May 28. 2008 í,!‘'^Jnrtlanh ffibscrucr Page B2 for more information. R ose F estiv a l S ta rlig h t P a ra d e - The Star­ light Parade, the Portland Rose Festival’s illu­ minated parade, kicks off Saturday, May 31 at 8:30 p.m. The parade is one o f the festival’s most popular events, draw ing more than 250,000 spectators to watch spar­ kling floats, gleam ing bands and glowing marching groups wind their way through downtown. N ew p o rt In d ep en d en ce D ay - F riday, July 4 at W a terfro n t V illage - The Rose Festival W aterfront V illage opens T h u rs d a y , M ay 29 an d ru n s through- Sunday, June 8 on the dow ntow n waterfront until 11 p.m. each night. Kids 6 and under are alw ays free. Evening adm ission is $5 from 4 p.m. until closing for ev­ eryone 7 years and older, except opening night and T uesdays, when adm ission is free for everybody all hours. Sea O tter E n c o u n te r -Friday, July 4, the Oregon Coast Aquarium, 2820 5. E. Ferry Slip Road in Newport, will host this educational opportunity for children ages 8 and up; for more inform ation, visit aquarium .org. O reg o n Z oo B u ck T uesdays - On the 2nd Tuesday o f every month, the zoo hosts 2-Buck Tuesdays w hen guests can tour the zoo dur­ ing regular zoo hours for the dis­ L ast T h u rsd ay R eception -Thurs­ day, May 29 from 5:30 to 9 p.m. the Talisman Gallery, 1476 N.E. Alberta St., will host an artist reception for Dan Bronson, photographer, and Raina Imig, m andala fused glass artist. The exhibit will be available through June 22. Music and a good brew will fill the concert lawn at the Oregon Zoo Friday for “Zoo Brew, " a Northwest microbrew festival. Talents at ‘Zoo Brew’ On Friday, May 30, from 5 to 10 p.m., zoogoers and beer lovers alike will leave the strain o f the eity to unwind at the 2nd annual Zoo Brew. The O regon Zoo brew ers' festi­ val, features nearly 25 o f the area’s best m icrobrew s. O rganizers em ­ phasize that this is a tasting event. Sam Bamboo and Pal O ’N eal's Dixieland Jazz Band perform on the concert lawn, as attendees sample beers and ales along with food provided by O regon Zoo E xecu­ tive C hef Paul W arner. "The zoo is a m agical place in the evening,” said Tony V ecchio, zoodirector. “Zoo Brew makes for a perfect, relaxing date night.” Advance adm ission is $25, or $30 at the door, and includes a co m m em o ra tiv e g lass and 10 tastings. M usic M illen n iu m F ree S h o w s -- Music M illennium, 3 158 E. Burnside, hosts many in-house live perform ances. Enjoy free music and the opportunity to meet local artists. Call 5 0 3 -2 3 1 -8926 for a schedule. O M S I $2 D ays - The first Sunday o f every month can spark your passion for science at the OMSI when adm ission isjust $2. Exhibits and over 2(H) hands-on activities and plan­ etarium show s will be show ­ cased. For more information, visit O M M ississip p i C o n cert - Local jazz greats Linda H ornbuckle and Janice Scroggins perform Saturday, May 31 at 10 p.m. at M ississippi Studio’s, 3939 N. M ississippi Ave. Form ore inform ation,call 503-288-3895. 2nd A n n u a l C lark J a zz N ig h t - Friday, May 30 at 7:30 p.m., the Clark College Music Department hosts the final performance of the ‘Jazz@ Clark’ series at the G aiser Hall Student Center, show casing the acclaim ed student jazz ensem bles and directors. Free adm ission, with donations accepted. * Events G la ss in th e G a rd en - June 14 thru June 30, Catering H igh S ch o o l M u sical — Per­ fo rm an ces o f the to u rin g stage adaptation o f D isney's High School Musical contin­ ues through Sunday, June I at Keller Auditorium. Tickets can be purchased through Ticketm aster. P ortlan d P olice M u seu m - This spring the Portland Police M useum, 111 1 S.W. 2nd Ave., offers a hands-on exhibit on crim e-scene investi­ gation specifically geared tow ard school-age children. Visitors will be able to operate an actual fingerprint-scanning m achine and exam ine evidence, and receive a free child-safety kit. Free adm ission. For more information, call 503-823-0019. the Portland Japanese G ardens at W ashing­ ton Park invites visitors to a G lass in the G arden exhibit in com plem ent with the Glass Art Society bringing contem porary w orks of art in glass by six prom inent Japanese artists. Meetings Paul A. Neufcldt 503-875-1695 principal w ho suspects his relationship with the sch o o l's first A frican-A m erican student in “Doubt," now playing through June 15 at th eG erd in g Theater at the A rm ory. Tickets available through the Portland C enter for the Perform ing Arts. panndrw @ y D ive-In M o v ies - Beginning Friday, June 27, Mt. Quality Design and Business Support Hs CROWN ROYAL BAR ) RSVP at rosecitymixproductions(i/ Sponsored by Adveni r Sounds and Sr»«/ Purpose Wellness Endangered Missing 4 Rashad Adkins Tigist Andualem I.atería Anglin Julie Ard C urrent Age: 14 Date Missing: May9,2008 M issing From: C urrent Age: 17 Missing: April 23.2008 M issing From: Alexan­ C urrent Age: 17 C urrent Age: 16 DateMissing: May 1,2008 M issing Front DateM issing: May8,2OO8 M issing From: Alexandria, V A dria. V A Jacksonville, FL Pensacola. FL 1-800-THE-LOST I f you have any inform ation please contact: The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children 1-800-TH E-LO S T (1-800-843-5678) This public service announcement provided by the Portland Observer Newspaper. I