Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 02, 2008, Page 3, Image 3

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July 2. 2008
A cool taste sensation is a welcome treat for Inez Jackson at last weekend's
Good in the Neighborhood celebration at King School Park.
G o o d the Neighborhood
photos by
M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver
Seattle's Northside Drill Team and Drum Squad from Seattle highlight last Saturday's Good in the Neighborhood
parade along Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, an official Rose Festival event.
Birth Record Required at DMV
(A P ) — N e e d to re n e w o r
re p la c e y o u r d riv e r's lic e n se ?
S tart hunting fo r that passport o r
birth certificate.
D rivers w ho w ant a license in
O reg o n m ust now prove they're
in the country legally. T he new
rule w ent into effect T uesday.
B esides arriving w ith their p a ss­
port, original birth certificate o r
Dear Deanna!
I’ve spent tons o f money on dates
and dining but get nothing in re­
turn. 1 try to hold on to chivalry in
this day and age but women need to
get with the program and spend as
well. I’m tired o f w atching other
men do the sam e? How do I let a
w om an know 1 want to date her but
I’m not willing to part with my
m oney too soon? —Roger Davis;
Atlanta, Ga.
im m igration papers, drivers will
also need do cu m en ts that list their
S ocial S ecurity nu m b er, such as
a ta x r e tu rn o r e m p lo y m e n t
re c o rd .
"E ven if they sh o w ed a birth
ce rtificate years ago w hen they
got their license, we'Ve got to see
it again," said D avid H ouse, a
sp o k esm an fo r the D riv er and
M otor V ehicle S ervices D ivision.
G ov. T ed K ulongoski o rdered
the D M V to start v erify in g Social
S ecurity num bers in February.
L aw m ak ers then took it a step
further and gave the state explicit
authority to ch eck a d riv er's legal
statu s.
H ouse said the agency has seen
a 10 p ercent d ro p in the n um ber
Ask ö
spending most o f the time with her.
W hat are my options? —A nony­
mous; Buffalo, N.Y.
Dear Anonymous:
Y ou’re trying to be im pressive by
spending money like a fake Donald
T rum p. If “g ettin g som ething"
drives your motivation for dinner
and dating then you got what you
deserved. Nothing. It’s none of
your business how other men spend
their money. You should lead by
example. Before your next date have
a money discussion and determ ine
w h o 's paying or if y ou'll go Dutch
and keep it moving.
Dear Deanna!
I’ve been dating a guy for three
years and he claim s that he loves
me. However, I often w onder how
we can love one another when we
really don't know each other. We
never go out together although we
spend tim e at each oth er's home.
He blam es it on his job. It’s true he
w orks a lot, but I feel that if you
really w ant to be with som eone
you'll m aketim e. I turned 4 0 o n my
birthday and feel it's time to move
on. -Jean ette; O n-Line Reader
Dear Jeanette:
T h ere's a huge com m unication gap
Ask Deanna is written by Deanna
M. Write Ask Deanna! Email:
askdeannal@yahoo.com or 264
in this relationship. It’s odd to be
S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283
with som eone for 4 years and still
Beverly Hills. CA 90211. Website:
fall short on quality time. H e’s sim ­ www.askdeanna.coni
ply not into you but y o u ’ve m ade it
easy for him to be in this relation­
ship. You should get a new attitude
and lay your cards on the table and
express yourdesires. If he still wants
to be dead weight using his jo b as
an excuse, then hit the road and
d o n ’t look back.
Dear Deanna!
My h u sb a n d 's d au ghter from a
previous m arriage will spend the
sum m er with us. Her m other never
liked me and has passed this ju d g ­
ment onto her daughter. Her mother
has threatened to fight me if I ver­
bally or physically discipline her.
My husband has given me author­
ity to discipline as needed espe­
cially since I'm the one that will be
C ritics o f illegal im m igration
called the state a hav en for the
undocum ented, and said anything
less than a p ro o f-o f-le g al-p res­
ence stan d ard o p en s the w ay to
drug traffick in g and terrorism .
O p p o n en ts o f the d o cu m en ta­
tion req u irem en ts say peo p le w ho
are poor, eld erly or live in rural
areas m ay h av e a to u g h tim e
g ettin g ID card s o r d riv er's li­
censes. N atio n ally , ab o u t 11 m il­
lion U.S. citiz en s lack birth c e r­
tificates o r passports.
