Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 29, 2006, Page 10, Image 10

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E mployment
Senior City Planner
Rated as one of Oregon’s 2006
Top 100 Companies to work for!
We are currently hiring for:
C om m un ication s Technicians
(Cable Installers)
in the P ortland M etro and
Vancouver area!
This is great career opportunity in
cable and telecommunications
se rvic e s . D o n ’t have cable
experience? Don't worry... We will
train too!! So “Connect” yourself
to a new career and join the many
faces of Comcast.
Interested? For apply at http://
Comcast is an Equal Employment
Opportunity/Affirmative Action/
Drug-free workplace employer.
L ife W orks
November 29. 2006
C lassifieds / B ids
‘ Jînrtlanô (Obstruer
Check our website
for a complete list of positions:
Case Manager Location: N.
P o rtla n d
P rovid es case
management to women in alcohol
and drug residential treatment
and their children. Requires BA/
BS in Human Services; experience
w o rk in g w ithin the African
American community required as
well as working with women and
chemical dependency issues.
S e n io r C ity P la n n e rs are
responsible for designing and
m a n a g in g all a s p e cts of
specialized planning projects and
programs, including serving as
team lead, project manager, or
bureau expert when assigning,
directing, reviewing, supervising,
monitoring and integrating the
work of staff and consultants, staff
and other specialists both inside
and outside of the bureau. Duties
in clu d e u tilizin g a th oro ugh
u n d e rsta n d in g of land use
p la n n in g,
ph ysica l
environm ental design, zoning,
economic development, and real
estate development theory and
practices to identify and solve
problems and create effective
long and short-term planning
so lu tio n s. A d d itio n a l duties
include interpreting and analyzing
codes and policies; maintaining
e ffe c tiv e
c o n ta c ts
relationships with elected and
appointed officials, other bureaus
a g e n c ie s,
c itize n s ,
com m unity organizations, and
b u sin ess c o m m u n itie s and
serving as lead in complex and
p o litic a lly se n sitive plann in g
stu d ie s ,
p ro je c ts
assignments. Senior City Planners
may participate on multi-bureau
and m ulti-jurisdictional groups
and may be authorized to make
fin a l
d e cisio n s
a n d /o r
recommendations on behalf of
their bureau and are expected to
exe rcise e xp e rt in depen dent
judgment, initiative and decision-
m aking a u th o rity to d e velop
tim e ly s o lu tio n s to com ple x
For contracting opportunities with the ( its of Portland and
lor valuable information on how to A n business with the
City, please log on lo the Bureau of Purchases 'A eb Page:
wtsw. portlandonlinc.com.omfpurchasing
( it\ o f P o r t la n d
1120 SW Fifth Ave, Room “ SO. Portland DR 9?2<M
Full Charge Bookkeeper
Nonprofit housing organization
seeks a full charge bookkeeper.
20 hours week, flexible. $18-
$20/hr., DOE. Min. 3 years of
experience. Peachtree e xp e r­
ience required. Responsibilities
include: AP/AR; Monthly financial
statements; Payroll & benefits;
Cash m anagem ent; M on thly
billings and invoicing: client fees;
grants & contracts management;
Audit prep.; Donation tracking;
Other duties as assigned.
Send a resume, cover letter, and
three references by Dec. 15 to:
Bookkeeper, Portland Community
Land Trust, 3109-B NE Broadway,
Portland, OR 97232. No phone
calls, please. EOE.
Interested applicants may e-mail
resumes to hr@lifeworksnw.org.
mail to: LifeWorks NW, 14600
NW C orn ell Rd, Portland, OR
97229 Attn: Human Resources
or fax to: 503-690-9605. Please
include in your cover letter the
p o s itio n fo r w hich you are
applying. To learn more about
LifeW orks NW please visit our
web site at www.lifeworksnw.org.
Equal Opportunity Employer
Capital Improvement
Program Manager
Th e C a p ita l Im pro vem en t
P ro g ra m (C IP ) M anager is
re s p o n s ib le fo r p ro vid in g
le a d e rs h ip and pe rfo rm in g
difficult and responsible technical
p ro je ct m anagem ent work in
support of Portland Parks and
R e c re a tio n ’s
C ap ital
Im provem ent Program. Duties
include planning, organizing and
prioritizing approved projects;
m a n a g in g and d ire c tin g the
developm ent, im plem entation
and evaluation of work programs,
plans, processes, systems and
p ro c e d u re s : d e v e lo p in g and
monitoring performance against
p ro gra m b udget; g a th e rin g
information and providing status
reports; and managing assigned
staff. Additional duties include
providing technical, policy and
project management support to
project managers as it relates to
a p p ro ve d
p ro je cts;
c o n trib u tin g to the stra te g ic
a n a ly s is ,
p la n n in g
development of the bureau’s one,
five and 20 year CIP Plans in close
collaboration with the Manager of
A p p ro xim a te M on thly S a la ry
Range: $5,247 - $7,051
Application deadline is 4:30PM,
Monday, December 04, 2006.
