luly 16, 2008 Page A6 BOOMER! RapperTops o iì M m p u s Calling all hipsters! A re you looking for a groovy exp erien ce? W h e th e r you lo v e them or love to hate th e m , th e C la rk C o u n ty H is to r ic a l M useum invites you to explore their new Boomer! exhibit. The exhibit takes an up clo se and p erso n al look at how the Baby Boom er gen­ eration has transform ed American culture during the 1950’s, 1960’s and 19 7 0 ’ s. B o o m e r! in c lu d e s p h o t o ­ g rap h s, clo th in g and o th e r 3 -d i­ m ensional artifa cts from the g e n ­ eratio n . B oom er! runs through Album Chart GYM R apper Lil W ayne has re ­ tu rn ed to the top o f th e U.S. pop album ch art, en d in g the tw o-w eek reign o f B ritish rock band C oldplay. Lil W a y n e 's" T h a C a rte r III" sold 15 6,000 co p ies d u rin g the w eek end ed July 6, acco rd in g to N ielsen S ou n d S ean , and has now sold 1.68 m illion in four w eeks o f release. C o ld p lay 's "V iv a L a V id a o r D eath and All H is F rien d s" slipped to No. 2 w ith 149,000 co p ies. H ip-flopping w ith Lil W ay n e. T h e J o n a s B r o th e r s - le d Family owned/operated. Extremely Competitive Monthly Membership Kates! N EVER too late to get in shape!!" 4545 NE M L K Jr. Blvd. P D X , 97211 5 0 3 .2 8 8 .4 7 1 7 "A Slate Farm* Providing Insuianci* and Financial Services lM » U a A M tt Home Office, Bloomington. Illinois 61 Z,0 Ernest J. Hill, Jr. Agent 4946 N Vancouver Avenue. Portland, OR 97717 503 7861103 ta x 603 286 1146 emie lull h5tnb«irstatelairB com Lit Wayne so u n d track to D isn ey 's "C am p Rock" TV m ovie w as No. 3 for a third w eek w ith 116,000. Clark County' Historical Museum exhibit April 3 0 ,2009. The public is invited to jo in in on the fun and help the m useum to continue to docum ent the boom er generation. A lthough the exhibit is com plete, m useum staff are still looking for item s to enhance the m useum ’s collection. 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service'" S u m m er C o n certs in the P a rk s — Portland Parks and Recreation sponsors free concerts in neighborhood parks throughout the city d u r­ ing July and August. Concert schedules are posted on or call 503-823- 5466. Israeli S treet F estiv a l - W ednesday, July 16, from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. the Oregon Jewish M u­ seum, 3 10 N. W. Davis, will host the celebration, featuring Israeli food, gam es, and live K lezmer music by Yankl Falk and DoinaG roove. H ot Ju ly N ig h ts C o n cert — Friday, July 18, enjoy live music under the stars at Esther Short Park in Vancouver, the Norman Sylvester Band will get the party started at 6 p. m., with headl i ner Peter Frampton taking the stage at 8 p.m. For m ore inform ation, visit . The traveling show runs through Sept. 1 with dinosaur-them ed mazes, vivid murals and hands-on, interactive fun. Meltdown". For more information, call 503-491 - 7243. “ R oald D a h l’s W illy W o n k a ” — Currently th ro u g h J u ly 2 7, W a s h in g to n P ark A m phitheatre will host the theatrical adapta­ tion of “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.” A dult p erfo rm an ces are sch ed u led ev ery evening except M ondays, at 6:30 p.m.; and youth perform ances will be at 10 a.m. and noon on Saturdays and Sundays. For more inform a­ tion, call 503-402-1994. B ehind theS ho.ji A rt Show -Ju ly 26 through S ep tem b er 2, the Portland Japanese G ardens, 6115 K in g sto n D r., will host the G a rd e n 's b ig g est art ev en t o f th e y e a r f e a tu r in g A sian -in sp ired o rig i­ n a l a r tw o r k and unique gifts; for m ore i n f o r m a ti o n v is i t ja p a n e se g a rd e n .c o m . Y ou n g A rtists C a m p - June 1 June 8 June 15 June 22 June 29 Reggie Houston & Janice Scroggins &/or special guest Sundays 5-8pm at Cannon’s Rib Express July 27 — a~- »■ - t - (in New Season's shopping center) |L What could be better? Musicians are welcome to sit in for a jam, so you never _know.who_ ZjMawSMk will show Presented by Cannon's Rib Express and______ yyww. regg ie houstonTcom Eddie Lincoln Broker under the stars at the Oregon Zoo, 4(X)I SW Canyon Rd., the concert series features: Los Lonely Boys and Los Lobos on Friday, July 18, Emmylou Harris will be performing on J uly 22, and on Ju ly 23 catch B lue H igh way; for more i nforma- tion visit orcall 503-226-1561. B lack U nited F und B enefit C o n cert - i’ Sunshine, BBQ and a free, all-ages, outdoor show by a ¡New Orleans’ sax legend and r sotne’of the'best playersin- town! Sept 14 O reg o n Z oo C on cert Series - Enjoy live music SEASONS T hursday, July 24 at 7 p.m., the great Mel Brown will be performing at Jim my M ak’s, 221 NW 10 Ave., proceeds to benefit the Black United Fund o f O r­ egon. Volunteer opportunities are avail­ able to get involved call 503-282-7973. - July 28 thru Aug. 9, from 10a.m . to 3 p.m., children ages I Oto 13, will experience the fun, gam es,exercises, w rit­ ing and perform ances to huild confidence and creativity at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center. For