"T he reality is that not ev e ry ­
body has these d o cu m en ts, and
m ay h av e d iffic u lty o b ta in in g
them ," said R ick B ennett, a lo b ­
byist for the se n io r citizen s group,
A A R P O regon.
Local Intern Goes to Washington
- som ething that resonates with
Lewis because she was diagnosed
rew arding - there’s som ething with a learning d isab ility -d y slex ia
different every day.”
- when she was a young girl.
Despite the hard work, she has
“ It’s im portant to understand
managed to find time to see the that people with disabilities are part
many museum s and m onum ents o f the human condition." she said.
that dot the W ashington D.C. “W e are here; living our lives every
d ay .”
One landmark that she found
Ironically, the question o f dis­
particularly inspiring was the ability has recently hit hom e in Sen.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt M e­ K ennedy's office. The M assachu­
morial. Roosevelt guided the na­ setts senator is on leave after being
tion through one of its most try­ diag n o sed w ith it brain tum or.
ing times, the Second W orld War. W hile this has had obvious ram ifi­
despite being wheelchair-bound- cations for his office - he can 't be
because o f polio. R oo sev elt’s present in the Senate to deliberate
presidency did a great deal to o rto cast votes, fo rex am p le-L ew is
dispel widely held myths about said that there is lots to do in the
the capability o f disabled people senator’s absence.
Your husband and his ex-w ife need
to let the child know that she must
behave and act as if she has some
sense. If you and your husband are
in agreem ent with the house rules,
then nothing else should be said.
As for the m other, shut her down
and let her know that she ca n 't
regulate anything in your house. If
she insists, then she can keep the
ch i Id at hom e and no one has to deal
with any issues.
Dear Roger:
o f licenses issued since F eb ru ­
ary. Last year, 105,000 licenses
w ere issu ed from F eb ru ary to
M ay. D u rin g th e sa m e fo u r-
m onth period th is year, 9 3 ,0 0 0
w ere issued.
Before the rules were changed,
O regon was one o f only a handful
o f states that did not require p ro o f
o f legal residence for a license.
New rules started Tuesday
fro m Front
“The office is optim istic,” she
said. “Everyone expects him to
recover. But in the meantime, there
is plenty o f work to be done. The
office has to keep going.”
Lewis said her time in W ash­
ington definitely will figure into
her future educational and career
plans. W hile she still wants to
w orkindisahilityadvocacy-even-
tually as the head o f a nonprofit
organization - she said that she
w ants to spend at least som e of
her professional life w orking in
the federal governm ent.
“ I want to m ake a change,” she
said. “It's been am azing to w atch
policy being ham m ered out in per­
son. You can see change happen
right in front o f you.”
Y o u r fa v o rite n e ig h b o r h o o d g r o c e r y s to r e n o w d e liv e r s
g r o c e r ie s r ig h t to y o u r h o m e o r o ffic e .
Teen Hero Falls from Grace
A teenager who was a hero in
2006 for tackling a man w ho had
snatched a baby girl from a stroller
on a MAX platform has been sen­
tenced to 10 years in prison for
shooting tw o teenagers in the legs.
L am arC urry, 16, also had faced
rap e charges, but those w ere d is­
m issed in a plea bargain. He w as
ch arg ed w ith shooting the teen-
a g e rs o u ts id e J e ffe rs o n H igh
S chool last O cto b er afte r a h o m e­
com ing d ance in w hat p olice said
ap p e ared to be a g an g -related
T w o years ago, C urry, a local
African American male, rescued the
baby girl from a deranged man who
said he intended to throw her under
the train.
Transit Riders Hit Hard
con tin u ed
fro m Front
m u te r R ail s e rv ic e b e tw e e n
W ilsonville and Beaverton.
( )ver the past several years, Tri Met
says it has made several adjustments
to its vehicles, making its bus fleet
one of the most fuel-efficient in the
nation. These actions save more than
Tri Met has also transferred $ 4 .1
m illion from contingency to offset
current fuel costs, as well as elim i­
nated 18 staff positions and re­
duced other programs.
M onthly passes for adult cash
fares will increase $ 10. TriM et also
is creating a new 14-day pass to
give riders the savings o f a monthly
pass, but purchase it in sm aller in­
w w w .n e w s e a s o n s m a r k e t.c o m
you click, we deliver, (or pull up for pick up)