To learn more about this position,
or to apply online, visit our website
pickup an application at 1120 SW
5,h Ave. Portland, Oregon 97204
Lower Conference Room
4 6 10 SE Belmont
Im m e d ia te fu ll and p a rt-tim e
well-groomed, positive individuals.
Overtime/advancement potential
Medical & Dental. 401k avail.
3 :0 0 -4:00PM Tues.
City Center Parking,
130 SW Stark, Portland.
Daytime Service
Tow Truck
(We sell cars)
1505 NE Alberta St
Portland. OR 97211
- Jesus -
1716 N.E. 42nd Ave.
Portland, OR 97213
r Between Broadway
amt Sandy Blvd.)
• Automobile accident injuries
• Chronic headache and joint pain
• Workers Compensation injuries
m ultiple
(503) 228-6140
projects from inception to completion;
applying sound urban planning and
design skills to effectively translate
city and regional planning objectives
reality and
analyzing, and developing reports and
recommendations relating to planning
performing a range of planning tasks,
(360)608-2823 or 1-877-484-2823
Kris Long Licensed Insurance Agent
public hearings Planning, Design, and
Historic Landmarks Commissions and
design projects an d /o r conducting
multiple complex design reviews of
Exclusions and limitations apply. Administrative office: N. Richland Hills. TX. Plan
availability varies by state. (#MW 2 5 906, MW 25907 or state variation)
Association membership is required.
Mid-West National Life Insurance
M W/(MX)263 exp.6/07
proposed development with a minimum
Keeping ihc promise of iillorduble coverage
work under the direction of a section
or team leader who reviews their work
tim eliness,
conform ance
policies, procedures, or approval
A p p ro xim a te M on th ly S a la ry
Range: $4,453 to $5,143
Application deadline is 4:30PM,
Monday, December 18, 2006.
To learn more about this position,
or to apply online, visit our website
at www.ci.portland.or.us/jobs/ or
pickup an application at 1120 SW
5th Ave. Portland, Oregon 97204
Participate in Democracy V'olii
Rrturn vour b a ik t fry NMd or dm p tf o ff a t any dtsi^ n a ttd voter
d w /M ít Call I A46-673- 4M? ft» fin d a location Bode
(L it
^ r^pnrtlanh © bsrrur
On Way
Construction Trainer
Alternative School needs journey-
level carpenter, 5 years min.
experience, to train diverse 17-24
ye a r old p re -a p p re n tic e s on
residential job sites; Spanish a
plus; good driving record; $32-
40K; generous benefits. Cover
le tte r & resum e to P ortlan d
YouthBuilders by Dec. 7, Attn: Bill;
Fax: 503-286-9381; or E-mail
b ill_ k @ p y b p d x .o rg . E xplo re :
www.pybpdx.org for details. EOE
Particular attention is called to the provisions for WMBE and Section
3 hiring. THA reserves the right to waive any and all informalities
or to reject any and all proposals. THA is an Equal Opportunity
Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color,
national origin, religion, age, familial status, sexual orientation,
gender identity or handicapped status in the employment or
provision of services. Approved for publication by Michael Mirra,
Executive Director.
1. Employment Discrimination:
R u ce.^g e, Sex, and Disability
Company o f Tennessee
A Health
of supervision. City Planners II -UD
To receive a full copy of this RFP, please call Roberta Schur
(253.207.4467) or e-mail rschur@tacomahousing.org.
Experienced Attorney over 25 years
defending People against
City Council; managing m ultiple
participating or leading several urban
including representing the City in
planning responsibilities including
Are your monthly prem ium s too high?
Are you self-em ployed or own your own business?
Arc you without health insurance now ?
Would you like to have control o f your health insurance plan?
issues. Additional duties include
For more information, please contact Beth Kaye, City of Portland,
Bureau of Housing and Community Development, at (503) 823-
2393 or bkave@ci.portland.or.us.
