Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 31, 2007, Page 2, Image 2

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    ïh r
October 31, 2007
IJ o rtla n h ffibseruer
Teen’s Imprisonment Ruled Cruel
Car insurance with
For consensual
sex with
another teen
No extra charge.
At State I arm you get a competitive rate amt an agent
dedicated to helping you get the coverage that'«. right lor you
and the diseounts you deserve. Nobody takes care of you like
State I arm (Contact me.
< A P) -- G eorgia's Suprem e
C ourt on Friday o rd ered the re­
lease o f a y o ung m an w ho has
been im prisoned for m ore than
tw o years for having co n sen ­
sual oral sex w ith an o th er teen­
. T h e c o u rt ru le d 4 -3 th a t
I'll prove it.
Michael David Holton. Agent
L o ses b a d g e
P rovidin g Insurance unci F in a n cia l Services
an d p la c e d on
• «ta’ p’ .ifin.œ m
p ro b a tio n
Matthew Kohnke
p h o t o
A veteran Portland police o f­
ficer has lost his jo b and was
sentenced to probation for sexu­
ally groping a hom eless woman.
In a plea agreem ent deal that
Who will be “Miss Black Oregon” USA 2008?
P ie Miss Black USA Scholarship Foundation is the prem ier African American Pageant, WE are looking for Miss Black Oregon USA 2008.
We are Awarding $3,500.00 in College Scholarship and the Winner receives A Year Reign as our Spokesperson for the Pageant, with
Promotional & Endorsement Opportunities, Represent Oregon in an International Compebtion with many other consolation prizes;
including a fabulous Two weeks all expenses paid trip to the Gambia, West Africa! (Ancestral Home of "Kunta Kinte” & Alex Haley)
Miss Block Oregon will compete in the Gambia, West Africa, for the Miss Black USA 2008 Title,
$20,000.00 cosh prize, gifts, a Full Tuition College Scholarship and a experience of a lifetime!
The Pageant will he held on December 29 - 30th 2007!
At the Sheraton Portland Airport Hotel
8235 NE Airport Way, Portland, O regon 97220
f o r M o re I n lo :
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mbousa@ yahoo.com
( a ll V e ro n ica A lb e r ti
(o 9 7 1 - 4 0 9 - 8 6 8 7
P a r t i c i p a t e in
D e m o c ra c y
Return y o u r ballot by mail o r drop t f o f f a t any designated voter
dropsite. C all I -866-673-8683 to fin d a location near you.
*Cdy of Roses’
Hl.ibl.vhrd in 19X1
nyt m i
Cornin dt cd A> C Jtural Diecrstty
U iu m r XX X IV • N u r.h r.
■ -
cd ku’sh.’ b X ns f..kvw
« ( k t o h e r li 2OOI
On Way
A 17 y»« oíd S ta u
n*vw»4 ««pa dar 4 « Ear <«
Hdwd art naubkd AM W
d M * * r * * v may kaw
• awd by
«Ruch p w a tr t tiw
«T aklMd <M »
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ten ««ad La»« tUuh < tatfe-
h a d ^ -t(R rm M -« .te -k « d .
nddarM-' daf>*»! had «fltaa
ba m Wirr»»»»..
Official Regrets Remarks
On black voters dying before old age
(AP) — The chief o f the Ju s­
tice D epartm ent's voting-rights
division apologized Tuesday for
saying that aging is not a problem
with black voters because they
die before they becom e elderly,
unlike whites.
“ I w ant to apo lo g ize for the
com m ents I m ade at the recent
m eeting o f the N ational L atino
C ongreso about the im pact o f
voter identification law s on e ld ­
erly and m inority v o ters,” said
John T a n n e r, v o tin g -se c tio n
c h ie f o f Ju stice's C ivil R ights
D ivision.
“My explanation o f the data
came across in a hurtful way,
which I deeply regret,” he told
the House subcom m ittee on the
Constitution, civil rights and civil
That w asn't good enough for
some Democrats, who accused
T an n er o f p o lic y m a k in g and
Time Changes
this Sunday
Ask Deanna'.
Real People,
Real Advice
w i o
■ t J« wb * R Cva
T w R .ru tn» n r
Btltov ai Sw K w « b * x Oatatl D k U mi «rtB h* ntMfcd <
M«n AdRRhcam OB«**» •’
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bn D m . « F"VWC) b w i •««»
M .t a lr d h t
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«4» a* «betaaa Rw pm abrí. atar» aid ««w»l Wy
* , tvhid*««taa w**wwfcr«toob atdiactti
,\n advice
known for
reality based
Fatui»« Pf' »•*! TE»
«■Nh*« <— '«IE.
