Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 21, 2007, Page 6, Image 6

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    February 21, 2007
Page A6
To honor Black History M onth and the heritage o f our community, the Portland Observer respectfully requests fam ily recipes
that have been passed down through generations. The Black History Month - Community Recipe Collection' will be published
throughout the month o f February. Email SharonS@portlandobserver.com (with Subject: Recipes ~ Black History Month).
F ood
Orange Barbecued Ribs
• Preheat grill to low heat. Mix bar­
becue sauce, orange peel, ju ice and
crushed red pepper.
• Place ribs, bone-sides dow n, on
greased grill.
• Grill uncoveredfor3()m inuteson
each side. Brush with the barbecue
sauce mixture.
• C ontinue grilling 30 m inutes or
un til rib s are co o k e d th ro u g h
(160°F), turning and brushing o c­
casionally with the sauce mixture.
This sauce is really great, hut I have to warn
you its a little spicy!
Prep Time: 5 min
Total l ime: 1 hr 35 min
Makes: 6 servings
1 cup barbecue sauce
I tsp. grated orange peel
1 /4 c up orange j uice
1/2 tsp. crushed red pepper
3 lb. pork spareribs or baby back ribs
Ingredients for life
Great Substitute:
P reheat grill to low heat. S u b sti­
tute 1 (3 -lb .) c u t-u p b ro ile r-fry er
chicken fo rth e ribs. Place chicken,
sk in -sid es dow n, on g reased grill.
G rill, u n co v ered , 50 m in u tes to
one h o u r o r until ch ick en is no
lo n g er pink in c e n te rs (1 7 0 °F ),
tu rn in g o cc asio n ally and b ru sh ­
ing w ith the b arb ecu e sauce m ix ­
ture for the last 15 m in u tes o f the
grilling tim e.
M akes fiv e serv in g s.
These really
do melt in
your mouth.
• 2 cups flour
• 4 tsp. baking pow der
• 1/2 tsp. salt
• 1/2 tsp. cream o f tartar
• 1/4 tsp. baking soda
• 1/3 cup shortening
• 1 cup butterm ilk
• 2 Tbsp. butter or m arga­
rine, melted, divided
Rancher's Reserve
Angus Beef Chuck
Pot Roast
Manor House Chicken
Breast Tenderloin
SAVE up to $2.62 lb.
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Oitom State ChtlwfteM.îta.
SAVE up to $4.98 ea
• Preheat oven to 450°F. Mix flour, baking pow der, salt, cream o f tartar
and baking soda in large bowl until well blended. Cut in shortening until
mixture resem bles coarse crum bs. Add butterm ilk; stir with fork until
mixture forms soft dough.
• Place on lightly floured surface; knead 20 tim es or until sm ooth. Pat or
roll out dough to 1/2-inch-thickness, C ut into circles with floured 2-inch
cookie cutter. Place on ungreased baking sheet. Brush with half o f the
• Bake 12 m inutes or until golden brown. Brush with rem aining butter.
Pearl’s Perfect Crab Cakes
with Cool Lime Sauce
“My Aunt Pearl grew up in North Carolina, this family
recipe originated in that part o f the country. ”
Submitted by Lena Phillips, Vancouver, Wash.
e v e ry tim e y o u p u rch ase a t le a s t 10 o t o v e r 1 ,0 0 0
p a r tic ip a tin g p ro d u c ts in a s in g le tra n s a c tio n .
Offer valid 02 /14/2007 02/27/2007 Limit one (1) coupon
per fren tM tio n . $10 Coupon provided i t checkout.
1 medium lime
1 cup m ayonnaise or salad dressing, divided
I envelope Italian salad dressing & recipe mix
2 Tbsp. Dijon M ustard
2 cans (6 oz. each) crabm eat, drained, flaked
25 finely crushed Ritz C rackers, divided
2 Tbsp. chopped green onion
1/4 cup sour cream
$ \ u t e ,n e
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Lucerne Yogurt
8-pack, 20-02.
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Club Price: 4 0 t ea.
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Breyers All Natural
Ice Cream
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SAVE up to $6 2 9 on 2
• G rate the peel and sqeeze the
ju ice from the lime. Mix h alf o f the
lime juice, half cup o f the mayo,
salad dressing mix and m ustard in
m edium bowl until well blended.
Add crabm eat, h alf cu p o f the
cracker crum bs and onion, mix
• Shape into 18 patties; coat with
rem aining crackercrum bs.
• Cook patties in batches in large
nonstick skillet on medium heat two
m in u tes on each sid e o r until
brow ned on both sides and heated
through. Mix rem aining half cup
mayo, remaining limejuice, lime peel
and sour cream until well blended.
Serve with crab cakes.
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Progresso Soup
E d ito r -I n -C hief , P ublish er : Charles H. W ashington
E D iTO R .M ichael L e ig h to n
P u blic R e l a t io n s : M a rk W a s h in g to n
C r e a tiv e D ir e c t o r : P a u l N e u fe ld t
O f fic e M a n a g e r : K a th y L in d e r
R eporter : Sarah Blount
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usage without Ihe written consent of the general manager, unless the client has
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O regon's Oldest Multicultural Publication--is a member of the National
Newspaper Association- Founded in 1885, and The National Advertising
Representative Amalgamated Publishers, Inc. New York. NY. and The West
Coast Black Publishers Association
1 8 .5 to 19-02.
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