Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 10, 2007, Martin Luther King Jr. Special Edition, Page 26, Image 26

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    M a k e in L u th er K in g J r .
January 10, 2007
2007 s p e c i a l e d it io n
Page B14
Emerging young leader draws on past
from M 2
“ People think that another super force like
M artin Luther King will com e along.” he says,
“ What we really have to work for is finding
ways to unify and unite the com m unity. Every­
one must be a leader."
In the future. Charles hopes to run for office
again, but tor now he is focusing on shorter-
term goals. H e’d like to get m arried, have kids,
work on his career and continue living a happy
and fulfilling life.
“ I'd like to think that 1 continuously work on
mak i ng a positive impact on the people around me
as Dr. King did." he said. "I also hope to give back
to the people in my life that have helped me so
m uch.”
Charles McGee
works to
change the
system as a
local activist
education, racial
profiling and
gender inequal­
ity issues.
King Shakes hands with President Lyndon B. Johnson during a press conference.
4234 N Interstate Ave, Portland, Oregon 97217
(503) 281-6388
Saluting Martin.
Luther King Jr.
- Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Owner, Jack Chung
fk tn m
7410 NE MLK, Portland, Oregon 97211
(503) 285-1230
to 'jiniJIlilnoa no . »
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1 The ultimate measure o f a man is
not where he stands in moments o f
comfort, but where he stands at
times o f challenge and controversy.
I o l i u u , ’ ) J11.1II/
Do not
condemn the
man that cannot
think or act as
fast as you can.
Because there
was a time when
you could not do
things as well as
you can today.
- Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Working together...
to achieve the dream
We think Dr. King would approve
Legacy Health System has dozens of part­
nerships with schools, organizations and
others in Portland's N orth/N ortheast
In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day,
we thought it'd be a good time to look at
these partnerships, which are aimed at
making life better for all people.
Among the many, many efforts in w hich
Legacy is involved, we:
• Sponsor summer jobs and scholarships
for African-American and Latino youth
interested in healthcare careers
• Give paid time off for hundreds of
employees to mentor and read in local schools
• Provide vital support for the African American Health Coalition
• Maintain partnerships with Benson, Jefferson and Roosevelt I ligh Schools
• Support the De La Salle Corporate Internship, giving diverse students professional
» Assist Self Enhancement Inc. with providing preventive dental care
Com m unity
Plus, Legacy Emanuel Hospital is a leading employer and a cornerstone of
community health and healing. We're proud of that role.
Legacy Health System
Health System
Legac y Health System, a nonprofit organization, inc lories Emanuel Hospital & I lealth CenteL Emanuel Children's Hospital.
Good Samaritan Hospital & Medical Center, Meridian Park Hospital, Mount Hood Medical Center, Salmon Creek Hospital,
www.hoffmancorp.com / T. (503) 221 8811
I egacy Clinics and CateMark/Managed Healthcare Northwest PPO © 2006