Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 24, 2007, Page 6, Image 6

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Clinton: ‘In it to Win’
U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N. Y., holds the hand o f one-year-old Olivia Harden as Olivia's father
Bobby holds her during an appearance in New York Sunday, a day after announcing her race for
the White House. (AP photo)
P o r tla n d P u b lic S ch o o ls
Saturday, February 3,2007
Portland Expo Center
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and shuttles from
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Free Shuttles
From Cleveland,
Jefferson, Marshall,
Madison, Roosevelt,
and Wilson High
lanuary 24, 2007
from Front
rize the invasion in 2002 and has
refused to call for a date-certain
rem oval o f troops —- has alienated
many D em ocratic activists, who
vote heavily in prim aries.
H ow ard W olfson, a senior ad­
viser to Clinton, conceded M on­
day that there were those who didn't
like her. But, he told C B S ’ "The
Early S how ," "F or people who
w onder w hether Senator Clinton
can win, we say Senator C linton is
already w inning in the polls."
Terry Me Auliffe, a former Demo­
cratic Party ch airm an w ho has
joined her cam paign, said one of
Clinton's challenges is to get people
to know her.
He also said he did not believ e
th ere w as an y c o n c ep t such as
C lin to n fatiq u e in the U .S. e le c ­
to rate.
"People look very fondly upon
those eight years o f the Clinton
adm inistration," M cA uliffe said on
N BC's "Today" program . He said
that one advantage Clinton hasover
her D em ocratic rivals is that "She
knows every world leader on a first-
name basis, and that's w hat we need
... A m ericans want to know that
their president can keep them safe."
C linton was scheduled to travel
to Iowa, site o f the first nom inating
caucuses this w eekend.
"I w ant to have a conversation
with our citizens about w hat we
w ant for our country," Clinton said.
continue to make opportunity avail­
able to all o f o urcitizens here and to
restore our leadership and respect
o f A m erica around the world, that I
w ould be able to do that — to bring
our country together to m eet those
tough challenges," she said.
* She knows every world leader
on a first-name basis, and that’s
what we need ... Americans want
to know that their president can
keep them safe.
- Terry McAuliffe, former Democratic Party chairman Jk
C linton said she w ould intro­
Clinton and O bam a are the most
d u ce leg islatio n to expand the visible candidates in a field that
C hildren's Health Insurance Pro­ includes the 2004 vice presidential
gram to all fam ilies w ho need it, nominee, John Edwards. O ther can­
regardless o f incom e.
didates include C onnecticut Sen.
C linton said she decided to run Chris Dodd, form er Iowa Gov. Tom
after talking to fam ily, friends and V ilsack, and O hio Rep. D ennis
supporters since her re-election in K ucinich. New M exico G ov. Bill
Richardson w ho w ould be the first
"I concluded, based on the work H ispanic president, jum p ed in Sun­
o f my lifetim e and my experience day; D elaw are Sen. Joe Biden has
and my understanding o f w hat our said he is running and w ould for­
country has to confront in order to m alize his decision soon.
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photo by M atthew G inn /T iie P ortland O bserver
Marcy Wickman constructs industrial piping systems from stainless steel and plastic tubing for
companies like Intel.
t r i © m e t
O N -A IR * O N - L IN t
Together w ith NEXTEL
Breaking Barriers
in the Trades
from Front
C onnie Ashhrook, director of
O re g o n T ra d e s w o m e n , sa y s
W ick m an 'sex p erien ceisty p icalo f
women apprenticeships in some
ways, less so in others.
“T he b ig g est single b a rrie r we
have is w om en not k n ow ing that
these trad es ev en e x ist,” she says.
“ For m any y ears the trad es had
m o re w h ite m a le s th a n th e y
n eeded, so th ey w e re n 't g reat
about d o in g o u treach . T h e se c ­
o n d b ig g e st b a rrie r is fin d in g
c o n siste n t w ork. Jo b s are found
th ro u g h trad itio n al n etw o rk s. If
y o u ’re not p ar, o f the in -g ro u p ,
you m ight no, he p art o f the core
g ro u p th at g o es fro m jo b to jo b .”
M en on the jo b site are “ m ostly
su p p o rtiv e and w elc o m in g ” to
w om en w o rk ers, A sh h ro o k says.
“O c c a sio n a lly y o u 'll find a bad
ap p le, a bully w h o w an ts to pick
on so m eo n e. S o m etim es y o u 'll
e n c o u n te r a g ro u p o f th ese folks
w ho have alm o st a g ang m e n tal­
ity .” H ow ever, she adds, th is is
relativ ely rare.
O regon T rad esw o m en o ffe rs a
p re -ap p ren tice sh ip p ro g ram that
prepares can d id ates for w hat they
will find. C onstruction com panies
such as A n d erso n . H offm an and
W alsh have h osted field trip s that
allow w om en to see w hat a c o n ­
stru ctio n site is like. T he program
helps w om en acq u ire b oots, tools
and d riv ers licen ses, m en to rin g
and su p p o rt, “a sh o u ld e r to cry
on and ap p lau se for su c ce ss.”