Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 16, 2008, Page 6, Image 6

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    luly 16, 2008
Page A6
o iì M m p u s
Calling all hipsters!
A re you looking for a
groovy exp erien ce?
W h e th e r you lo v e
them or love to hate
th e m , th e C la rk
C o u n ty H is to r ic a l
M useum invites you
to explore their new
Boomer! exhibit. The
exhibit takes an up
clo se and p erso n al
look at how the Baby Boom er gen­
eration has transform ed American
culture during the 1950’s, 1960’s
and 19 7 0 ’ s.
B o o m e r! in c lu d e s p h o t o ­
g rap h s, clo th in g and o th e r 3 -d i­
m ensional artifa cts from the g e n ­
eratio n . B oom er! runs through
Album Chart
R apper Lil W ayne has re ­
tu rn ed to the top o f th e U.S.
pop album ch art, en d in g the
tw o-w eek reign o f B ritish rock
band C oldplay.
Lil W a y n e 's" T h a C a rte r III"
sold 15 6,000 co p ies d u rin g the
w eek end ed July 6, acco rd in g
to N ielsen S ou n d S ean , and has
now sold 1.68 m illion in four
w eeks o f release.
C o ld p lay 's "V iv a L a V id a o r
D eath and All H is F rien d s"
slipped to No. 2 w ith 149,000
co p ies. H ip-flopping w ith Lil
W ay n e.
T h e J o n a s B r o th e r s - le d
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emie lull h5tnb«irstatelairB com
Lit Wayne
so u n d track to D isn ey 's "C am p
Rock" TV m ovie w as No. 3 for a
third w eek w ith 116,000.
Clark County' Historical
Museum exhibit
April 3 0 ,2009.
The public is invited to jo in in on
the fun and help the m useum to
continue to docum ent the boom er
generation. A lthough the exhibit is
com plete, m useum staff are still
looking for item s to enhance the
m useum ’s collection.
24 Hour Good Neighbor Service'"
S u m m er C o n certs in the P a rk s — Portland
Parks and Recreation sponsors free concerts in
neighborhood parks throughout the city d u r­
ing July and August. Concert schedules are
posted on portlandparks.org or call 503-823-
Israeli S treet F estiv a l - W ednesday, July 16,
from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. the Oregon Jewish M u­
seum, 3 10 N. W. Davis, will host the celebration,
featuring Israeli food, gam es, and live K lezmer
music by Yankl Falk and DoinaG roove.
H ot Ju ly N ig h ts C o n cert — Friday, July 18,
enjoy live music under the stars at Esther Short
Park in Vancouver, the Norman Sylvester Band
will get the party started at 6 p. m., with headl i ner
Peter Frampton taking the stage at 8 p.m. For
m ore inform ation, visit hotjulynights.com .
The traveling show runs through Sept. 1
with dinosaur-them ed mazes, vivid murals and
hands-on, interactive fun.
Meltdown". For more information, call 503-491 -
“ R oald D a h l’s W illy W o n k a ” — Currently
th ro u g h J u ly 2 7, W a s h in g to n P ark
A m phitheatre will host the theatrical adapta­
tion of “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.”
A dult p erfo rm an ces are sch ed u led ev ery
evening except M ondays, at 6:30 p.m.; and
youth perform ances will be at 10 a.m. and noon
on Saturdays and Sundays. For more inform a­
tion, call 503-402-1994.
B ehind theS ho.ji A rt Show -Ju ly 26 through
S ep tem b er 2, the Portland Japanese G ardens,
6115 K in g sto n D r.,
will host the G a rd e n 's
b ig g est art ev en t o f
th e y e a r f e a tu r in g
A sian -in sp ired o rig i­
n a l a r tw o r k
unique gifts; for m ore
i n f o r m a ti o n
v is i t
ja p a n e se g a rd e n .c o m .
Y ou n g A rtists C a m p -
June 1
June 8
June 15
June 22
June 29
Reggie Houston &
Janice Scroggins
&/or special guest
Sundays 5-8pm
at Cannon’s
Rib Express
July 27
— a~- »■
- t -
(in New Season's shopping center)
|L What could be better?
Musicians are welcome to
sit in for a jam,
so you never
will show
Presented by
Cannon's Rib Express
yyww. regg ie houstonTcom
Eddie Lincoln Broker
under the stars at the Oregon Zoo, 4(X)I SW
Canyon Rd., the concert series features: Los
Lonely Boys and Los Lobos on Friday, July 18,
Emmylou Harris will be performing on J uly 22, and
on Ju ly 23 catch B lue H igh way; for more i nforma-
tion visit oregonzoo.org orcall 503-226-1561.
B lack U nited F und B enefit C o n cert -
i’ Sunshine, BBQ and a free,
all-ages, outdoor show by a
¡New Orleans’ sax legend and
r sotne’of the'best playersin-
Sept 14
O reg o n Z oo C on cert Series - Enjoy live music
T hursday, July 24 at 7 p.m., the great
Mel Brown will be performing at Jim my
M ak’s, 221 NW 10 Ave., proceeds to
benefit the Black United Fund o f O r­
egon. Volunteer opportunities are avail­
able to get involved call 503-282-7973.
