ïh r PageA2 October 31, 2007 IJ o rtla n h ffibseruer Teen’s Imprisonment Ruled Cruel Car insurance with For consensual sex with another teen PERSONAL SERVICE. No extra charge. At State I arm you get a competitive rate amt an agent dedicated to helping you get the coverage that'«. right lor you and the diseounts you deserve. Nobody takes care of you like State I arm (Contact me. < A P) -- G eorgia's Suprem e C ourt on Friday o rd ered the re­ lease o f a y o ung m an w ho has been im prisoned for m ore than tw o years for having co n sen ­ sual oral sex w ith an o th er teen­ ager. . T h e c o u rt ru le d 4 -3 th a t I'll prove it. STATI FARM IN S U R A N C E Michael David Holton. Agent L o ses b a d g e LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOR, STAI E EARM IS THERE. P rovidin g Insurance unci F in a n cia l Services an d p la c e d on • «ta’ p’ .ifin.œ m p ro b a tio n Matthew Kohnke KATU p h o t o A veteran Portland police o f­ ficer has lost his jo b and was sentenced to probation for sexu­ ally groping a hom eless woman. In a plea agreem ent deal that Who will be “Miss Black Oregon” USA 2008? P ie Miss Black USA Scholarship Foundation is the prem ier African American Pageant, WE are looking for Miss Black Oregon USA 2008. We are Awarding $3,500.00 in College Scholarship and the Winner receives A Year Reign as our Spokesperson for the Pageant, with Promotional & Endorsement Opportunities, Represent Oregon in an International Compebtion with many other consolation prizes; including a fabulous Two weeks all expenses paid trip to the Gambia, West Africa! (Ancestral Home of "Kunta Kinte” & Alex Haley) Miss Block Oregon will compete in the Gambia, West Africa, for the Miss Black USA 2008 Title, $20,000.00 cosh prize, gifts, a Full Tuition College Scholarship and a experience of a lifetime! The Pageant will he held on December 29 - 30th 2007! At the Sheraton Portland Airport Hotel 8235 NE Airport Way, Portland, O regon 97220 TAKING APPLICATIONS: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3TH 2007. FROM *:PM TO R:PM AT 10 N. RUSSELL ST. G WILLIAMS AVE * IN THE URBAN LEAGUE RUILOINO f o r M o re I n lo : www. myspace com/rnissblackoregonusa www.missbiackoregon.org mbousa@ yahoo.com ( a ll V e ro n ica A lb e r ti (o 9 7 1 - 4 0 9 - 8 6 8 7 diversity ‘"Print P a r t i c i p a t e in D e m o c ra c y Return y o u r ballot by mail o r drop t f o f f a t any designated voter dropsite. C all I -866-673-8683 to fin d a location near you. *Cdy of Roses’ Hl.ibl.vhrd in 19X1 nyt m i Cornin dt cd A> C Jtural Diecrstty U iu m r XX X IV • N u r.h r. ,.Wcekin M ■ - cd ku’sh.’ b X ns f..kvw .1. « ( k t o h e r li 2OOI Election Ballots On Way lheReview A 17 y»« oíd S ta u «fa» n*vw»4 ««pa dar 4 « Ear <« Hdwd art naubkd AM W d M * * r * * v may kaw • awd by «Ruch p w a tr t tiw «T aklMd *»! had «fltaa ba m Wirr»»»».. Official Regrets Remarks On black voters dying before old age (AP) — The chief o f the Ju s­ tice D epartm ent's voting-rights division apologized Tuesday for saying that aging is not a problem with black voters because they die before they becom e elderly, unlike whites. “ I w ant to apo lo g ize for the com m ents I m ade at the recent m eeting o f the N ational L atino C ongreso about the im pact o f voter identification law s on e ld ­ erly and m inority v o ters,” said John T a n n e r, v o tin g -se c tio n c h ie f o f Ju stice's C ivil R ights D ivision. “My explanation o f the data came across in a hurtful way, which I deeply regret,” he told the House subcom m ittee on the Constitution, civil rights and civil liberties. That w asn't good enough for some Democrats, who accused T an n er o f p o lic y m a k in g and Time Changes this Sunday Ask Deanna'. Real People, Real Advice w i o ■ t J« wb * R Cva T w R .ru tn» n r Btltov ai Sw K w « b * x Oatatl D k U mi «rtB h* ntMfcd < M«n AdRRhcam OB«**» •’ W«rtM« » narySw O t rb ’ pxr bn D m . « F"VWC) b w i •««» M .t a lr d h t « N*«MBudsv Bath lai^vi at f» ■» bt«nwt «ptmlaUaa «baut **>»» d» jm «dat « « w»»d ta h a *ta a >*n- « •♦»»« hai Rrrt dA>aa » • . ia> hdw> K ay “ SNnataa» t«ndln» yteaa * < * tabvateat *>«««» rf > * h * ha W*d>4 K «y o* i«pt K. Rt Cavil CMEI m f i t . rOoaslNR r Tra« Sta« * OnRf'” C»RP»i'« rt«** *v«*« ONEONONE Premiere bonds live theater to live