Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 19, 2007, Page 3, Image 3

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September 19. 2007
Potential Candidates
Hit Roadblocks
Jay lives outside city; Adams fights smear
photo by
M ark W ashington AT he P ortland O bserver
Alberta Street Fair Beat
African dancers and musicians bring their irresistible rhythms to the Alberta Street Fair Saturday as the
annual celebration marked its 10th anniversary.
‘Color Purple’ Author to Visit
New b o o k ‘Why
War is Never a J;
Good Idea'
On Friday. Sept. 28. Alice Walker
will be in town to promote her new
book, "Why War Is Never A Good
Idea," a powerful poem with beau­
tiful illustrations and a strong mes­
sage of peace and environmental­
She wi 11 appear at Po wel I s Books
at Cedar Hill Crossing, 3415 S.W. Alice Walker
Cedar Hills Blvd. between 7 p.m and Stephen Speilberg.
8:45 p.m.
In addition to her novels, she
Wal ker i s the author of The Color has written poetry, essays, short
Purple, which won the Pulitzer Prize stories, and has contributed to
and an American Book Award and numerous anthologies. Her books
which was turned into a Broadway for ch ild ren in clu d e L anston
musical as well as a movie starring Hughes: American Poet and To Hell
O prah W in frey p ro d u ced by With Dying.
know how. —Keith; Denver. Colo
A sk Deanna1. Dear Keith:
Real People,
Real Advice
An advice
known fo r
reality based
Dear Deanna!
You can make the change by re­
moving the "kick me” sign from
your back and stop wearing your
emotions on your sleeves. Your
attitude and your aura is felt and
perceived by others and this makes
you an easy target. Go ahead and
say no to a few things and after a
while, you'll have thick skin and
you will also have all the gold dig­
gers, drop shots and dead beat
friends out ofyour life too. In other
words, look for new friends and
keep it moving.
My sister has moved in with me and
it's a total disaster. She is a liar, a
thiefand a master manipulator. I am
used to a calm life that doesn't
involve anyone opening my mail,
answering my phone and acting as Dear Deanna!
if they live in a hotel with room My daughter ended a relationship
service. I'm going to put her out but that was abusive, degrading and
I have to face drama,from my family disrespectful. We went through the
because she's told them a pack of hassle of moving her to another
lies. Our family is torn and she al­ location, helping get her a new job
ready has everyone on her side. and a new school for the children.
How do I evict her and still save As siM>n as she gets some money
face. —Anonymous: Los Angeles
saved, a few new friends and things
look promising, she lets her boy­
Dear Anonymous:
friend come back, e're losing our
You need your sister and all of this
minds because he's put her in the
madness just like you need a hole in
hospital, took her money and ev­
the head. However, your sister is
erything else. What can I say to get
someone you grew up with and you
through to her. -MadMother; On-
knew most things about her before
Line Reader
she moved in. This decision is quick
and to the point. If it's your house, Dear Mad Mother:
your rules and your money, then Have a talk w ith your daughter and
she needs to shape up or ship out. let her know that she can't smell the
If you have some joint agreements, roses if she's dead. Relationships
then you need to change some can make people do crazy things
locks, make new rules and try again including hurting the ones they
before sending her packing.
love. Your daughter has low self
esteem and only counseling and
Dear Deanna!
strong family intervention can help.
I'm a fun guy with a lot of heart. I
As a mother you need to stand by
find that being nice has caused me
your daughter, love her and try not
to be taken advantage of by women
to be judgmental as she gets it
and a few of my male friends. I tend
together and hopefully she'll see
to pay for meals when I'm out, pay
the reality of the monster she's with
the fees if w e re at an establishment
before it's too late.
that charges for parking and many
other small incidentals. When I put Ask Deanna is written by Deanna
my foot down and say no to my M. Write Ask Deanna! Email:
girlfriends or refuse favors that in­ askdeanna 1 @ yahoo.com or 264
volve money. I lose relationships, 5. htCienegtt Blvd. Suite 1283
and friends. This makes me feel bad Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Website:
and I want to change but don't www,askdeanna,eom
Honoring NAACP Members
Ending a hiatus of over three c o m m u n ity ,” said C h arlen e
years, the Portland NAACP will McGee, president of the NAACP
confirm seven officers and two branch. “We have a great oppor­
, executive-committee members at tunity to make a difference by
a special ceremony Thursday, building a strong branch ready
Sept. 27 at 7 p.m. at the Sheraton for the NAACP's centennial in
Portland Airport H otel's Mt. 2fXW and our own branch's cen­
Adams Ballroom, 8235 N.E. Air­ tennial in 2014. We are eager to
port Way.
move forward with the many chal­
"We are incredibly excited to lenges that lie ahead in commu­
see these officers and executive- nity relations for all people of
committee members officially take color in Portland.”
on th eir roles as leaders in
A strong show of support is
P ortland’s A frican-A m erican anticipated at this event.
Leading potential candidates
Jay also has a condo in the
for Portland mayor have hit road­ Lloyd district, but he felt it unjust
blocks in quick succession since to simply register there in an a t­
Tom Potter's announcem ent last tempt to meet the m inim um -resi­
week that he would not run for re- dence requirem ents for candi­
“ I know that I
In what C om m is­
would have been
sioner Sam A dam s
calls "a nasty smear
e x c e lle n t
m a y o r,"
by a would-be politi­
says, "but at this
cal opponent.” Pearl
point, I have no
D is tric t d e v e lo p e r
Bob Ball helped leak
intent on m ov­
an account Monday
accusing Adams of
He will spend
his time instead
having had an im ­
seeking funding
proper relatio n sh ip
with a 17 year old
for the construc­
th re e y e a rs ago.
tio n o f h e a d ­
Adams and the now RoyJay
quarter hotel at
2 0 -y ear-o ld re sta u ­
the Oregon Con­
rant m anager see it
vention C enter
only as a m entorship
and overseeing
situation, while Ball
P ro je c t C lean
argued that any kind
Slate, a program
of relationship with a
he helped start
minor was a subject
to expunge minor
of concern.
criminal convic­
A lso , b u s in e s s ­
man and community
He prom ises
to continue his
a d v o c a te Roy Jay
called off his cam ­
work for the bet­
paign late last week,
term ent o f the
just days after begin­
city, whether it is
for small busi­
ning to assem ble an Sa m A dam s
exploratory com m it­
n e sse s, e th n ic
tee. He had moved to a former com m unities outer southeast,
Street of Dreams home last month homeless, seniors, gentrification
w ithout any inclination that the issues or big business.
address would not qualify him to
"M y hat is off to Mayor Potter
be mayor.
for leading a citywide effort in his
A respected leader of the A fri­ attempt to be inclusive of people
can-American community and the in every community, but it is time
city at large. Jay had been testing for Portland to go to the next
the waters all summer and finding level." he says. "W e, as a com ­
munity, do not want to wind up
them supportive.
However, his new residence like some cities where race, class,
lies just a few blocks outside of gender, sexual preference and
the Portland city limits, even as ethnicity can polarize a commu-
its mail is labeled "Portland."
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