Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 07, 2007, Page 10, Image 10

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Page B4
C lassified I B id
March 7. 2007
Im m e d ia te fu ll and p a rt-tim e
openings. S eekin g d ep en d a b le,
L ife W orks
i s
L ife W o rk s NW recognizes that
d iv e rs ity stre n g th e n s our
Events Assistant. Oregon Conven­ workforce and em powers our
tion Center. $17.22 $22.03/hr, com m u n ity, and th e re fo re
FT. Deadline: 3/14/07. Oversees encourages women and men of
and participates in responsible all cultural backgrounds and ages
and co m p le x su p p o rt and to apply.
administrative duties in the Event Child & Family Therapist (FT/N
S e rv ic e s d e p a rtm e n t. This Portland) Provides services to
o p p o rtu n ity is open to First w om en in a lco h o l and d ru g
Opportunity Target Area residents residential treatment and their
(C o lu m b ia B ou levard on the c h ild re n (ages 0 -17). W orks
north; 42nd Avenue on the east; closely with dru g and alcohol
the B anfield Freew ay on the treatment staff. Requires MA in
south, and North Chautauqua counseling or related field; exp
Boulevard on the west), whose w orking within the African Am
total annual income does not community required as well as
exceed $25,000 as an individual, w o rk in g w ith w om en and
or $40,000 for an entire house­ chem ical dependency issues.
hold, for the past 12 months.
Minority applicants encouraged to
To a cce ss the c o m p le te jo b apply.
an no un cem e nt and required Dual Diagnosis Therapist (FT/N
application materials, visit our Portland) Project Network is a
website at www.metro-region.org/ residential program with a focus
jobs or pick up a complete packet on the African Am community for
at Metro Human Resources, 600 women in recovery who are with
NE Grand Avenue, Portland.
th e ir sm all children. Provides
individual and group counseling to
AA/EEO Employer
African Am women, children, and
significant others with addictions
and m ental he alth issu es.
Completes documentation, follow
verity procedures and part of a
The Center for Student Health and
multidisciplinary team. Req MSW
Counseling (SHAC) at Portland
with exp. Alcohol and drug exp
State University seeks a Nurse
Manager for a FT 12-month, fixed
term , unranked position. The Chemical Dependency Counselor
Nurse Manager is a supervisory (FT/N P o rtla n d / P ro je c t for
position in the Center for Student Community Recovery) Provides
H ealth and C o u n se lin g . This intake assessments, individual/
position provides leadership and gro u p a lco h o l and d ru g
supervision of the nurses, nursing counseling; case management,
a s s is ta n ts , and th e m edical gender specific groups, urinalysis
assistant, and coordinates the collection, clinical documentation
fu n c tio n in g of th e m edical and coordinates with referral
sources. CADC l/lI reqd, BA or MA
services for the Center.
pref. 2 yrs exp in CD field. Exp with
For com plete job description,
the cultural norms of the African
minimum qualifications and how to
Am population, aw areness of
women's issues, and familiarity
w w w .h rc .p d x.e d u / o p e n in g s /
with the N/NE community and
unclassified/index.htm>. Salary is
referral sources such as DHS, DUII
competitive and commensurate
co u rts, M ental H ea lth , and
with qualifications. Review of
corrections. Knowledge of ASAM,
applications will begin March 9th,
OARS, Motivational Interviewing,
2007, and will remain open until
and computer pref.
finalists are identified.
Interested applicants may e-mail
Correspondence will be conducted
resumes to hr@lifeworksnw.org,
primarily by e-mail. Portland State
mail to: LifeWorks NW, 14600
University is an AA/EO institution
NW Cornell Rd, Portland, OR
and, in k e e p in g w ith the
97229 Attn:Human Resources or
President’s diversity initiative,
fax to: 503-690-9605. Check our
w elco m e s a p p lic a tio n s from
website: w w w .lifew orksnw .org.
d ive rs e
c a n d id a te s
Equal Opportunity Employer
candidates who support diversity.
° # fgo ^
$3,319 - $4,035/ month
Closes March 16, 2007
Juvenile Services
$2,862 $3,481/m onth
Apply by March 16, 2007
Call (503) 846-8606/TTY (503)
846-4898 for information or see
o u r w e b s ite : www.co.washing
ton.or.us County application and
supplemental application forms
required. Women, minorities, and
p e o p le w ith d is a b ilitie s are
encouraged to apply.
