Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 28, 2007, Page 7, Image 7

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    ^^Jortlaxtò ©bserue
March 28, 2007
H ousing
Linda Wright, president of community relations at US Bank, helps kick off a
HOST Development's campaign to create 1,000 new homeowners in Portland
and maintain support of Portland Public Schools with a growing population of
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HOST Development celebrate its 300th homeowners, Darryl and Alisha Kelley, at a housewarming ceremony at the
young couple's new home.
Keeping Local Neighborhoods Affordable
HOST to create
1,000 new
T ed G ilbert
F or the P ortland O bserver
A t a tim e w hen h o m eo w n ersh ip
rates are the highest in the c o u n try ’s
history. Portland sig nificantly lags be-
h in d th e n a tio n a l a v e r a g e o f
hom eo w n ersh ip . T he gap w idens fu r­
th er for m inority populations.
A s housing prices have sk y rock­
eted in P ortland, w orking class in­
com es have not kept pace, and m any
fam ilies have had to m ove out o f the
city to places w here hom e prices are
m ore affordable.
As a result o f fam ily flight, Portland
Public School enrollm ent has dropped,
w h ich has e x a c e rb ate d the school
d istric t's funding problem s and raised
the co n tentious issues o f school c lo ­
sures and surplus property sales.
In this m arket w here few er and
few er w orking class fam ilies can af­
ford to buy a hom e, H O ST D evelop­
m ent is com m itted to providing afford­
able housing for P ortlanders earning
70 percent to 100 percent o f the m e­
dian fam ily incom e.
T he largest nonprofit cham pion o f
h o m eow nership in O regon. H O ST re­
cently announced its new B uilding
B locks cam paign. T he effort will c re ­
ate 1,000 new hom eow ners in Port­
land by 2017 and will cap tu re and
preserve 2,000 children fo r Portland
Public Schools.
New Homes Offer Mixed Picture
H O ST uses a private sector m odel
to acquire and develop land. It keeps
prices low by securing pro-bono o r at-
cost w ork from real estate and co n ­
struction professionals, and partnering
w ith banks, foundations and trade o r­
ganizations. P rivate sector p artn er­
ships have allow ed H O ST to b u ild a n d
sell 30 0 hom es.
H O S T ’s B uilding B locks cam paign
will double the o rg a n iz a tio n 's d ev el­
opm ent output from 50 hom es per
year to an average o f 1(X). m aking
H O S T one o f the r e g io n 's largest
hom ebuilders.
A dding 100 h om es per y e a r to
P o rtla n d 's real estate m arket that are
not only green but also affordable will
let fam ilies stay in the city and im prove
their quality o f life.
Ted Gilbert is lifelong Portlander.
In 1080 lie and three other real estate
professionals recognized the need to
provide affordable workforce hous­
ing: together they founded HOST
(Home Ownership a Street at a Time)
Development and recently celebrated
their 300th homeowner.
Jump for joy in a
Home of Your Owg!
Construction in
the housing
market rose last
month, but
permits for
future building
are down.
The pace of U.S. home construc­
tion rose a sharp 9 percent in Feb­
ruary but permits for future build­
ing slid, according to new data that
shed little light on whetherthe hous­
ing market was stabilizing.
The unexpectedly large boost
in home construction reversed a
sharp decline a month earlier — a
swing that some attributed to an
unusually warm Decem ber and
cold January.
The Commerce Department said
"It's a surprise that the (cold) housing starts set an annual pace
weather didn't kill off starts," said of 1.525 million units in February
Kurt Karl, chief economist at Swiss compared with a 1.399 million unit
RE in New York.
pace in January. That was the sharp­
While the national home starts est month-over-m onth increase
figure was up, he said the picture since a 13.1 percent rise in January
was mixed across the country.
"The gains in the South and West
Building permits, which signal
made up for the drops in the North­ future construction plans, fell 2.5
east and Midwest." said Karl.
percent in January.
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