«ev-itf oawy to («*« haek
«—d» l*» l» ^ n < ^ » « r» « avt
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»».tad w •»
Dear Deanna!
I---- ■--- M
trita' Pattlund
Sa» Sama » i i a r N r R Seftoot » n *'»»«»» * w pcFaaai
* » * « < • tr-«*/rtr»i Tha
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bt«nwt «ptmlaUaa «baut
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hai Rrrt dA>aa » • . ia> hdw>
K ay “ SNnataa» t«ndln»
yteaa * < * tabvateat *>«««» rf
> * h * ha W*d>4 K «y o*
i«pt K. Rt Cavil CMEI m f i t .
r Tra« Sta«
* OnRf'” C»RP»i'« rt«** *v«*«
Premiere bonds live theater to live basketball
UntbMM LmWf>*btS
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Ont e* O b « Bwhatbtll
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The intimate
4" «FTRatbaM «aaa «ta a aMM .otta ««rt»a -«*
* iN iv
analysis without facts to back it
up. Presidential candidate Sen.
Barack O bam a, D-III., last week
called for T anner’s firing.
Rep. Artur Davis, D-Ala., said
that in the 2004 presidential race,
for exam ple, the same percent­
age o f eligible black voters as
w hites cast ballots in his state.
But o f those groups, more blacks
over age 60 voted than whites in
the same age group.
Tanner, w ho said he too is
from Alabam a, said he was un­
aw are o f those statistics.
“You engaged in an analysis
without know ing the num bers,”
Davis told Tanner. “ If you are
basing your conclusions on ste­
reotypes rather than facts, then it
suggests to some o f us that som e­
one else can do this jo b better
than you can.”
It is w ell docum ented that
black A m ericans — particularly
Confusion over the change from daylight savings
time to standard time may have caused some missed
appointments last Sunday.
People o f c o lo r
f in d a p o litic a l f i t
at h« enaapbd Tayat* Caesy
fo u n d him g u ilty , M a tth e w
She said he asked if he could
Kohnke, 33, pleaded no contest search her for drugs or weapons,
Friday to official m isconduct and pulled up her blouse expos­
ing her breasts and reached down
He was sentenced to 24 months her pants and touched her sexu­
o f probation and com m unity ser­ ally.
She was not arrested or cited.
papers say three other
As part o f the deal, he resigned
from the force and lost his state women have com plained about
K ohnke behaving in a p p ro p ri­
law enforcem ent certification.
In a federal lawsuit filed earlier ately with them.
He was on the force nine years.
this week, a woman said she was
living in a hom eless cam p in As part o f his sentence, he will
southeast Portland when Kohnke also pay a $500 fine and perform
40 hours o f com m unity service.
m olested her.
black m ales — have shorter life
e x p e c ta n c ie s than w h ite s. A
black person bom in 2004 had an
average life expectancy o f 73.1
years, about five years less than
for whites, according to the Na­
tional C enter for Health Statis­
Rep. John Conyers, chairm an
o f the full House Judiciary C om ­
m ittee, and o th e r D em o crats
com plained about Tanner's stew ­
a r d s h ip o f th e c iv il rig h ts
division’s voting section.
Tanner has com e under fire
for clearing a G eorgia law that
requires voters to show govern­
m ent-issued photo IDs at the
O pponents say photo ID laws
will disenfranchise minorities, the
poor and the elderly w ho don't
have driver’s licenses or other
valid governm ent-issued photo
IDs. S upporters o f such laws
say they are needed to prevent
voter fraud.
*■ *
(© b se r u e r
Genarlow Wilson
co n trib u tio n to acceptable goals
o f punishm ent" and that W ilson's
crim e did not rise to the "level o f
ad ults w ho prey on children."
S ta te A tto r n e y G e n e r a l
T h urbert B aker said he hopes
the ruling w ill “put an end to this
issue as a m atter o f contention
in the hearts and m inds o f co n ­
ce rn e d G e o rg ia n s and others
across the country w ho have
taken such a strong interest in
this c ase.”
Officer Sexually Abused Homeless Woman
7223 SW Macadam Avenue
Portland. OR 97219-3076
Bus 503-517 9090
w w w michaelholton.com
igton I
G enarlow W ilson's 10-year sen­
tence w as cruel and unusual
punishm ent.