Washington County Human
Resources Division
155 N. First Avenue, Suite 270
Hillsboro, OR 97124
City of Oregon City Public Works
Operations Supervisor
Street Division
City of Oregon City Public Works is
recruiting for a new Operations
Supervisor to oversee its Street
Division. The Operations Super­
visor works directly for the Public
Works Operations Manager. The
Street Division includes a Super­
visor, a Team Leader, and 4 Utility
Maintenance Specialists. These
s ta ff c o lle c tiv e ly m ain tain
tra n s p o rta tio n in fra stru ctu re
within the City limits (5950 acres),
w h ich in c lu d e s o ver 130
centerline m iles of C ity-m ain ­
tained streets. The City also owns
a municipal elevator, which falls
within the oversight of the Public
Works Department and is main­
tained by Street Division staff.
The salary range for the Operation
Supervisor position is $50,556/
yr. to $69,804/yr. Plus benefits.
The jo b description and other
requirements are detailed at the
O regon City w eb site: www//
orcity.org. Interested candidates
can con tact Vivian Finnegan,
Human Resources Manager at
vfinnegan@ci.oregon-citv.or.us. PO
Box 3 04 0, O regon City, OR
97045. The City is an AA/EOE/
ADA employer. Applications must
be RECEIVED by 4:30 p.m. March
23, 2007.
Director of Marketing & Enterprise
S ocial S ervices
National Association, Corvallis,
OR. M a rk e tin g and business
re la tio n s . MA p re fe rre d , BA
required in related field; minimum
5 ye a rs w o rk / s u p e rv is o ry
experience in nonprofit preferred;
w ritin g ,
b u d g e t,
c o n tra c t
a d m in is tra tio n , re search &
statistics, design skills a plus;
some travel. Excellent benefits.
Email cover letter & resume to
pam@nirsa.org by 3/13/07. No
telephone calls.
Mentor Outreach Coord I FT w/ben;
S ll.9 6 -S 1 3 .6 7 hr AA d egree/
equiv; Min. 2 years exp. in a
human services field with 1 year
exp. volunteer management &/or
community engagement; familiar
with NE & SE Pdx community. MS
Office skills, multi-tasking, ability
to work w/ team & w/ people of
diverse backgrounds, occasional
flexsched. Email resume & online
app. (www.portlandimpact.org) to:
“h r-jo b s@ p o rtla n d im p a ct.o rg"
EOE. No phone calls please.
Whether your professional skills
are in fin a n c ia l se rv ic e s or
nursing; medical records or facility
m ain te n an ce; a d m in istra tive
s u p p o rt
h e a lth c a re
management, consider a career
w ith P ro v id e n c e ! V is it our
Employment Center at 1235 NE
47th Avenue, or view current
opportunities and apply online
to d a y! w w w .p ro vid e n c e .o rg /
• Region Biologist
Salary: $3,287 - $4,932/month
Announcement JfOCDT7116 Portland
• Survey Crew Leader
Salary: $2,980 - $4.470/month
Announcement #OCDT7113 Portland
• Jr. Inspector/Survey
Salary: $2,457 $3.679/month
Announcement XOCDT7053 Corvallis
• Archaeology Specialist (Temporary)
Salary: $3,287 - $4,932/month
Announcement #0CDT7028 La Grande
• Sr. Field Services Technician
These are just a tew of the current job openings available with the State ot Oregon.
A more complete announcement listing, application forms, and additional job
information are available at: a) local Employment Department «eld offices, or b) the
Oregon jobs page at: www.oregonjobs.org. The State of Oregon offers employees
competitive salaries and comprehensive benefits that includes employer
paid health insurance: paid holidays, vacation, sick and personal leave:
membership In the Oregon Public Service Retirement Plan (OPSRP); and ■* • . »¿¿a ;•
opportunities to participate in the Oregon Savings Growth Plans. The
State of Oregon and aN its divisions are proud to be equal opportunity employers.
• CADD Designer
ODOT People drive Oregons Department of
Transportation If great benefits, a professional
wort« environment, job innovation, and career
growth opportunity drive you. then come to ODOT.
