Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 28, 2008, Page 8, Image 8

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    May 28. 2008
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Page B2
for more information.
R ose F estiv a l S ta rlig h t P a ra d e - The Star­
light Parade, the Portland Rose Festival’s illu­
minated parade, kicks off Saturday, May 31 at 8:30
p.m. The parade is one o f the festival’s most popular
events, draw ing more than 250,000 spectators to watch spar­
kling floats, gleam ing bands and glowing marching groups wind their
way through downtown.
N ew p o rt In d ep en d en ce D ay - F riday, July 4 at
W a terfro n t V illage - The Rose
Festival W aterfront V illage opens
T h u rs d a y , M ay 29 an d ru n s
through- Sunday, June 8 on the
dow ntow n waterfront until 11 p.m.
each night. Kids 6 and under are
alw ays free. Evening adm ission is
$5 from 4 p.m. until closing for ev­
eryone 7 years and older, except
opening night and T uesdays, when
adm ission is free for everybody all
Sea O tter E n c o u n te r -Friday, July
4, the Oregon Coast Aquarium, 2820
5. E. Ferry Slip Road in Newport, will
host this educational opportunity
for children ages 8 and up; for more
inform ation, visit aquarium .org.
O reg o n Z oo B u ck T uesdays - On
the 2nd Tuesday o f every month,
the zoo hosts 2-Buck Tuesdays
w hen guests can tour the zoo dur­
ing regular zoo hours for the dis­
L ast T h u rsd ay R eception -Thurs­
day, May 29 from 5:30 to 9 p.m. the
Talisman Gallery, 1476 N.E. Alberta
St., will host an artist reception for Dan Bronson, photographer, and
Raina Imig, m andala fused glass artist. The exhibit will be available
through June 22.
Music and a good brew will fill the concert lawn at the Oregon
Zoo Friday for “Zoo Brew, " a Northwest microbrew festival.
Talents at ‘Zoo Brew’
On Friday, May 30, from 5 to 10
p.m., zoogoers and beer lovers alike
will leave the strain o f the eity to
unwind at the 2nd annual Zoo Brew.
The O regon Zoo brew ers' festi­
val, features nearly 25 o f the area’s
best m icrobrew s. O rganizers em ­
phasize that this is a tasting event.
Sam Bamboo and Pal O ’N eal's
Dixieland Jazz Band perform on the
concert lawn, as attendees sample
beers and ales along with food
provided by O regon Zoo E xecu­
tive C hef Paul W arner.
"The zoo is a m agical place in
the evening,” said Tony V ecchio,
zoodirector. “Zoo Brew makes for
a perfect, relaxing date night.”
Advance adm ission is $25, or
$30 at the door, and includes a
co m m em o ra tiv e g lass and 10
M usic M illen n iu m F ree S h o w s -- Music M illennium, 3 158 E. Burnside,
hosts many in-house live perform ances. Enjoy free music and the
opportunity to meet local artists. Call 5 0 3 -2 3 1 -8926 for a schedule.
O M S I $2 D ays - The first Sunday o f every month can spark your
passion for science at the
OMSI when adm ission isjust
$2. Exhibits and over 2(H)
hands-on activities and plan­
etarium show s will be show ­
cased. For more information,
visit O M SI.edu.
M ississip p i C o n cert - Local jazz greats Linda H ornbuckle and Janice
Scroggins perform Saturday, May 31 at 10 p.m. at M ississippi Studio’s,
3939 N. M ississippi Ave. Form ore inform ation,call 503-288-3895.
2nd A n n u a l C lark J a zz N ig h t - Friday, May 30 at 7:30 p.m., the Clark
College Music Department hosts the final performance of the ‘Jazz@ Clark’
series at the G aiser Hall Student Center, show casing the acclaim ed
student jazz ensem bles and directors. Free adm ission, with donations
G la ss in th e G a rd en - June 14 thru June 30,
H igh S ch o o l M u sical — Per­
fo rm an ces o f the to u rin g
stage adaptation o f D isney's
High School Musical contin­
ues through Sunday, June I
at Keller Auditorium. Tickets
can be purchased through Ticketm aster.
P ortlan d P olice M u seu m - This spring the Portland Police M useum,
111 1 S.W. 2nd Ave., offers a hands-on exhibit on crim e-scene investi­
gation specifically geared tow ard school-age children. Visitors will be
able to operate an actual fingerprint-scanning m achine and exam ine
evidence, and receive a free child-safety kit. Free adm ission. For more
information, call 503-823-0019.
the Portland Japanese G ardens at W ashing­
ton Park invites visitors to a G lass in the
G arden exhibit in com plem ent with the Glass
Art Society bringing contem porary w orks of
art in glass by six prom inent Japanese artists.