W ilson, 21, w as con v icted o f
aggravated child m olestation fol­
low ing a 2(X)3 N ew Y ear's Eve
party at a D ouglas C ounty hotel
room w here he w as videotaped
having oral sex w ith a 15-year-
old girl. He w as 17 at the tim e.
C h ie f J u s tic e L e a h W ard
Sears w rote that the severe p u n ­
ishm ent m akes "no m easurable
wrta «•'•at {taren »Rt» -natM lo
[—IM» «Ipatr« dota tn «. m , eulprnud» tt»
tBRiNty »a» aid
, p«ty a «h» tw«t S »« « n— aitii«
m R r *
<a>aapa(yb a Rv taha a 1 *0<üdb«.taa4wh« dNMti
!.. -arak «Rh Ra t A ib v M * C««My D a iM a « P«ty
'fai'k>«an»h«a4«r»«wwTatk*>aw*E»Äl»a*»' I m *
tXRA «a. «a abob. * urtMtwl aid «tau ba» I. I bea«. 1 <«an
Sw < «id ba at*« ter a u ptpm pb adtaka aaaaad a
pola», hy vohaa««a< a d -'w « ta < <aabdax
naan fla t loytBy hy«upp^a< an»« ■ *» » * « w awaati
To contact
Æl!‘ ijLlortlatth ObserDer
Call 503-288-0033
or email ads@portlandob server.com
I'm stressed over my relationship
and don't know what to do. My
boyfriend plays mind games with
me and I never know where I fully
stand. One day he seems to love me
to death and others he seems as if
he wants to walk out the door. I feel
suspicious that he may have some­
one else but I can't confirm it. He
comes home every night and he
may be moody or short tempered
most times but at least he' s at home.
Can you help me figure ou, what I'm
doi ng wrong? —Trinae: Dallas, TX
You're making the mistake of wast­
ing your time hoping this man will
trip and fall in love with you and tell
you what you want to hear. H e's
not connected to you and there's
someone or something else pulling
him away. He may be with you each
night but his attitude and tempera­
ment indicates he doesn’t want to
be there. The end of your relation­
In the past w e've traditionally turned our clocks
back an hour the last weekend in O ctober, a sign
that fall is here and giving us that m uch-anticipated
extra hour o f sleep. This year, how ever. D aylight
Savings Tim e has been pushed back a week to the
first Sunday in November.
So set your clocks back one hour a, 2 a.m. this
Sunday, Nov. 4 and add us to the list of those who got
it wrong in our last edition. We regret the error.
ship is near and you should enjoy
the ride and prepare to move on
because the end is certainly on the
Dear Deanna!
My wife has become a stranger that
I don't recognize anymore. She's
defensive when 1 ask personal ques­
tions and always has a chip on her
shoulder. I love her but I am not
going to be mistreated, used or dis­
respected. She is pushing things too
far now because she’s embarrassing
me in front of her friends. 1 don't
know what is happening but her
appearance, her m<xxl and every­
thing about her isdifferent. How can
I get to the bottom of these changes?
-Anonymous; On-Line Reader
Dear Anonymous:
husband and now he w on't pay the
money back. I did this personal
favor without talking to my friend
first. He is now telling me to stop
harassing him or he's going to ac­
cuse me of trying to sleep with him.
I’ve been sending him e-mails to
call along with text messages and
I’vecalledhiscell phone. I thought
I was doing the right thing by not
mentioning the loan. How do I get
my money without jeopardizing my
friendship? -M iss CeeCee; At­
lanta, GA
Dear CeeCee:
It’s to your advantage to go ahead
and write the money off unless
you're willing to bring drama in
your life. If there’s no promissory
note or paper trail indicating you
loaned the money and it would be
paid back, you're stuck. You're
being blackmailed and it's going to
get worse. Tell your friend about
the loan, stop looking for payment
and whatever happens in their rela­
tionship is not your fault because
you ehose to be honest and have
Your wife is showing guilty signs of
having an affair. Whomever she is
seeing has Exxisted her self-image,
her confidence and she's become
happy and bold. However, when
she returns to reality and sees your
face, she becomes deflated and rude
which causes her to lash out at you
over simple things. You need to be
a real man and share your concerns, Ask Deanna is written by Deanna
point out the changes and either M. Write Ask Deanna! Email;
accept or reject hercxplanations and askdeanna I @yahoo.com or 264
keep it moving.
S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283
Dear Deanna!
I loaned money to my girlfriend’s
Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Website: