£1. Pa£t‘ A4 1 ^Jnrtlanò ©hscruer December 13, 2006 O pinion Opinion articles do not necessarily reflect or represent the views o f The Portland Observer Tobacco and Children: An Ongoing Fight M arian W hig i i i - E i IHM AN bx i Against relentless, powerful opponent In the midst o f all the focus on the war in Iraq and current moral seandals ann nig some of our pol it i - cal and religious leaders, a different issue was quietly appearing on ballots across the country on Elec­ tion Day. Voters in Arizona, Florida, Nevada, Ohio, and South Dakota all approved statewide measures that required either smoke-free work places, increased stale tobacco taxes to fund needs like health care and early child development pro­ grams. and/or funded tobacco pre­ vention programs. The fact that more states and communities are passing laws like th ese, w hich are c ritic a l for children's health, should renew our courage to keep fighting against tobacco companies whose deadly products cost many thousands of lives every year. Smoking can harm children be­ fore they are born. Women who smoke during pregnancy are at greater risk of having a-premature birth, pregnancy complications, low birthweight infants, or a still­ birth, and have a higher rate of infant mortality. Smoking during pregnancy is also associated w ith Sudden Infant I )eath Syndrome (SIDS), |x>or lung development, asthma, and other n eg a tiv e c o n se q u e n c e s for children's health and development. Increasing access to prenatal care is one key to helping address nega­ tive behavioral habits like smoking that can harm children. There is 1 |Jnrthinb (fihsvrvvY Established 1970 USPS 959-680 ___________________________________ 4 7 4 7 NE Martin Luther King. Jr. Blvd., Portland. OR 97211 E ditor is -C m n . P dri . isher : Charles H. Washington E ditor : M ieltael Leighton The struggle to stop children and youths from smoking is even fiercer. P ostmaster : Send address changes to Portland Observer. P0 Box 3137, Portland. OR 97208 CALL 503-288-0033 FAX 503-^88-0015 news