Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 21, 2008, Page 5, Image 5

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Students jam the Portland Community College registrar’s office on the Rock Creek campus in northwest Portland.
Enrollment Booms on PCC Campuses
T he largest post-secondary col­
lege in the state is getting bigger.
P ortlan d C o m m u n ity C ollege
grew for the third co n sec u tiv e
term th is spring term . T he in ­
cre ase w as about 4 percent in
total p o p u latio n from last spring
o r about 6 p ercent w hen c a lc u la t­
ing co u rse s taken o r full-tim e
eq u iv ale n t (F T E ) students. A fter
the fifth w eek o f spring term , PCC
w as serving 34,335 students, up
by 1,353 stu d en ts from a year
The Southeast C enter grew by
2.9 percent to 12,778 students, but
swel led by 35.9 percent in core credit
course FTE enrollm ent.
“O ur enrollm ent is boom ing,”
said C raig Kolins, dean o f instruc­
tion and student developm ent at
the center. “ D ue to the classes
needed to satisfy the enrollm ent
grow th and b e c au seo f the increase
in com m unity use, it is all creating
space lim itations for us.”
The Southeast C enter had more
than 200 students on w aiting lists
each term for w riting, math and
English for Speakers o f O ther L an­
guages courses.
K olins said that dem an d also
has in creased for b io lo g y and
o th e r scien ce co u rses in o c e a n ­
o g rap h y , g eo lo g y and m e teo ro l­
ogy. C u rren tly , the ce n te r d o e s n ’t
have the scien ce lectu re and lab
co u rses need ed to let students
m eet the lab req u irem en ts they
need to earn an a s so c ia te ’s d e ­
gree and m ust co m p lete these at
o th e r cam puses.
In addition to the enrollm ent
surge, more than 50 businesses,
com m unity and governm ent o rga­
nizations have used the facilities
this year.
“W ith our enrollm ent growth,
we have had to limit com m unity use
o f our facilities at the Southeast
C enter to accom m odate the grow ­
ing num ber o f credit and non-credit
students who w ant to take classes,”
Kolins added.
Each o f the three com prehen­
sive cam puses at PCC offer com ­
Growth follows trend
plete paths to an associate's degree
at their respective locations.
The Rock Creek Campus in north­
west Portland, known for V eteri­
nary Technology, Landscape Tech­
nology and Biology program s, ex ­
perienced the biggest surge in en ­
rollment. Rock Creek increased by
10 percent to 7,430 students and
11.7 percent in FTE.
The C ascade C am pus in north
Portland, w hich is hom e to Trades
and Industry, C om puter T echnol­
ogy and Business A dm inistration
program s, along with the M argaret
C arter Skill Center, had 546 more
students enroll this year for the
spring, swelling to 7,329 total stu­
dents, a change o f 8 percent.
The southw est Portland cam pus
- the largest in PC C ’s district and
houses such program s as m achine
manufacturing technology, early
ch ild h o o d ed u catio n , sign la n ­
guage interpreter and autom otive
technology - experienced an in­
crease in student enrollm ent 2.9
percent to 12,289 students.
Columbus Ship ‘Nina’ to Visit
On Friday May 23, the "N ina,” a
replica o f C olum bus' favorite ship
will be docked on the dow ntow n
W aterfront at Southeast M adison
Street until her departure early
M onday morning, June 2.
T h e sh ip is on its w ay to
V ancouver Island to participate in
Tall Shipsevents. Built com pletely
by hand and without the use o f
pow er tools, the ship earned A r­ and directed by Ridley Scott.
chaeology m ag azin e's designation
W hile in port, the g eneral p u b ­
as "the m ost historically correct lic are invited to v isit the ship for
a w alk aboard self-g u id ed tours.
Colum bus replica ever built."
The craftsm anship o f construc­ The prices are $5 for adults, $4 for
tion and the details in the rigging sen io r citizen s and $3 for stu ­
make it a truly fascinating visit back dents. C h ild ren 4 and under are
to the Age o f Discovery. N ina was free. T he ship will be open every
used in the production o f the film day from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m . No res­
“ 1492," starring G erard Depardieu erv atio n s necessary.
Endangered Missing
... Not Forgotten
Have you seen me?
Community Art Celebrated
Portland Community College President Preston Pulliams (right) helps Art Beat
featured artist Harry Widman unveil his featured art work at the festival's Art
Beat kick-off ceremony at the college's Southeast Center. The painting,
"Mother and Daughter," will be permanently installed at the center in honor of
Widman, a resident o f Cedar Hills. Every year, organizers select a featured
artist who creates a work o f art in their field that permanently resides at one of
PCCs campuses.
Current Age: 2
Date Missing:
Aryssa Torabi
Takado Weed
Tiana Weed
Current Age: 12
Date Missing:
C urrent Age: 10
Current Age: 7
June 1 ,1998
May 29,2007
Missing From:
Missing From:
Portland, Oregon
Salem, Oregon
Date Missing: Ian. 15 .2004
Missing From: Portland, Oregon
I f you have any information please contact:
The National Center for Missing anil Exploited Children
1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678)
This public service announcement provided by the Portland Observer Newspaper.
Interstate Farmers Market Opens
Tables fill each
near Kaiser
The opening bell o f the Inter­
state Farmers' Market season
was rung by new market man­
ager Bob New last Wednes­
day. The market is located on
North Fremont Street, just o ff
In terstate A venue between
Overlook Park and the Inter­
state Kaiser Permanente Cam­
pus - West Building.
"The market is developing a
reputation for .supplying a rich
variety o f quality fresh local pro­
duce, baked goods, cut flowers,
artisan cheese, meat and fish,"
stated M ike Moran, a member
o f the m arket's c o m m u n ity
board o f directors. "Plus the
wireless debit system introduced
last season through a partner­
ship w ith New Seasons M ar­
kets' Pacific Village products
was w ild ly successful. The sys­
tem makes the market even more
accessible, especially to shop­
pers w ith Oregon Trail cards."
K icking offtheentertainm ent
for this year's season was the
local band. The Underscore
O rkestra. p la yin g a m ix o f
Klezmer, Balkan. Gypsy Jazz
and Swing Music. Entertain­
ment is scheduled throughout
the summer and the market is
looking for partners todevelop a
Kids' Village as a part o f its
com m unity-gathering place.
The Interstate Farmers Mar-
ket is held each Wednesday
through Sept. 24, from .3 p.m. to
7 p.m. For those driving, there
is ample free parking in the
Kaiser West parking lot. For
non-driving shoppers the mar­
ket is located a, the M A X ye l­
low I i ne Overlook stop and pro­
vides bike parking.
Sponsors and partners o f this
year's market include Kaiser
P erm anente, N ew Seasons
M arket, O verlook N eighbor­
hood and North Portland Neigh-
borh<MwJ Services.
V is it
w e b s ite
interstatefarm ersm arket.com
for dates, news and driving d i­
rections. Sign up fo r the weekly
newsletter to receive weekly
vendor updates, com m unity sto­
ries and recipes.
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