Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 13, 2006, Page 4, Image 4

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1 ^Jnrtlanò ©hscruer
December 13, 2006
O pinion
Opinion articles do not
necessarily reflect or represent the
views o f The Portland Observer
Tobacco and Children: An Ongoing Fight
M arian
W hig i i i -
Against relentless,
powerful opponent
In the midst o f all the focus on
the war in Iraq and current moral
seandals ann nig some of our pol it i -
cal and religious leaders, a different
issue was quietly appearing on
ballots across the country on Elec­
tion Day. Voters in Arizona, Florida,
Nevada, Ohio, and South Dakota
all approved statewide measures
that required either smoke-free work
places, increased stale tobacco
taxes to fund needs like health care
and early child development pro­
grams. and/or funded tobacco pre­
vention programs.
The fact that more states and
communities are passing laws like
th ese, w hich are c ritic a l for
children's health, should renew our
courage to keep fighting against
tobacco companies whose deadly
products cost many thousands of
lives every year.
Smoking can harm children be­
fore they are born. Women who
smoke during pregnancy are at
greater risk of having a-premature
birth, pregnancy complications,
low birthweight infants, or a still­
birth, and have a higher rate of
infant mortality.
Smoking during pregnancy is
also associated w ith Sudden Infant
I )eath Syndrome (SIDS), |x>or lung
development, asthma, and other
n eg a tiv e c o n se q u e n c e s for
children's health and development.
Increasing access to prenatal care
is one key to helping address nega­
tive behavioral habits like smoking
that can harm children. There is
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E ditor is -C m n . P dri . isher : Charles H. Washington
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The struggle to stop
children and youths from
smoking is even fiercer.
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the governor’s education budget:
K -12 funding $6.06 billion. This is
cause it begins (he strategic the first time education has been
reinvestment in our schools. above essential budget level in 10
We have a great deal of ground years, and I believe it is an excellent
to make up. and the governor's start in the strategic reinvestment
long-term plan recognizes that. in Oregon's K-12 system.
His budget is also very good
I support the establishm ent of
news for the state of Oregon an Innovation Fund, and I will
because strong education fund­ work to increase the resources
ing is the catalyst for Oregon's
continued recovery and long-term
We must ensure that we make
good choices with the dollars we
have been given. Our opportunity
is for smart re-investment - to in­
vest in education programs and
services that deliver increased stu­
dent achievement. That isourgoal
and our purpose.
As we move forward this ses­
sion, one of the key principles for available in that fund. I am thrilled
K-12 education is spending must that the governor has earmarked
be its transparency. We need to $10 million for new high school
ensure that we make the most of grad u atio n req u irem en ts. We
every dollar we have been given, need these funds to successfully
but we must also ensure that our im p le m e n t the c h a n g e s the
communities know what we are StateBoard of Education is pro­
doing and why. I believe that K-I2 posing, and I am gratified that the
education does a wonderful job in governor recognizes the funda­
showing where the dollars go, and mental need for these funds.
the Open Books Project is a perfect
I support moving the corporate
illustration of that. Every school kicker into a "rainy day fund." and
district's actual spending is set out I support the proposal to raise the
for review' and comparison with corporate minimum tax. These
other districts across the state.
funds will add much-needed stabil­
I’d like tohighlightafewitem sin ity to the state school fund and will
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Marian Wright Edelman is presi­
dent andfounder of the Children's
Defense Fund.
allow for full funding of Head Start
for all eligible students.
I am pleased the governor sup­
ports the expansion of full-day
kindergarten across the state. I
strongly support the expansion
of performance audits for schools
and districts. I am especially ex­
c ite d a b o u t the fu n d in g o f
O regon’s Teacher M entor Pro-
Our opportunity is fo r smart
re-investment - to invest in
education programs and
services that deliver increased
student achievement.
Lift holiday spirits high with the joy ful sounds ol Christmas. Dynamic conductor ( hartes
ism. Events like this can make a real
difference in teaching young people
some of the facts about and conse­
quences of tobacco use. and the
ways tobacco companies’ market­
ing tactics are addicting them to
life-threatening habits.
