Page A5 1 M l * r ... ' 1 ■ |T WMNBWMVHMHV 1 - Students jam the Portland Community College registrar’s office on the Rock Creek campus in northwest Portland. Enrollment Booms on PCC Campuses T he largest post-secondary col­ lege in the state is getting bigger. P ortlan d C o m m u n ity C ollege grew for the third co n sec u tiv e term th is spring term . T he in ­ cre ase w as about 4 percent in total p o p u latio n from last spring o r about 6 p ercent w hen c a lc u la t­ ing co u rse s taken o r full-tim e eq u iv ale n t (F T E ) students. A fter the fifth w eek o f spring term , PCC w as serving 34,335 students, up by 1,353 stu d en ts from a year ago. The Southeast C enter grew by 2.9 percent to 12,778 students, but swel led by 35.9 percent in core credit course FTE enrollm ent. “O ur enrollm ent is boom ing,” said C raig Kolins, dean o f instruc­ tion and student developm ent at the center. “ D ue to the classes needed to satisfy the enrollm ent grow th and b e c au seo f the increase in com m unity use, it is all creating space lim itations for us.” The Southeast C enter had more than 200 students on w aiting lists each term for w riting, math and English for Speakers o f O ther L an­ guages courses. K olins said that dem an d also has in creased for b io lo g y and o th e r scien ce co u rses in o c e a n ­ o g rap h y , g eo lo g y and m e teo ro l­ ogy. C u rren tly , the ce n te r d o e s n ’t have the scien ce lectu re and lab co u rses need ed to let students m eet the lab req u irem en ts they need to earn an a s so c ia te ’s d e ­ gree and m ust co m p lete these at o th e r cam puses. ■ In addition to the enrollm ent surge, more than 50 businesses, com m unity and governm ent o rga­ nizations have used the facilities this year. “W ith our enrollm ent growth, we have had to limit com m unity use o f our facilities at the Southeast C enter to accom m odate the grow ­ ing num ber o f credit and non-credit students who w ant to take classes,” Kolins added. Each o f the three com prehen­ sive cam puses at PCC offer com ­ Growth follows trend plete paths to an associate's degree at their respective locations. The Rock Creek Campus in north­ west Portland, known for V eteri­ nary Technology, Landscape Tech­ nology and Biology program s, ex ­ perienced the biggest surge in en ­ rollment. Rock Creek increased by 10 percent to 7,430 students and 11.7 percent in FTE. The C ascade C am pus in north Portland, w hich is hom e to Trades and Industry, C om puter T echnol­ ogy and Business A dm inistration program s, along with the M argaret C arter Skill Center, had 546 more students enroll this year for the spring, swelling to 7,329 total stu­ dents, a change o f 8 percent. The southw est Portland cam pus - the largest in PC C ’s district and houses such program s as m achine manufacturing technology, early ch ild h o o d ed u catio n , sign la n ­ guage interpreter and autom otive technology - experienced an in­ crease in student enrollm ent 2.9 percent to 12,289 students. Columbus Ship ‘Nina’ to Visit i On Friday May 23, the "N ina,” a replica o f C olum bus' favorite ship will be docked on the dow ntow n W aterfront at Southeast M adison Street until her departure early M onday morning, June 2. T h e sh ip is on its w ay to V ancouver Island to participate in Tall Shipsevents. Built com pletely by hand and without the use o f pow er tools, the ship earned A r­ and directed by Ridley Scott. chaeology m ag azin e's designation W hile in port, the g eneral p u b ­ as "the m ost historically correct lic are invited to v isit the ship for a w alk aboard self-g u id ed tours. Colum bus replica ever built." The craftsm anship o f construc­ The prices are $5 for adults, $4 for tion and the details in the rigging sen io r citizen s and $3 for stu ­ make it a truly fascinating visit back dents. C h ild ren 4 and under are to the Age o f Discovery. N ina was free. T he ship will be open every used in the production o f the film day from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m . No res­ “ 1492," starring G erard Depardieu erv atio n s necessary. Endangered Missing ... Not Forgotten Have you seen me? Isaias-Leebardo Arreola-Aldana Community Art Celebrated Portland Community College President Preston Pulliams (right) helps Art Beat featured artist Harry Widman unveil his featured art work at the festival's Art Beat kick-off ceremony at the college's Southeast Center. The painting, "Mother and Daughter," will be permanently installed at the center in honor of Widman, a resident o f Cedar Hills. Every year, organizers select a featured artist who creates a work o f art in their field that permanently resides at one of PCCs campuses. Current Age: 2 Date Missing: Aryssa Torabi Takado Weed Tiana Weed Current Age: 12 Date Missing: C urrent Age: 10 Current Age: 7 June 1 ,1998 May 29,2007 Missing From: Missing From: Portland, Oregon Salem, Oregon Date Missing: Ian. 15 .2004 Missing From: Portland, Oregon 1-800-THE-LOST I f you have any information please contact: The National Center for Missing anil Exploited Children 1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678) This public service announcement provided by the Portland Observer Newspaper. Interstate Farmers Market Opens Tables fill each Wednesday near Kaiser The opening bell o f the Inter­ state Farmers' Market season was rung by new market man­ ager Bob New last Wednes­ day. The market is located on North Fremont Street, just o ff In terstate A venue between Overlook Park and the Inter­ state Kaiser Permanente Cam­ pus - West Building. "The market is developing a reputation for .supplying a rich variety o f quality fresh local pro­ duce, baked goods, cut flowers, artisan cheese, meat and fish," stated M ike Moran, a member o f the m arket's c o m m u n ity board o f directors. "Plus the wireless debit system introduced last season through a partner­ ship w ith New Seasons M ar­ kets' Pacific Village products was w ild ly successful. The sys­ tem makes the market even more accessible, especially to shop­ pers w ith Oregon Trail cards." K icking offtheentertainm ent for this year's season was the local band. The Underscore O rkestra. p la yin g a m ix o f Klezmer, Balkan. Gypsy Jazz and Swing Music. Entertain­ ment is scheduled throughout the summer and the market is looking for partners todevelop a Kids' Village as a part o f its com m unity-gathering place. The Interstate Farmers Mar- ket is held each Wednesday through Sept. 24, from .3 p.m. to 7 p.m. For those driving, there is ample free parking in the Kaiser West parking lot. For non-driving shoppers the mar­ ket is located a, the M A X ye l­ low I i ne Overlook stop and pro­ vides bike parking. Sponsors and partners o f this year's market include Kaiser P erm anente, N ew Seasons M arket, O verlook N eighbor­ hood and North Portland Neigh- borh