Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 04, 2007, Page 5, Image 5

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    luiy 4,2007__________________________________________
îl!C JJortlanù © b seru er_____________________________ PaseA5
F ood
T h e m is s io n o f the ‘ F o o d S e c tio n ' is to p ro v id e o u r readers w ith g re a t ta s tin g h e a lth y re cip e s and u s e fu l h o u s e h o ld
in fo rm a tio n . T h e P o rtla n d O b s e rv e r re s p e c tfu lly requests a ll c o m m e n ts a n d /o r fa m ily recipes y o u w o u ld I ik e to share
w ith us. A d d re s s e m a ils to fo o d s @ p o rtla n d o b s e rv e r.c o m
2 lbs squash a n d/or zu c c h in i, sliced
1 green bell pepper, seeds rem oved, sliced
1. Put o n io n , squash and b e ll pepper in to a large saucepan w ith a couple o f
tablespoons o f o liv e o il. Put on h ig h heat and b ro w n the vegetables s lig h tly to
2 sm allish tom atoes o r one large tom ato, peeled and cut in to
de velop fla v o r. A s yo u are b ro w n in g , sp rin kle e ith e r d rie d basil o r chopped
fresh basil on the vegetables. W hen vegetables are s lig h tly b ro w n ed, rem ove
1/2 y e llo w o n io n , peeled and sliced
fro m heat, add the slices o f cheese, and co ve r the pan.
1 clo v e o f g a rlic , chopped
2. In a separate stick-fre e fr y pan, put the tom atoes and co o k at m e d iu m to high
O liv e o il
heat fo r about fiv e m inutes, s tirrin g o cca sio n a lly. Y o u w ant to let the ju ic e fro m
5 o r 6 slices o f cheese - ja c k o r Cheddar
the tom atoes evaporate some. A fte r fiv e m inutes, add the tom atoes to the rest
B a sil, e ith e r d ry o r cho pp ed fresh
o f the vegetables and stir. S alt and pepper to taste.
P r e p a r a tio n tim e : 20 m inutes. Serves 4.
S alt and pepper
My mother is the only person I have ever known who can
make summer squash taste this good. Often this time o f
year gardens are overflowing with zucchini and summer
squash. This quick and easy recipe is a great way to use
up some o f the bounty. Note that summer squash varies
in tenderness; sometimes you need to cook them a little
longer, sometimes a little less.
Ingredients for life..
Black Bean Salad Recipe
What is it about a black bean salad that practically shouts
"summer"? The mercury lias been edging higher here
lately and I've been getting nostalgic for some o f the picnic-
foods ! remember having often as a kid. I find adding a
little bit of sugar almost always helps balance the acid
from the citrus and tomatoes and makes for a better tasting
1 ( 15 -o un ce) can o f b la ck beans, th o ro u g h ly rin sed and d ra in ed (o r use
I 1/2 cup o f fre sh ly cooked bla ck beans)
1 1/2 cups frozen co m , defrosted (o r fresh co rn , p a rb o ile d , drained and
c o o le d )
1/2 cup chopped green o n io n s o r shallots
2 fresh ja la p e n o peppers, seeded and m in ced , o r 1 w h o le p ic k le d ja la p e n o
pepper, m in ced (no t seeded)
3 fresh p lu m tom atoes, seeded and chopped
1 avocado, peeled, seeded and cu t in to chunks
1/2 cup fresh chopped c ila n tro
1/4 cup fresh chopped basil
2 T bsp lim e ju ic e (about the am ount o f ju ic e fro m one lim e )
I T bsp o liv e o il
1/2 to 1 teaspoon o f sugar (to taste)
Salt and pepper to taste
1. Rinse and dra in the beans i f yo u are using canned beans.
2. In a large b o w l, c o m b in e the beans, c o m , o n io n s, ja la p e n o ch ile
Tender Beef. Every Time.
peppers, tom atoes, avocado, c ila n tro , b asil, lim e ju ic e and o liv e o il. A d d
Find Delicious Beef Recipes und Cooking Tips at www.safeivay.com
sugar and salt and pepper to taste. (T he sugar w il I he lp balance the a c id ity
fro m the tom atoes and lim e ju ic e .)
3. C h ill be fore serving . Serves 6 to 8.
Cherry Cola
Gatorade or
Folgers Coffee
Minute Maid or
Florida's Natural
Orange Juice
26 to 39-oz
Selected varieties
SAVE up Io $3 00
32 o i Gatorade or
700-inl Propel
Selected varieties
SAVE up to 81 (
64-oz Selected varieties
Club Price $3 00 ea
SAVE up to $2 78 on 2
2 packages (3 -5 lbs. to ta l) baby back ribs
3-4 cans (8 oz. each) ch e rry cola
2 Tbs. fir m ly packed b ro w n sugar
2 tsp. g a rlic po w d e r
I tsp. pepper
3 /4 -cu p che rry ja m
3 /4 -cu p h ic k o ry sm oke barbecue sauce
This secret Grill
Master recipe was
passed on to me by
a true "King o f the
Coals, ” my Dad.