THA will host a pre-proposal conference on Friday, December 8,
2006 at 10:00 a.m. at the Family Investment Center, 1724 E.
44th, Room 5. Attendance at the Pre-proposal Conference is not
utilizing best practices and planning
The hearing is accessible to people with mobility impairments.
Please notify Doan Thao-Oanh, City of Portland, Bureau of Housing
and Community Development, at (503) 823-2351, (503) 823-
6868 (TTY) at least seven days before the hearings if you need
interpretive services.
Proposals are due by 3:00 p.m. at the offices of THA, 902
South L Street, Tacoma, WA 98405 at the stated time and
date, Thursday, December 21,2006 at 3:00 p.m. local time.
We are located at
Call for an appointment!
All com ments received at the hearing will be considered in
preparing the jurisdictions' Action Plan FY 2007-08. HCDC will
also accept written comments through February 2, 2007. Please
address written comments to HCDC, c/o City of Portland, 421 SW
6th Aven ue, P o rtla n d , OR
97204 or send them to
bkave@ci.portland.or.us. For more information or updates, visit
The Housing Authority of the City of Tacoma (the “Authority” or
“THA”) hereby requests the submission of written proposals from
prospective HUD Section 202 Senior Housing Developers to be a
part of THA’s exciting and ambitious HOPE VI revitalization project
known as Salishan.
Dr. M arcelitte Failla
development proposals related to
4 6 10 SE Belmont
Portland. OR 97 21 5
Mon, Wed, Thurs & Fri;
City Planners II with an Urban Design
Lower Conference Room
Apply 12:00-l:00P M ,
Chiroprat tic Physician
urban design functions, aesthetics
7:00 p.m.
Portland Impact / SE Multicultural Senior Center
Drugtest/ Background check
Our First Priority
planning assignments, projects and
Wednesday, January 3 ,2 0 0 7
$8.50 + starting wage
Your Care
specialty are responsible for assessing
Portland. OR 97215
openings. Seeking d ep en dable,
General Mechanic Service
and reviewing complex and specialized
Before issuing the Action Plan FY 2007-08, the jurisdictions want
to give local residents and providers the opportunity to present
information and views on housing and community development
needs and priorities. Two hearings will be held during Housing and
C o m m u n ity D e ve lo pm e n t C om m ission (HCDC) m eetings
scheduled for:
Tune ups
City Planner II - Urban Design
The Plan is a combined plan and application for federal funds
available to cities and counties under four programs: Community
Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnerships
(HOME), Emergency Shelter Grant(ESG), and Housing Opportunities
for Persons with AIDS (H0PWA). The Action Plan FY 2007-08 will
detail spending for the coming fiscal year. Spending will be guided
by the priorities established in the Consolidated Plan 2005-2010
Portland Impact / SE Multicultural Senior Center
Service Mechanic & Towing
(503) 493-1755
(503) 957-1209
In May 2007, the City of Portland, Multnomah County, and the City
of Gresham will submit the one-year Action Plan FY 2007-08 to
the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Wednesday, December 6 ,2 0 0 6
Data/Research Assistant (20
hrs/wk) Location: N. Portland
Interviews women in Alcohol and A p p ro xim a te M onthly S a la ry
Drug residential treatm ent to Range: $4,626 $5,909
gather data for grant. Requires
ability to work on a team with Application deadline is 4:30PM,
multiple systems, manage data, Monday, December 18, 2006.
m eet deadlines. Experience To learn more about this position,
w o rk in g w ithin the A frica n or to apply online, visit our website
American community a plus.
at www.ci.portland.or.us/jobs/ or
Child and Family Therapist pickup an application at 1120 SW
Location: SE Portland Conducts 5th Ave. Portland, Oregon 97204
assessments, group, individual
and fa m ily th e ra p y: w rites
treatment plans. Requires MA in
counseling or related field.
Bureau o f Purchases
Notice of Public Hearing on Community Needs
2. Criminal Accusations:
• Sex crim es
• Drug crim es
• All m isdem eanors and felonies
503-241-1113 Free Phone Consultations
Are you currently in an
adjustable rate mortgage?
Is your rate increasing?
Are you behind in your
mortgage payments?
It’s never too soon to think
about refinancing.
You may have more options
then yon think.
Save hundreds o f $$$$$ per
month and Call
To contact<rin |J n r t k u t b (D h s e ru c r
Call 503-288-0033 ads@portlundob server.com
Charlotte Martin
222 N.E. Park Plaza Dr., Suite 115
Vancouver, WA 986X4