be mar-
Ask Deanna !
Ik Real People,
k Real Advice
myself lixtk like a fool several times harassing me and I keep cursing her
by jumping on guys w hen there was out and now I feel like hitting her.
no need. How do I deal w ith this? - What do I do? —Sean; Astoria. NY
-Rob; Detroit, Ml
\ d \ c r t is c w ith d iv e rs ity
J J o r tla n b (H i is c r u r r
( all 503-288-0(133 ads@portlandobsci vcr.com
Dear Sean:
Vy PPC Sto* y-
The car repair should be easy un­
You have a serious issue that needs less you don’t have car insurance.
to be addressed. This woman is not As for your stalker, most of the
your wife and you're taking things blame is on you. She is reacting this
in the wrong direction. You can way because a p p a re n tly you
begin to get a handle on this by caught her off guard with the break­
ried. Your husband has confirmed sharing your feelings and working up. You didn’t "man-up” with re­
he's a cheater and he'll cheat again together to pinpoint her behavior spect and concern nor did you be­
if you stay and accept it. Life is loo that bothers you. If this doesn't have in aGodly fashion. It was your
short and if you find yourself in help, you personally need to seek responsibility to end the relation­
another relationship with a good therapy to identify the root cause ship with an explanation instead of
dumping her cold turkey. Unless
man, give him a fair chance with a of your insecurities.
you want to go to jail, do what a
clean slate and you won't be disap­
Dear Deanna!
woman would do. Take out a re­
I wanted to drop you a few lines straining order and keep your
about my ex girlfriend. We broke up mouth shut.
Dear Deanna!
I'm in a relationship and I think my because I didn't want her anymore
jealously is going to ruin things. My and just told her the relationship Ask Deanna is written by Deanna
girlfriend is attractive, friendly and was over. I replaced the locks and M. Write Ask Deanna! Email;
outgoing. It drives me crazy when I changed all my phone numbers. askdeannal@yahoo.com or 264
see men misinterpret this as flirting She can't accept the fact it’s over S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283
and start trying toget with her. I have and took things to another level Beverly Hills. CA 90211. Website:
to control myself because I've made when she keyed my car. She keeps www.askdeanna.com
Dear Rob:
"We could have missed the
busy Christmas mailing
season w ithout PDC's
service, and their
business loan and
grant programs. We
applied in October
and were up and
running by
Monii n Makin.
O vati Minibus Ptus
in e tti Mg in HHtpiufs Fiittrr
(O b itu a r ie s
In Loving Memory
Lois K. Johnson
Greg Brown Sr.
A memorial service for Lois K. Johnson, who died
J une 21,2008 after a t ai I, was held J une 24 at Caldwel I ’ s
Colonial Chapel.
Shewas bom March 12,1920in Boise,
to James Arthur and Gertrude
Johnson, the youngest of five
He was born Feb. 2, 1955, in
family moved to Pendleton
Portland. He graduated from Grant
settled in Portland.
High School and was aheavy equip­
from W ashington
ment operator out of Local 7 0 1. He
and was a warm
was a member of the church. In
the pediatric
1994, he m arried A udrey L. •
a licensed
Survivors include his wife; son,
M artin's Hot Springs
Greg Jr.; sisters, Brenda Hartzog,
as the famed Eliza­
Cindy Brown and Mercedes Will­
Ariz., where
iams; brother, Ivan Kersting; and
the wife
two grandchildren.
Arrangements by Rose City
Cemetery and Funeral Home.
Funeral services were held July
18, 2008, in Mt. Olivet Baptist
Church in Portland for Gregory C.
Brown Sr., who died July 11 at age
In the 1970s, Johnson moved back to Oregon. She
and her older sister, Juanita, became very close over
the years and were nearly inseparable. They enjoyed
spending time with family and friends, visiting the
coast, learning about Black history, and all forms of
visual and performance art. She loved to sing, espe­
cially in harmony with her brothers.
She was a long-time resident of the Hol­
lywood neighborhixxl but for the past few
years lived at Irvington Village Assisted
Living and then St. Andrews Care Facility.
She was preceded in death by her sis­
ters, Thelma, Dorothy, and Juanita and her
brothers, Carl and Howard. Survivors in­
clude her n ieces Evelyn Cook of Bend and
Carlene (Eugene) Jackson of Molalla, and
many cousins, grand- nieces and neph­
ews, friends and loved ones.
She will be lovingly remembered for her feistiness,
radiant smile, keen fashion sense, beautiful calligra­
phy, and deep appreciate for the arts.
The family requests remembrances in her name as
contributions to your favorite charity.
PDC has been helping area businesses and citizens for 50 years.
For more inform ation about our business loan and grant
programs, go to www .pdc.us. W rite your PDC story.
'S3 K103
MW N a tu ra l
inistries, Pr< Inc.
Cox & Cox
Funeral chapel
Bishop H.L. Hodge, Ph.I).
C e n te r, corner of 124 NE Albert«
What: “ The Voice Speaks”
2736 N E Rodney Avenue
P ortland, Oregon 97212
ffiddY, Augt ls
7pm to 10pm
*A Different Location*
Where: Now at Emmanuel COGICU
Worship Service
Evening Workshop
Miracle and Healing
48(X) NE 30th Avenue, Portland, OR 97211
When: Sundays 8:00 A.M. Worship Service
Wednesdays 7:00 P.M. Bible Study
.lam es Brown
Saturday, Aug, 2nd
2pm to 10pm
Workshop 2-3pm
Eellowship/Vendor Activities
'Cash Prize Giveaway
5 / In I,VIZ ) \ S sto ut) INDIVIDUAL S20.00 PFR
B is h o p H o d g e a n d C o n g re g a tio n in v ite e veryone to
jo in us a t o u r a p p o in tm e n t w ith Jesus.
Vendors make reservations @ 503-805-6611 or 503-788-8565
June 18, 1954-J u ly 24, 2008
W e Reach, T e a ch . & Preach in Jesus' N a m e !!!
Date of Service:
To inquire about our Training Ministry call 503-863-6545
or email: hodgehspks@msn.com
August 2, 2008
11:00 AM
A u g u sta n a
L u th e ra n
C h u rch
Cox & Cox Funeral Chapel
w e lc o m e s y o u to o u r I 5 th A n n u a l
Cong ratu I ati ons
Kuniko Phillips-Sattiewhite
K u n ik o re c e iv e d a B a c h e lo r's
fro m G e o rg ia State U n iv e rs ity in
Business A d m in is tra tio n w ith co n ­
ce n tra tio n in H o s p ita lity in A t ­
lanta, G e o rg ia in 2001. M a s te r's
fro m K e lle r G raduate S ch o o l o f
M a nagem ent o f D e v ry U n iv e r­
sity in P u b lic A d m in is tra tio n w ith
a c o n ce n tra tio n in G o v e rn m e n t
and a M a s te r's in H u m a n R e­
s o u rc e s
M anagem ent
V e g a d , N e ve d a iti 2 0 0 8 . She
S u m m e r in t h e C it y
Lay Witness Night
S u n d ay, A u gu st 3
o u t d o o r s 4 : 0 0 -7 : 0 0 p . m .
o f the
A fr ic a n M e th o d is t E p is c o p a l C h u r c h ,
P a c ific N o r th W e s t C o n fe re n c e
O u td o o r m u s ic a n d fo o d 4 :0 0 -6 :0 0
p .m . J a z z s e r v ic e a t 6 :0 0 p .m .
f e a tu r in g j a z z g r e a t s M a r ily n
K e l l e r , S h ir le y N a n e t t e , R o n S te e n ,
K e v in D e i t z , G e o r g e M itc h e ll;
N a tiv e A m e r ic a n d r u m s a n d J lu te ;
R lu e g r a s s h a n d ; te e n a g e S o c ia l
J u s tic e R o ck
R o ll
Invites you, your fa m ily & friends from the Portland,
Tacoma & Seattle Areas To Celebrate with us!
C o m e c e le b r a t e t h e w o n d e r f u l
d iv e r s it y o f P o r tla n d
Featuring N ational R ecording A rtis t
graduated fro m B enson T e ch in 1995. F ro m y o u r P roud
R e v . W .J . M a r k K n u t s o n , P a s t o r
Parents G re g o ry A P h illip s & B e tty L . P h illip s and sister
Sundas W orship 8 : 3 0 & I I a m , I 2 :4 5 & 6 p m
The Lay Organization
The Conferenace Lay Organization
“Gospel Music in a Nu Way’’
Eddie H unt & N uE ra • G ospel Ensemble M in is try
Front The Christian Faith, Federal Way & Seattle
Under the Leadership of Pastor Casey Treat
N E I 5 th & K n o t t n e a r L lo y d C e n t e r
R e D o u d a L . P h illip s a ll o f P o rtla n d , O re g o n .
Gratitude from
the family of
Willie-Roy and
Louis Johnson
W hen it seem ed th a t out-
loss w as to o g re a t to b ear,
we lo o k e d u p a n d sa w th a t
People o f Royalty Expanding the Kingdom o f God
o u r fr ie n d s w ere there. W h ile
o u r h e a rts a n d fa c e s w ere
f u l l o f g rie f, y o u w e re th e re
w ith a s h o u ld e r to le a n on.
fo o d to fe a s t a n d w o rd s a n d
flo w e r s
th a t flo w e d
lik e
r a in .
F o r th a t the fa m ily o f Roy
a n d L o u is J o h n s o n w o n te d
to s a y we th a n k y o u a n d
A Ministry that is Kingdom Focused
A Ministry for the family
A Ministry with a Fresh & Anointed Message
A Ministry that Empowers You to be an
Effective Kingdom Citizen & Experience
I__I’astoi Kiaiu L Jenkins I •
Morning Worship 11:15am
2nd & 4th Sundays 7pm
I hursdavs:
Kincdnni Knowledge
♦August 8th, 2008*
8235 Northeast Airport Way
Portland Oregon 97220, United States
Contact: Simeon Rhoden (206) 380-1794
or jim m y Brown (206) 551 -5757
4550 NE 20th Ave, Portland OR 97236
Office: (503)777-2674, Website: www.royalpm.org
G o d f o r fr ie n d s lik e you.
Friday Evening
Open @ 6:30 pm - Event is Free Free Free
Sheraton Portland Airport Hotel