Fresh Yukon River
Silverbrite Salmon Fillets
Rich in flavor, protein and
heart healthy omega 3s.
1. Rinse rib racks, pat dry, and cut
rem aining ribs.
in to fo u r o r liv e bone sections. Put
5. Lay packets, fold ed side up, on
2-#». or more.
ribs in a large b o w l o r ho w ls and pour
center o f g r ill (not o ve r direct heat).
in cherry cola to cove r meat, reserv­
C o ve r charcoal g r ill and open vents;
Smaller size
package $4 49 lb.
ing 1/2-cup to use later. C o ve r and
close I id on gas gri 11. C ook u n til meat
c h ill tw o to 24 hours, tu rn in g ribs
has pulled fro m the bone ends (cut
SAVE up to S3 50 lb
h a lfw a y through m arinating tim e.
packet to check), usually about 45
m inutes to an hour.
Prepare g r ill and preheat fo r
in dire ct-h ea t c o o k in g ( the charcoal
6. M ea n w h ile , in a bow l m ix cherry
o r gas lla m e is balanced on he sides
ja m and barbeque sauce. Set aside
not d ire c tly un d e r the fo o d )
h a lf fo r serving.
3. In a sm all b o w l, m ix b ro w n sugar,
7. U sing tongs and a w ide spatula,
g a rlic p o w d e r and pepper. D ra in
take packets o f f g rill. Rem ove ribs
rib s and pal d ry . Pat meat side o f
fro m packets and return to center o f
rib s e v e n ly w ith b ro w n sugar m ix ­
gri 11 ( not over direct heat). C o ve r g rill
and open vents fo r charcoal. C ook,
4. C ut tw o 24-inch long sheets from
brushing often w ith h a lfth e ja m m ix ­
a m il o f heavy du ty fo il and place h a lf
ture and turning as needed to brow n
the ribs, meat side up. on one h a lf
on both sides, u n til meat is no longer
sheet o f fo il. F old other h a lf o f fo il
p ink in center between ribs (cut to
Selected varieties.
Club Price $6 00ea
SAVE up to $6 98 on 2
22 5-02 Homestyle
White or Wheat
SAVE up 10 $1 99 on 2
Selected varietals
SAVE up lo $6 00
Offer valid Thursday. July 5 thru Saturday. July 7 Minimum $10 Purchase
July 5 thru July 7
July 5 thru July 7
July 5 thru July 7
< |6 9
Santa Margherita.
Willamette Valley or
Benton lane
It e
ISO ml
fcx i l i 1 Arthodi’ ("urxx
with curd und coupon
t u ltm
This week only Ad Starts
. A .* » A
July 5th
test,, about 15 minutes.
8. T ransfer ribs to a fresh platter o r
Pneu« grind »in. J»ly
pour l/4 -c u p o f the reserv ed cherry
carving board and cut between bones
cola in to packet through unsealed
to separate. Serve ribs w ith reserved
wUb your Sutuwuy C h * Card
Lucerne Butter
Ito.’ «euuijr or Ijnuifcc
I000Ó 0 8 9 6 Í
’0 0 0 0 0 7 ) 8 9 8
with card *x i t oupor
W» Nw«kr V Î hr:'
cu* 1
General Mills, Kellogg s .
or Post Cereal
(W, «ut I ni * ’UCev: I
' » (Jtre »un. v»tw»" t MU Aa<re
Nabisco Ritz
Clos Du Bois. Korbel
or Folie a Deux
Menage a Trois
ribs. Fold tw o edges to seal, then
ja m mixture.
Saleway Butter
Top Bread
ove r meat, leaving a space above
edge; fo ld to seal Repeat w ith the
Charmin or Cottonelle
Bath Tissue
Buy ( Bottles or more and
you once oer dottle
for the
^circled prices
in this ad arid in-store.
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G re a t g ifts m a d e s im p le .
Shop all your favorite retailers here
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where praMwret by i*>) See («rrh and C m ) ( «rre « iRWt Al Brartreterts a t Bregde^y nf Uwe
reeuec ««e owren red»» retd re * pmnuMr Arewvun I a*eet A W r tfawm
Items & prues in this ad are available at your local Satewas stores No sales to dealers, restaurants or institutions Sales tn retail quantities only. Quantities o i some items mav be lim ited and sublet t to availabilih Not responsible tor tsrpograpb
ical or pi< tonal errors We reserve the nght to correct all printed errors On Bus- One. Get One Free fB O G O 7 offers, customer must purchase the first item to receive the second item free BOGO offers are not 1 '2 price sales I f only a single
item purchased, the regular price applies Manufacturers' coupons mav be used on purchased items only
not on tree items. < 2007 Satewas* Storrs. Ins