M a k e in L u th er K in g J r . January 10, 2007 2007 s p e c i a l e d it io n Page B14 Emerging young leader draws on past continued from M 2 “ People think that another super force like M artin Luther King will com e along.” he says, “ What we really have to work for is finding ways to unify and unite the com m unity. Every­ one must be a leader." In the future. Charles hopes to run for office again, but tor now he is focusing on shorter- term goals. H e’d like to get m arried, have kids, work on his career and continue living a happy and fulfilling life. “ I'd like to think that 1 continuously work on mak i ng a positive impact on the people around me as Dr. King did." he said. "I also hope to give back to the people in my life that have helped me so m uch.” Charles McGee works to change the system as a local activist addressing education, racial profiling and gender inequal­ ity issues. King Shakes hands with President Lyndon B. Johnson during a press conference. & CJ h SJLL 4234 N Interstate Ave, Portland, Oregon 97217 (503) 281-6388 MM Saluting Martin. Luther King Jr. - Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Owner, Jack Chung fk tn m 7410 NE MLK, Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 285-1230 to 'jiniJIlilnoa no . » < ■ > U o lir/’ < u ib llii> 1 The ultimate measure o f a man is not where he stands in moments o f comfort, but where he stands at times o f challenge and controversy. I o l i u u , ’ ) J11.1II/ Hoffman Builds Do not condemn the man that cannot think or act as fast as you can. Because there was a time when you could not do things as well as you can today. - Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Working together... to achieve the dream We think Dr. King would approve Legacy Health System has dozens of part­ nerships with schools, organizations and others in Portland's N orth/N ortheast community. In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we thought it'd be a good time to look at these partnerships, which are aimed at making life better for all people. Among the many, many efforts in w hich Legacy is involved, we: • Sponsor summer jobs and scholarships for African-American and Latino youth interested in healthcare careers • Give paid time off for hundreds of employees to mentor and read in local schools • Provide vital support for the African American Health Coalition • Maintain partnerships with Benson, Jefferson and Roosevelt I ligh Schools • Support the De La Salle Corporate Internship, giving diverse students professional experience » Assist Self Enhancement Inc. with providing preventive dental care Com m unity Plus, Legacy Emanuel Hospital is a leading employer and a cornerstone of community health and healing. We're proud of that role. ■ www.legacyhealth.org Legacy Health System Health System HOFFMAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Legac y Health System, a nonprofit organization, inc lories Emanuel Hospital & I lealth CenteL Emanuel Children's Hospital. Good Samaritan Hospital & Medical Center, Meridian Park Hospital, Mount Hood Medical Center, Salmon Creek Hospital, www.hoffmancorp.com / T. (503) 221 8811 I egacy Clinics and CateMark/Managed Healthcare Northwest PPO © 2006