Paul A. Neufcldt
principal w ho suspects his relationship with the
sch o o l's first A frican-A m erican student in “Doubt,"
now playing through June 15 at th eG erd in g Theater
at the A rm ory. Tickets available through the Portland
C enter for the Perform ing Arts.
panndrw @ y ahoo.com
D ive-In M o v ies - Beginning Friday, June 27, Mt.
Quality Design and Business Support
H<x)d C om m unity C ollege A quatic C enter hosts the
fam ily-fun-in-the-sum m er Dive-In M ovie series; the
first feature film is "M eet the R obinsons;” to get your
summ er pass, call 503-491 -7243.
G raphic D esign
C om pany Identity
O u td o o r Events
Ad D esign
First Thursday A rt (¡allcry ( Ipcning - Every first Thursday in the Pearl,
meet the artists and jo in the street party for gallery receptions and
openings introducing the w orks o f many artists; this is a free event.
F ree F irst Friday N ig h ts - The Portland C hildren's
D ou b t — A charm ing priest is confronted by a school
counted price o f $2 per person.
N o rm a n S y lv ester B and — Friday, May 30, at 8 p.m ., the Norman
Sylvester Band will play at H alibut’s in Portland: an d o n Saturday, May
31 at 9:30 p.m. at the G em ini Pub in Lake O sw ego; for more information,
call 503-281-5989.
D in osau rs! - Chilling prehistoric roars rever­
berate over lush rain-forest canopies as the
Oregon Zoo takes visitors back millions of
years with its sum m er blockbuster exhibit,
“D inosaurs!” The life-sizeam inatronic beasts
roar, snarl and m ove with realistic ferocity.
A dm ission is $4 plus regular zoo adm ission.
nightfall, enjoy the spectacular aerial pageantry of
N ew port’s firew orks filling the night sky. At 7 p.m., the
Newport Sym phony O rchestra entertains guests with a free concert at
N ew port High School. On Satur­
day, July 5, the Nye Beach C lam ­
bake features a seafood barbeque
and fair with live m usic, food, arts,
crafts and more.
W eb D esign
M useum has partnered with Target to provide free
adm ission to everyone on the first Friday o f each
month from 5 to 8 p.m.
H ip -h op D ance C lasses - Vancouver-Clark Parks and
Recreation is hosting family friendly hip-hop dance
classes for ages 5 to 18. V arious lessons teach rhythm,
technique, coordination, agility and teamwork through
urban dance moves. For m ore inform ation, call 360-
O p en M ic N ight — Every W ednesday night at 7 p.m.. Proper Eats Market
and Café, 8638 N. Lom bard St., hosts open-m ic night.
L ive J a zz — Every Friday and Saturday from 8 to 11 p.m ., the Third
S lid ers G rill -- Sliders G rill, 3 0 1 1 N. Lombard, features an eclectic
Degrees Lounge at the RiverPlace Hotel, 1510 S.W. H arbor W ay, will
host the ongoing weekend series
featuring Portland’s rich jazz scene
with no cover or m inim um pur­
chase. Visit w ebsite Pdxjazz.com
Kick ON the
"“ "BLAST!
assortm ent o f perform ers on the main stage, accom panied by delicious
food. Call 503-459-4488 for more information.
S u n d ay N igh t Jazz — Jazz enthusiasts can enjoy listening to the cool
sounds o f Mel Brown, in the Rogue River Room at Chinook W inds
C asino Resort in Lincoln City. No cover charge.
n ir ic i'
"W hen I
Sing, I feel
^iis w a rm th
Eddie Lincoln Broker
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Business (503) 252-2121
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E-Mail eddic.lincoln@’centuiy21 .com
Still Singing & Swinging with
KM HD 89.1fm
Each office Is Independently
SATURDAY, MAY 31, 2 0 0 8
3:00PM • 1:00AM
Owned and Operated
Have you seen me?
T ickets can be purchased at Reflections Bookstore or Geneva's Sheer Perfection
Now through May 15 tickets are just $20
rickets are 525 after May 15 or $30 on the night o f the event
(¡roup Rates Available
RSVP at rosecitymixproductions(i/ gtnail.com
Sponsored by Adveni r Sounds and Sr»«/ Purpose Wellness
Endangered Missing
Rashad Adkins
Tigist Andualem
I.atería Anglin
Julie Ard
C urrent Age: 14
Date Missing: May9,2008
M issing From:
C urrent Age: 17
Missing: April 23.2008
M issing From: Alexan­
C urrent Age: 17
C urrent Age: 16
DateMissing: May 1,2008
M issing Front
DateM issing: May8,2OO8
M issing From:
Alexandria, V A
dria. V A
Jacksonville, FL
Pensacola. FL
I f you have any inform ation please contact:
The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
1-800-TH E-LO S T (1-800-843-5678)
This public service announcement provided by the Portland Observer Newspaper.