il, Page A6 f^lortlaxtù ©bsœruer Join the fun as more then 1 0 0 Portland Public Schools showcase their quality programs, s t a f f, and students! I I I n I ti I Clinton: ‘In it to Win’ U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N. Y., holds the hand o f one-year-old Olivia Harden as Olivia's father Bobby holds her during an appearance in New York Sunday, a day after announcing her race for the White House. (AP photo) continued P o r tla n d P u b lic S ch o o ls Saturday, February 3,2007 Portland Expo Center Free Parking and shuttles from Portland Meadows Community Resource and Vendor Booths Opportunities for kids, parents, and families Tools, Information & Resources Supporting all students Free Shuttles From Cleveland, Jefferson, Marshall, Madison, Roosevelt, and Wilson High Schools lanuary 24, 2007 from Front rize the invasion in 2002 and has refused to call for a date-certain rem oval o f troops —- has alienated many D em ocratic activists, who vote heavily in prim aries. H ow ard W olfson, a senior ad­ viser to Clinton, conceded M on­ day that there were those who didn't like her. But, he told C B S ’ "The Early S how ," "F or people who w onder w hether Senator Clinton can win, we say Senator C linton is already w inning in the polls." Terry Me Auliffe, a former Demo­ cratic Party ch airm an w ho has joined her cam paign, said one of Clinton's challenges is to get people to know her. He also said he did not believ e th ere w as an y c o n c ep t such as C lin to n fatiq u e in the U .S. e le c ­ to rate. "People look very fondly upon those eight years o f the Clinton adm inistration," M cA uliffe said on N BC's "Today" program . He said that one advantage Clinton hasover her D em ocratic rivals is that "She knows every world leader on a first- name basis, and that's w hat we need ... A m ericans want to know that their president can keep them safe." C linton was scheduled to travel to Iowa, site o f the first nom inating caucuses this w eekend. "I w ant to have a conversation with our citizens about w hat we w ant for our country," Clinton said. continue to make opportunity avail­ able to all o f o urcitizens here and to restore our leadership and respect o f A m erica around the world, that I w ould be able to do that — to bring our country together to m eet those tough challenges," she said. * She knows every world leader on a first-name basis, and that’s what we need ... Americans want to know that their president can keep them safe. - Terry McAuliffe, former Democratic Party chairman Jk C linton said she w ould intro­ Clinton and O bam a are the most d u ce leg islatio n to expand the visible candidates in a field that C hildren's Health Insurance Pro­ includes the 2004 vice presidential gram to all fam ilies w ho need it, nominee, John Edwards. O ther can­ regardless o f incom e. didates include C onnecticut Sen. C linton said she decided to run Chris Dodd, form er Iowa Gov. Tom after talking to fam ily, friends and V ilsack, and O hio Rep. D ennis supporters since her re-election in K ucinich. New M exico G ov. Bill November. Richardson w ho w ould be the first "I concluded, based on the work H ispanic president, jum p ed in Sun­ o f my lifetim e and my experience day; D elaw are Sen. Joe Biden has and my understanding o f w hat our said he is running and w ould for­ country has to confront in order to m alize his decision soon. Free Childcare For children four years and older Student Performances More then 1,200 students to perform Kindergarten Know- How Learn the who, what & how of kindergarten www.pps.kl (503)916-3304 photo by M atthew G inn /T iie P ortland O bserver Marcy Wickman constructs industrial piping systems from stainless steel and plastic tubing for companies like Intel. (Comcast t r i © m e t > Sprint O N -A IR * O N - L IN t Together w ith NEXTEL Breaking Barriers in the Trades continued from Front C onnie Ashhrook, director of O re g o n T ra d e s w o m e n , sa y s W ick m an 'sex p erien ceisty p icalo f women apprenticeships in some ways, less so in others. “T he b ig g est single b a rrie r we have is w om en not k n ow ing that these trad es ev en e x ist,” she says. “ For m any y ears the trad es had m o re w h ite m a le s th a n th e y n eeded, so th ey w e re n 't g reat about d o in g o u treach . T h e se c ­ o n d b ig g e st b a rrie r is fin d in g c o n siste n t w ork. Jo b s are found th ro u g h trad itio n al n etw o rk s. If y o u ’re not p ar, o f the in -g ro u p , you m ight no, he p art o f the core g ro u p th at g o es fro m jo b to jo b .” M en on the jo b site are “ m ostly su p p o rtiv e and w elc o m in g ” to w om en w o rk ers, A sh h ro o k says. “O c c a sio n a lly y o u 'll find a bad ap p le, a bully w h o w an ts to pick on so m eo n e. S o m etim es y o u 'll e n c o u n te r a g ro u p o f th ese folks w ho have alm o st a g ang m e n tal­ ity .” H ow ever, she adds, th is is relativ ely rare. O regon T rad esw o m en o ffe rs a p re -ap p ren tice sh ip p ro g ram that prepares can d id ates for w hat they will find. C onstruction com panies such as A n d erso n . H offm an and W alsh have h osted field trip s that allow w om en to see w hat a c o n ­ stru ctio n site is like. T he program helps w om en acq u ire b oots, tools and d riv ers licen ses, m en to rin g and su p p o rt, “a sh o u ld e r to cry on and ap p lau se for su c ce ss.”