more inform ation and to register, call 503-823-4322. P a in tin g s at R eflectio n s - Reflections Coffee House, 446 N.E. K illingsw orthSt., is hosting an exhibit o f acrylic paint­ ings o f portraits, outdoor scenes and anim als by Gabriella Steele. ( om m u n itv in M otion -- Portland people and land­ scapes o f public transit becom e the stars in print w orks by F. X. Fosica currently on display in a fee solo exhibit at the In­ terstate Firehouse C u l­ tural Center, 5340 N. Interstate Ave. O reg o n B rew ers F estival — July 24 thru July 27 from noon to 9 p.m ., at the Tom McCall W aterfront Park, beerfans will be able to sam ple brew s from 72 craft breweries. S p iritu al T ra d itio n s — Sunday. July 27. fro m 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., the Portland Insight M ediation Center, 6536 S.E. Duke St., will host Matthew Flicks,ein, distinguished author and teacher lecturing at the fundraiser in support o f this inspirational docum entary featuring over 30 spiritual leaders from around the globe. D iv e-In M ovies — Friday, July 25, Ml. Hood C om m unity C ollege A quatic C enter hosts the family fun sum m er Dive-In M ovies featuring “S u rf's Up” an anim ated tale o f a surfing pen­ guin and on Aug. I swim in for "Ice Age: The D in osau rs! - Prehistoric roars rever­ berate over lush rain forest canopies as the Oregon Zoo takes visitors back m illionsofyears with its summ erblock- busterexhibit, “ D onosaurs!” The life- size am inatronic beasts roar, snarl and m ove with realistic ferocity. A dm is­ sion is $4 plus regular zoo adm ission. K id s L ive L arge — Kids can grab on, push o ff and glide through the Juras­ sic in the D inosaur Revolution exhibit at the Portland C hildren’s M useum. C a r Show an d F e stiv a l—Aug. 16, from 11 a m. to 9 p.m . at the W a lg ree n ’s on L om b ard and G reeley , w ith food, m usic, ears, gam es, d o o r p rizes, rock clim b in g , face p ain tin g , and lots o f fun. F esta ita lia n a ‘P iazza Ita lia ’ — Aug. 21 thru Aug. 24, Pioneer Square will com e to life with the rich culture o f Italy at the fam ily-friendly Italian celebration o f good food and music featuring the C arter Fam ily M arionettes, com ­ petitions in pizza tossing, grape stom ping, danc­ ing, vino and more. O reg o n Z o o B u ck T u e sd a y s — On the 2nd Tuesday o f every month, the zoo hosts 2-Buck T uesdays when guests can tour the zoo during regular zoo hours for the discounted price o f $2 per person! L iv e J a z z — Every Friday and Saturday from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m., the Third Degrees Lounge at the RiverPlaee Hotel, I510S.W . H arbor W ay, will host the ongoing w eekend series featuring P ortland’s rich jazz scene with no cover or m inim um purchase. For more inform ation, visit O M S I $2 D ays — T he first Sunday o f every month can spark your passion for science at the OM SI when adm ission is just $2. Exhibits and over 200 hands-on; also offered on $2 days is a special reduced adm issions o f $5 each for the P la n e ta riu m , O M N IM A X , and th e U SS Blueback subm arine tours. For more inform a­ tion, visit O M P o r tla n d P o lic e M u se u m — T his spring the P ortland Police M useum , t i l l S.W . S econd Ave. o ffers a hands-on exhibit on crim e scene in v e stig a tio n sp e c ific a lly g ea red to w ard sch o o l-ag e ch ild ren . V isito rs w ill be able to o p erate an actual fin g erp rin t scan n in g m a­ ch in e and ex am in e ev id en ce, and receiv e a free ch ild safety kit. F ree ad m issio n . For m ore inform ation, cal 15 0 3 -8 2 3 -0 0 19. F irst T h u rsd ay A rt G allery O p en in g — Every first Thursday in the Pearl, meet the artists and jo in the street party for gallery receptions and openings introducing the w orks o f many art­ ists; this is a free event. Jazz. V ib es - Swingin' b rass n o te s an d sassy ja z z n u m b ers wi 11 rink out on a warm P o r tla n d e v e n in g w hen C a th e r in e R ussell, plays the O r­ egon Z o o ’s S um m er C o n c e rt S e rie s , on W ed n esd ay , July 16 a t 7 p .m . T ic k e ts are $ 10. Michael Tillery Broker 503.975.8004 m ichael@ Please ta ll me, your neighborhood specialist, for any o f your Real Estate needs. My success is built on a com m itm ent to quality service. People o f Royalty Expanding the Kingdom o f God • I Hart Realty 9738 SE Washington St.. Suite Q Portland, Oregon 97216 Business (503) 252-2121 F a x(50 3,25 2-2 621 Cell (503)789-0861 E-Mail eddie.lmcoln@ccntury21 com Facft office Is Independently Owned end Opere ted BRID G ETO W N r REALTY 1 It Pastor Kevin I .. Jenkins— I • S u n d ays: Morning Worship 11:15am 2nd & 4th Sundays 7pm Thursdays: Kingdom Knowledge 7:,)0pm • • A Ministry that is Kingdom Focused A Ministry for the family A Ministry with a Fresh & Anointed Message A Ministry that Empowers You to be an Effective Kingdom Citizen & Experience Victory 4 5 5 0 N F 20th A ve, P ortlan d O R 9 7 2 3 6 O ffice : (5 0 3 )7 7 7 -2 6 7 4 , W eb site: w w w .ro y a lp m .o rg I