basketball UntbMM LmWf>*btS * h « » « «a n m tl i« »»• « •» «v « a •> n QlM.pVMBta »* T t -n» RBMta. Fama Ont e* O b « Bwhatbtll 0 * 11 in pmaæ * • CRtfer *« • » The intimate 4" «FTRatbaM «aaa «ta a aMM .otta ««rt»a -«* * iN iv analysis without facts to back it up. Presidential candidate Sen. Barack O bam a, D-III., last week called for T anner’s firing. Rep. Artur Davis, D-Ala., said that in the 2004 presidential race, for exam ple, the same percent­ age o f eligible black voters as w hites cast ballots in his state. But o f those groups, more blacks over age 60 voted than whites in the same age group. Tanner, w ho said he too is from Alabam a, said he was un­ aw are o f those statistics. “You engaged in an analysis without know ing the num bers,” Davis told Tanner. “ If you are basing your conclusions on ste­ reotypes rather than facts, then it suggests to some o f us that som e­ one else can do this jo b better than you can.” It is w ell docum ented that black A m ericans — particularly Confusion over the change from daylight savings time to standard time may have caused some missed appointments last Sunday. People o f c o lo r f in d a p o litic a l f i t at h« enaapbd Tayat* Caesy fo u n d him g u ilty , M a tth e w She said he asked if he could Kohnke, 33, pleaded no contest search her for drugs or weapons, Friday to official m isconduct and pulled up her blouse expos­ charges. ing her breasts and reached down He was sentenced to 24 months her pants and touched her sexu­ o f probation and com m unity ser­ ally. She was not arrested or cited. vice. Court papers say three other As part o f the deal, he resigned from the force and lost his state women have com plained about K ohnke behaving in a p p ro p ri­ law enforcem ent certification. In a federal lawsuit filed earlier ately with them. He was on the force nine years. this week, a woman said she was living in a hom eless cam p in As part o f his sentence, he will southeast Portland when Kohnke also pay a $500 fine and perform 40 hours o f com m unity service. m olested her. black m ales — have shorter life e x p e c ta n c ie s than w h ite s. A black person bom in 2004 had an average life expectancy o f 73.1 years, about five years less than for whites, according to the Na­ tional C enter for Health Statis­ tics. Rep. John Conyers, chairm an o f the full House Judiciary C om ­ m ittee, and o th e r D em o crats com plained about Tanner's stew ­ a r d s h ip o f th e c iv il rig h ts division’s voting section. Tanner has com e under fire for clearing a G eorgia law that requires voters to show govern­ m ent-issued photo IDs at the polls. O pponents say photo ID laws will disenfranchise minorities, the poor and the elderly w ho don't have driver’s licenses or other valid governm ent-issued photo IDs. S upporters o f such laws say they are needed to prevent voter fraud. *■ * (© b se r u e r i— Genarlow Wilson co n trib u tio n to acceptable goals o f punishm ent" and that W ilson's crim e did not rise to the "level o f ad ults w ho prey on children." S ta te A tto r n e y G e n e r a l T h urbert B aker said he hopes the ruling w ill “put an end to this issue as a m atter o f contention in the hearts and m inds o f co n ­ ce rn e d G e o rg ia n s and others across the country w ho have taken such a strong interest in this c ase.” Officer Sexually Abused Homeless Woman 7223 SW Macadam Avenue Portland. OR 97219-3076 Bus 503-517 9090 w w w michaelholton.com igton I G enarlow W ilson's 10-year sen­ tence w as cruel and unusual punishm ent. W ilson, 21, w as con v icted o f aggravated child m olestation fol­ low ing a 2(X)3 N ew Y ear's Eve party at a D ouglas C ounty hotel room w here he w as videotaped having oral sex w ith a 15-year- old girl. He w as 17 at the tim e. C h ie f J u s tic e L e a h W ard Sears w rote that the severe p u n ­ ishm ent m akes "no m easurable wrta «•'•at {taren »Rt» -natM lo E*M [—IM» «Ipatr« dota tn «. m , eulprnud» tt» tBRiNty »a» aid , p«ty a «h» tw«t S »« « n— aitii« m R r * atait ai aapa(yb a Rv taha a 1 *0<üdb«.taa4wh« dNMti !.. -arak «Rh Ra t A ib v M * C««My D a iM a « P«ty 'fai'k>«an»h«a4«r»«wwTatk*>aw*E»Äl»a*»' I m * tXRA «a. «a abob. * urtMtwl aid «tau ba» I. I bea«. 1 <«an Sw < «id ba at*« ter a u ptpm pb adtaka aaaaad a pola», hy vohaa««a< a d -'w « ta <