- July 28 thru Aug. 9,
from 10a.m . to 3 p.m.,
children ages I Oto 13,
will experience the fun, gam es,exercises, w rit­
ing and perform ances to huild confidence and
creativity at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural
Center. For more inform ation and to register,
call 503-823-4322.
P a in tin g s at R eflectio n s - Reflections Coffee
House, 446 N.E. K illingsw orthSt., is hosting an
exhibit o f acrylic paint­
ings o f portraits, outdoor
scenes and anim als by
Gabriella Steele.
( om m u n itv in M otion --
Portland people and land­
scapes o f public transit
becom e the stars in print
w orks by F. X. Fosica
currently on display in a
fee solo exhibit at the In­
terstate Firehouse C u l­
tural Center, 5340 N. Interstate Ave.
O reg o n B rew ers F estival — July 24
thru July 27 from noon to 9 p.m ., at the
Tom McCall W aterfront Park, beerfans
will be able to sam ple brew s from 72
craft breweries.
S p iritu al T ra d itio n s — Sunday. July 27. fro m 6
p.m. to 8 p.m., the Portland Insight M ediation
Center, 6536 S.E. Duke St., will host Matthew
Flicks,ein, distinguished author and teacher
lecturing at the fundraiser in support o f this
inspirational docum entary featuring over 30
spiritual leaders from around the globe.
D iv e-In M ovies — Friday, July 25, Ml. Hood
C om m unity C ollege A quatic C enter hosts the
family fun sum m er Dive-In M ovies featuring
“S u rf's Up” an anim ated tale o f a surfing pen­
guin and on Aug. I swim in for "Ice Age: The
D in osau rs! - Prehistoric roars rever­
berate over lush rain forest canopies
as the Oregon Zoo takes visitors back
m illionsofyears with its summ erblock-
busterexhibit, “ D onosaurs!” The life-
size am inatronic beasts roar, snarl and
m ove with realistic ferocity. A dm is­
sion is $4 plus regular zoo adm ission.
K id s L ive L arge — Kids can grab on,
push o ff and glide through the Juras­
sic in the D inosaur Revolution exhibit
at the Portland C hildren’s M useum.
C a r Show an d F e stiv a l—Aug. 16, from 11 a m.
to 9 p.m . at the W a lg ree n ’s on L om b ard and
G reeley , w ith food, m usic, ears, gam es, d o o r
p rizes, rock clim b in g , face p ain tin g , and lots
o f fun.
F esta ita lia n a ‘P iazza Ita lia ’ — Aug. 21 thru
Aug. 24, Pioneer Square will com e to life with
the rich culture o f Italy at the fam ily-friendly
Italian celebration o f good food and music
featuring the C arter Fam ily M arionettes, com ­
petitions in pizza tossing, grape stom ping, danc­
ing, vino and more.
O reg o n Z o o B u ck T u e sd a y s — On the 2nd
Tuesday o f every month, the zoo hosts 2-Buck
T uesdays when guests can tour the zoo during
regular zoo hours for the discounted price o f $2
per person!
L iv e J a z z — Every Friday and Saturday from 8
p.m. to 11 p.m., the Third Degrees Lounge at the
RiverPlaee Hotel, I510S.W . H arbor W ay, will
host the ongoing w eekend series featuring
P ortland’s rich jazz scene with no cover or
m inim um purchase. For more inform ation, visit
O M S I $2 D ays — T he first Sunday o f every
month can spark your passion for science at the
OM SI when adm ission is just $2. Exhibits and
over 200 hands-on; also offered on $2 days is
a special reduced adm issions o f $5 each for the
P la n e ta riu m , O M N IM A X , and th e U SS
Blueback subm arine tours. For more inform a­
tion, visit O M SI.edu.
P o r tla n d P o lic e M u se u m — T his spring the
P ortland Police M useum , t i l l S.W . S econd
Ave. o ffers a hands-on exhibit on crim e scene
in v e stig a tio n sp e c ific a lly g ea red to w ard
sch o o l-ag e ch ild ren . V isito rs w ill be able to
o p erate an actual fin g erp rin t scan n in g m a­
ch in e and ex am in e ev id en ce, and receiv e a
free ch ild safety kit. F ree ad m issio n . For
m ore inform ation, cal 15 0 3 -8 2 3 -0 0 19.
F irst T h u rsd ay A rt G allery O p en in g — Every
first Thursday in the Pearl, meet the artists and
jo in the street party for gallery receptions and
openings introducing the w orks o f many art­
ists; this is a free event.
Jazz. V ib es - Swingin'
b rass
n o te s
an d
sassy ja z z n u m b ers
wi 11 rink out on a warm
P o r tla n d e v e n in g
w hen
C a th e r in e
R ussell, plays the O r­
egon Z o o ’s S um m er
C o n c e rt S e rie s , on
W ed n esd ay , July 16
a t 7 p .m . T ic k e ts
are $ 10.
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