■ Landscape Architect
• Senior External Auditor
• Roadway Designer - Final Design
Salary: $3.520 $5.180/month
Announcement »0CDT7050 Salem
• Financial Coordinator
Salary $3.337 • $4.880/month
Announcement H0CDT7123 Portland
Salary $2,980 $4,470/month
Announcement #0CDT7124 Beaverton
Salary: $.3.809 $5.713/month
Announcement ffOCDT71O8
Salary $3.287 $4.932/month
Announcement <fOCDT7111 Portland
• Roadway Designer -
Preliminary Design
Salary: $3.287 $4.932,'month
Announcement «OCDT7115 Portland
Medical & Dental, 401k avail.
Drugtest/ Background check
Apply 12:00-1:00PM.
3 : 0 0 - 4:00PM Tues.
City Center Parking,
130 SW Stark, Portland.
9-1-1 Dispatchers
Emergency Communications
The City of Portland, O regon’s
B ureau
E m e rg e n cy
C o m m u n ic a tio n s (B O E C ) is
re c ru itin g
E m e rgen cy
C o m m u n ic a tio n s
O p e ra to r
Trainees. Qualified individuals will
be trained in 911 call taking and
dispatch for the City of Portland
and Multnomah County. Some
qualifications include high school
graduate or equivalent and type
net 45 wpm. Great benefits, three
days off per week after academy,
annual salary $36,022 at entry
and $39,579 after 6 months.
Once training is completed and
you becom e an E m e rgen cy
C o m m u n ic a tio n s O p e ra to r II
(often within a year of hire date),
annual salary begins at $43,531.
Application deadline is Friday,
March 2 3 ,2 0 0 7 , at 4:30 p.m.
Apply online at:
www.ci.portland.or.us/jobs/ or
apply in person at The Portland
1120 SW 5th Ave., 1st floor lobby,
NE corner near the restaurant
An Equal Opportunity Employer
Lead Civil Rights
Salary: $3,287 $4.932/month
Announcement #OCDT7112
$8 .50 + starting wage
Overtime/ advancement potential
Non-profit agency
Full time (40 hours per week)-
limited duration position
This person evaluates civil rights
com plaint data and develops
supportive evidence to assist with
further legal action. S/he designs
and im plem ents investigative
a ssig n s ,
d e p lo ys,
s u p e rvis e s ,
d e b rie fs
vo lu n te e rs in vo lve d in the
evidence collection process, and
analyzes investigation results to
assess support of the allegation.
S/he also manages the volunteer
pool, which includes recruiting
and training volunteers. S/he
pe rfo rm s in fo rm a tio n and
database management as well as
sta tistica l and case tra c k in g
documentation and reporting. A
P rovidence Health System
fu ll p o sitio n d e s c rip tio n is
We're seeking exceptional individuals available at www.fhco.org/What's
for exciting career opportunities! New . No phone calls, please.
• Access Management Coordinator
well-groomed, positive individuals.
Please submit a current resume
via fax (503-223-3396) or email
(information@fhco.org). Closing
date for applications is 3/16/07.
A major broadcast company is
Background Investigator
The Background Investigator for
the Portland Police Bureau is
re s p o n s ib le fo r p e rfo rm in g
p ro fe s s io n a l and a n a lytic a l
administrative work assignments
ra n g in g from
ro u tin e to
moderately difficult in support of
law e nfo rce m e nt background
investigative functions. Duties
in clu d e
u tiliz in g
se cu re
computerized law enforcement
databases to retrieve information
about candidates, conducting
personal interviews and reviewing
other public and private records
to develop an applicant case file
used in the background process.
Additional duties include creating
a case file used as the basis for
determining the suitability of an
applicant to become a Portland
Police Officer under the direction
o f th e P e rso n n e l D ivisio n
command staff.
A p p ro xim a te M on th ly S a la ry
Range: $3,387 - $5,219
Application deadline is 4:30 pm,
Tuesday, March 13,2007
To learn more about this position,
or to apply online, visit our website
pickup an application at 1120 SW
5th Ave. Portland. Oregon 97204
Medical Office Support Instructor
($15.38-$ 18.00 per hour)
Full-time instructor needed for
career and technical train in g
program serving young adults
aged 16 to 24. The successful
candidate will be proficient with
Medisoft billing software, medical
te rm in o lo g y,
o ffic e
procedures and skills. Must be a
self-starter, able to maintain a high
level of organization in a fast-
e n viro n m e n t,
pro fe ssion al role m odel, and
d e m o n s tra te
e xc e lle n t
com m unications skills with co­
workers and students. Must have
1 - 2 years experience in the
medical field. Prefer candidate to
have a professional certification,
and teaching experience. Great
opportunity for the right person to
share his/her knowledge while
making a real difference young
people’s lives.
