^^Jortlaxtò ©bserue March 28, 2007 H ousing I« t=î PageA7 Linda Wright, president of community relations at US Bank, helps kick off a HOST Development's campaign to create 1,000 new homeowners in Portland and maintain support of Portland Public Schools with a growing population of children. — ...................... .... ... ................— -------------------- —------ --------—---------------SBBgUKBB HOST Development celebrate its 300th homeowners, Darryl and Alisha Kelley, at a housewarming ceremony at the young couple's new home. Keeping Local Neighborhoods Affordable HOST to create 1,000 new homeowners T ed G ilbert F or the P ortland O bserver by A t a tim e w hen h o m eo w n ersh ip rates are the highest in the c o u n try ’s history. Portland sig nificantly lags be- h in d th e n a tio n a l a v e r a g e o f hom eo w n ersh ip . T he gap w idens fu r­ th er for m inority populations. A s housing prices have sk y rock­ eted in P ortland, w orking class in­ com es have not kept pace, and m any fam ilies have had to m ove out o f the city to places w here hom e prices are m ore affordable. As a result o f fam ily flight, Portland Public School enrollm ent has dropped, w h ich has e x a c e rb ate d the school d istric t's funding problem s and raised the co n tentious issues o f school c lo ­ sures and surplus property sales. In this m arket w here few er and few er w orking class fam ilies can af­ ford to buy a hom e, H O ST D evelop­ m ent is com m itted to providing afford­ able housing for P ortlanders earning 70 percent to 100 percent o f the m e­ dian fam ily incom e. T he largest nonprofit cham pion o f h o m eow nership in O regon. H O ST re­ cently announced its new B uilding B locks cam paign. T he effort will c re ­ ate 1,000 new hom eow ners in Port­ land by 2017 and will cap tu re and preserve 2,000 children fo r Portland Public Schools. New Homes Offer Mixed Picture H O ST uses a private sector m odel to acquire and develop land. It keeps prices low by securing pro-bono o r at- cost w ork from real estate and co n ­ struction professionals, and partnering w ith banks, foundations and trade o r­ ganizations. P rivate sector p artn er­ ships have allow ed H O ST to b u ild a n d sell 30 0 hom es. H O S T ’s B uilding B locks cam paign will double the o rg a n iz a tio n 's d ev el­ opm ent output from 50 hom es per year to an average o f 1(X). m aking H O S T one o f the r e g io n 's largest hom ebuilders. A dding 100 h om es per y e a r to P o rtla n d 's real estate m arket that are not only green but also affordable will let fam ilies stay in the city and im prove their quality o f life. Ted Gilbert is lifelong Portlander. In 1080 lie and three other real estate professionals recognized the need to provide affordable workforce hous­ ing: together they founded HOST (Home Ownership a Street at a Time) Development and recently celebrated their 300th homeowner. Jump for joy in a Home of Your Owg! Construction in the housing market rose last month, but permits for future building are down. The pace of U.S. home construc­ tion rose a sharp 9 percent in Feb­ ruary but permits for future build­ ing slid, according to new data that shed little light on whetherthe hous­ ing market was stabilizing. The unexpectedly large boost in home construction reversed a sharp decline a month earlier — a swing that some attributed to an unusually warm Decem ber and cold January. The Commerce Department said "It's a surprise that the (cold) housing starts set an annual pace weather didn't kill off starts," said of 1.525 million units in February Kurt Karl, chief economist at Swiss compared with a 1.399 million unit RE in New York. pace in January. That was the sharp­ While the national home starts est month-over-m onth increase figure was up, he said the picture since a 13.1 percent rise in January was mixed across the country. 2006. "The gains in the South and West Building permits, which signal made up for the drops in the North­ future construction plans, fell 2.5 east and Midwest." said Karl. percent in January. Jump on your homeownership dreams - PDC specializes in making them a reality: R em o d elin g sin ce R etro • Free workshops for future home buyers w as co n tem p o ra ry . • Home loans for first-time buyers • Homebuyer assistance programs • Property tax abatement programs- and a whole lot more. No matter what look you’re going for, you’ll find the going easier when you work with Neil Kelly. Call today, and experience the difference that experience makes. PDC D E S IG N /B U ILD REMODELING CUSTOM HOMES WINDOWS & DOORS HANDYMAN HOME REPAIR TEAM ______________ 5 0 3 - 2 8 8 - 7 4 6 1 täi Financing provided by Riverview. • Call 503-823-3400 or learn more on our web site at www.pdc.us/jump. Investing, in P nrtkntf< b nhtrr w w w .n e llk e lly .c o m Your Partner for Home Purchase, Repair & Renoration Portland 503 221 5801 l‘l)C PORTLAND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION co m m un ity m m k O . C C . • I M I WA A m • M A M O IW M « Aw. MM, A