Many organizations provide
materials specifically to help par­
ents teach their children about the
dangers o f smoking. And all of us
can pay attention to and support
more ballot measures like the ones
that passed this year. Together, we
can make a real difference in pro­
tecting more children from second­
hand smoke and reducing the num­
ber of children who start smok­
ing— two key steps in giving more
children the Healthy Start in life
they all deserve.
Good News for Schools, State
BV St SAN C A ST II 1 .0
It is very different
today than it was
w hen G ov. Ted
K ulongoski and I
took office four years
ago. Then we were
looking at unprec­
edented budget cuts. Now we are
looking at an opportunity for un­
precedented reinvestment. I want
to thank the governor for his com­
mitment to education, and I want to
thank the voters across the state of
Oregon for turning back measures
4I& 4 8 .
The governor's budget is good
news for students and families be-
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S Y M P H O N Y 'S
quit, and to protect everyone from illnesses.
secondhand smoke. They’ve stud­
Almost 90 percent of adults who
ied all the facts about children and smoke took their first puff at or
smoking and have a long list of before the age of 18. The tobacco
compelling reasons w hy it's impor­ industry spends more than $9.7
tant to protect children now. Here billion a year or more than $26.5
are just a few of the alarming reali- million a day, advertising and mar­
keting its death products. Parents
and adults who want to keep chil­
dren away from tobacco and ciga­
rettes are definitely fighting a re­
lentless and powerful opponent.
These statistics are a wake-up
call for anyone concerned about
children’s and public health. Every
year, the Campaign for Tobacco-
Free Kids sponsors a "Kick Butts
The struggle to stop children
Every day. another 1.500 chil­ Day" to expose and counter the
and youths from smoking is even dren become daily smokers. O f these tobacco industry’s marketing strat­
fiercer. The nonprofit Campaign for children and youths. 148.482 will egies aimed at young people. Stu­
Tobacco-Free Kids is at the fore­ die prematurely from their addic­ dents of all ages take part in events
front of the fight to prevent young tion. Altogether, more than 5 mil­ like youth-led rallies in state capi­
pt ^
_ dangerous lion children alive today will die tals, surveys of tobacco advertis­
smoking habits, to help smokers prematurely from smoking-related ing in local stores, and street activ-
A welcome reversal of fortune
I’lmit R elations : Mark W ashington
('m a in D irector : Paul N eufeldt
O w n M anager : Kathy Linder
R eporter : Sarah Blount
good news here: The percentage of
women who smoke during preg­
nancy has declined during the last
decade. But in 2002, more than one
in 10 women giving birth still re­
ported smoking during pregnancy,
so there's much more work to be
Portland Center for the Performing Arts
gram. This is the first funding for
this essential program in lOyears,
and it will make a huge difference
for teachers and students across
the state.
Finally, I wish to thank the gov­
ernor for his support for the KIDS
project, O regon’s integrated data
sy ste m . T h is in itia tiv e w ill
stream line data collection and
allo w fo r so p h istic a te d data
analysis, leading to im proved
classroom instruction and stu­
dent achievem ent.
Susan Castillo is the state
schools superintendent.
Staggering Jobless Rate
Editor’s note: U.S. Rep. Melvin L. Watt, chair­
man o f the Congressional Black Caucus, released
the following statement an behalf o f the CBC:
Unemployment figures from the U.S. Depart­
ment of Labor show that African American unem­
ployment is a staggering 8.6 percent, compared to
3.9 percent for white Americans and 4.9 percent
for Hispanic Americans, once again widening the
already dramatic gap that exists between African Americans and
other Americans.
The rate of unemploy ment for African Americans is consistently
more than double the rate for white Americans. Such a huge gap
shows that African Americans lag woefully behind in jobs, employ­
ment opportunities and the ability to survive.
This, unfortunately, impacts on all aspects of life and widens the
disparities gap for African Americans in health care, retirement
security, education, employment security and wealth building.
As we approach the end of another year, this trend must end. It
is harmful to the millions of African Americans still unemployed who
are unable to participate fully in this society. We once again call on
President Bush to show his personal commitment to closing the
disparities that continue to plague our country.
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