Please mail resume and cover
letter of interest to:
seeking to fill a position that
supports an outside sales staff of 20
Need a strong team player with
solid work ethic, problem solving
skills and detail oriented. The
p o sitio n re q u ire s c o m p le te
understanding in Windows Office
Suite, Adobe Acrobat, Photoshop
and other sales design software.
Applicant must be able to multi­
task concurrent projects. Fax
Resume to: 503-417-7659 or
Email to: resumes@kxl.com. No
Phone Calls. Equal Opportunity
Human Resources
Springdale Job Corps Center
31224 E. Historic Columbia
River Hwy
Troutdale, OR 97060
Portland Development
The Urban Renewal Agency for the
City of Portland, Oregon
P o rtla n d is in te rn a tio n a lly
recognized for its quality of life,
distinctive neighborhoods, and
robust transit system. Playing a
key role in keeping Portland,
Oregon, one of Am erica's most
liva b le c itie s is the P ortland
D e ve lo p m e n t C o m m is s io n ’s
mission. PDC is the City’s urban
renewal agency, charged with
bringing together resources to
achieve Portland's vision. W e’re
currently looking for qualified
individuals to com plem ent our
w o rk fo rc e fo r the fo llo w in g
Senior Administrative Specialist
Associate Residential Loan
Credit Administrator 11
We o ffe r a ge n erou s host of
benefits as part of our efforts to
keep PDC a positive, healthy and
productive place to work. PDC
values diversity in its work force
and is co m m itte d to Equal
Em ploym ent O pportu nity and
Affirmative Action.
Apply online at www.pdc.us/jobs
Portland Development
Commission, 222 NW 5th Ave.,
Portland, OR 97209
Jobline: 503.823.3463
S enior E ngineering A ssociate - T raffic
Senior Engineering Associates
w ith a T ra ffic S p e c ia lty are
re s p o n s ib le fo r p e rfo rm in g
intermediate to complex traffic
engineering work involving the
application of advanced technical
engineering knowledge to the
design and operation of the City’s
transportation system. Duties
m ay in c lu d e d e s ig n in g and
re v ie w in g
p la n s
specifications for the physical
layout of traffic control devices
and street lights; designing and
review ing electrical w irin g for
s ig n a lize d
in te rs e c tio n s ;
m a n a g in g c o n s tru c tio n or
m a in te n a n c e p ro je c ts ; and
performing analysis and selecting
traffic signal phasing and timing
to maximize efficiency and safety
of City’s arterials. Additionally, this
position may oversee, coordinate,
and review the work of support
staff, technical, and engineering
A p p ro xim a te M o n th ly S a la ry
Range: $5,105 to $5,909
All responses must be received
no later than March 16,2007.
Application deadline is 4:30 pm,
Monday, March 12, 2007
As an affirmative action employer,
we are seeking qualified minority,
fem ale, veteran and disabled
applicants; however, all qualified
applicants will be considered.
To learn more about this position,
or to a pply on li ne, visit ou r website
at www.ci.portland.or.us/iobs/ or
pickup an application at 1120 SW
5th Ave. Portland, Oregon 97204
Salary: $3,793 - $5,483/month
Announcement HOCDT7170 Salem
• Long Range Planning Manager
Salary: $4.705 $7,279/month
Announcement #OCDT7165 Salem
• Freight Mobility Specialist
Salary: $3.809 $5,713/month
Announcement H0CDT7164 Salem
• Project Manager (Right of Way)
Salary: $3.809 $5,713/month
Announcement X0CDT7114 Portland
Building Camen. Bridging the Future.
qualifications, requirements, and instructions on
how to apply for these jobs.
Go to
www odotiobs.com for a comptete copy or call
503 98 8 4 0 3 0 (TTY 503 9 8 & 38 5 4 | to request
by mail ODOT is proud to operate as an equal
opportunity, affirmative action employer.
Announcements will be made available in
alternate format upon request: (503) 3786202.
TTY 1800-9938898.
w w w . 0 1r e g o n J1 o b s . o 1
r g
|ob Hotline: 503-988-5035
TTY: 503-988-5170
an equal opportunity employer
w w w .m ultcojobs.org