Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 06, 2006, Page 5, Image 5

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    December 6. 2006
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To make life easier for meal preparations, the 'Food Section' will
present an assortment of hearty, healthy and user-friendly winter and
holiday recipes, Eor recipe requests or suggestions contact:
SharonS@portlandobserver.com Subject: Food Section
F ood
Slow Cooker: Greek Chicken Pitas
"Looking fo r something to
break the bah-hum-bug
dinner blues? Eureka! I
have just the recipe fo r you.
Try these delicious Greek-
style chicken pitas; the
cucumber sauce is flavorful
but not overpowering. ”
Prep Time: 20 Min; Slow Cooker Time: 6 Hrs.
Slow Cooker Tips
How many cooks do you need in a
kitchen? Only one, a slow cooker
The opportunity to free up and cordingly.
seize extra 'quality tim e' ju st for
• No matter how tempting it is,
you or with the family can often don't peek! Lifting the lid off your
be a daunting and illusive task. slow cooker can result in longer
One o f the best-kept secrets in cooking time. Because the slow
the pursuit to add hours to the cookers cook at such low tempera­
day is a slow cooker. A few min­ tures, uncovering it fora minute or
utes o f preparation the night be­ two can cause the temperature to
fore can save hours of cooking drop and the cooking time to in­
and cleaning the next day. The crease substantially. If you must
slow cooker will do all the work peek, do so quickly! If you feel the
for you. Enjoy the free time to urge to stir every once in a while,
share highlights o f your day with fight it! Unlike stovetop or oven
someone, read to the kids, help cooking, the slow cooker transfers
with homework, wrap a gift, take heat evenly to the food without hot
an evening stroll orenjoy a relax­ spots, so stirring isn't really neces­
ing bubble bath.
sary (unless the recipe happens to
• Brown meats and poultry callforit).
first, if desired. Heat a non-stick
• The low tem p and long
skillet on medium fora minute or cooking method o f a slow cooker
two. Add ju st enough oil such as often causes pasta and rice to
canola or vegetable to coat the cook up pasty and starchy, which
bottom o f pan. Heat the oil for a can be disappointing. So often
minute and add the food to be you will find that recipes call for
browned, being sure not to over­ these items to be cooked sepa­
crowd the pan. Brown the food rately and added to the finished
evenly on ail sides. Although this dish, or added raw about one hour
takes a few extra minutes, it helps before the end of cooking time.
to seal the meat, hold in the juices,
• Your slow cooker is a great
adds extra flavor and makes it appliance to keep ‘hot beverages’
look delicious.
warm for a prolonged period o f
• Cut foods o f the same type time. When it’s cold outside, greet
into equal size pieces to ensure guests into your home with the
even cooking at the same time. If welcoming aroma o f spiced cider
a recipe calls for potatoes, cut or a mulled tea, keeping warm in
them all into, forexam ple: 2-inch the slow cooker. Keep it on the
chunks, uniform ly as possible. low setting for the perfect tem ­
The same principal applies to perature.
meat. Remember this is a slow
• Prepare your recipe selec­
cooker, course raw vegetables tion in the slow cooker the night
(such as carrots) should be cut before. Refrigerate overnight. In
into sm aller pieces.
the morning when you put the
• P lace fla v o r e n h a n c e rs coffee on, start the slow cooker
such as garlic and onions under as well (do not place slow cooker
the meat as well. This will provide on stovetop, place in an unclut­
an extra punch o f flavor to your tered heat-resistant area, with
easy access to an electrical out­
• R e m e m b e r if th e slow let.) Caution: Do not place the
cooker is not filled to at least the slow cookers rem ovable crock­
halfw ay p o in t.u selo w erh eatset- ery
i im m ediately into cold water;
tings and adjust cooking time ac­ allow cooling briefly after usage.
Reverse Mortgage
fo r Homeowners Age 62 or Older
Yield: 4 Servings
1 medium onion, diced
3 cloves garlic, minced
I-pound skinless-boneless chicken breast, cut into strips
I tsp. Lemon pepper
'/2 tsp. dried oregano
'4 tsp. Allspice
*4 tsp. Greek seasoning (optional)
*4 cup plain yogurt
‘4 cup sour cream
12 cup cucumber, peeled and diced
4 pita bread rounds, cut in half
1. Place onion and garlic in a slow cooker. Season
chicken with lemon pepper, oregano, allspice and op­
tional Greek seasoning: place on top of onions.
2. Cover, and cook on High for 6 hours- minimum.
3. Ina small bowl, stir together yogurt, sour cream, and
cucumber. Refrigerate until chicken is done cooking.
4. When chicken is done, fill pita halves with chicken
and top with the cucumber sauce.
(Optional suggested toppings: lettuce, onion, tomato,
cheese, and black olives)
Ingredients for life.
Meat Sale!
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SAVE up to $3 00 lb
Boneless. Cap off
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Fresh Raspberries.
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You are invited Friday December 8,2006 10 am - 12pm N Portland
Branch Library 512 N Killingsworth 2nd Floor to a presentation on
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Reservations are not required. See you Fri Dec 8 at 10:00 am
Introducing Signature Pasta & Cooking
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provide easy ways to spice up your meals
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