(Eli Page B4 E mployment CABLE INSTALLERS!! Senior City Planner Rated as one of Oregon’s 2006 Top 100 Companies to work for! We are currently hiring for: C om m un ication s Technicians (Cable Installers) in the P ortland M etro and Vancouver area! This is great career opportunity in cable and telecommunications se rvic e s . D o n ’t have cable experience? Don't worry... We will train too!! So “Connect” yourself to a new career and join the many faces of Comcast. Interested? For apply at http:// careers.comcast.com! Comcast is an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action/ Drug-free workplace employer. L ife W orks O R T H W November 29. 2006 C lassifieds / B ids Comcast N ‘ Jînrtlanô (Obstruer I $ T Check our website for a complete list of positions: www.lifeworksnw.org Case Manager Location: N. P o rtla n d P rovid es case management to women in alcohol and drug residential treatment and their children. Requires BA/ BS in Human Services; experience w o rk in g w ithin the African American community required as well as working with women and chemical dependency issues. S e n io r C ity P la n n e rs are responsible for designing and m a n a g in g all a s p e cts of specialized planning projects and programs, including serving as team lead, project manager, or bureau expert when assigning, directing, reviewing, supervising, monitoring and integrating the work of staff and consultants, staff and other specialists both inside and outside of the bureau. Duties in clu d e u tilizin g a th oro ugh u n d e rsta n d in g of land use p la n n in g, ph ysica l and environm ental design, zoning, economic development, and real estate development theory and practices to identify and solve problems and create effective long and short-term planning so lu tio n s. A d d itio n a l duties include interpreting and analyzing codes and policies; maintaining e ffe c tiv e c o n ta c ts and relationships with elected and appointed officials, other bureaus and a g e n c ie s, c itize n s , com m unity organizations, and b u sin ess c o m m u n itie s and serving as lead in complex and p o litic a lly se n sitive plann in g stu d ie s , p ro je c ts and assignments. Senior City Planners may participate on multi-bureau and m ulti-jurisdictional groups and may be authorized to make fin a l d e cisio n s a n d /o r recommendations on behalf of their bureau and are expected to exe rcise e xp e rt in depen dent judgment, initiative and decision- m aking a u th o rity to d e velop tim e ly s o lu tio n s to com ple x problems. For contracting opportunities with the ( its of Portland and lor valuable information on how to A n business with the City, please log on lo the Bureau of Purchases 'A eb Page: wtsw. portlandonlinc.com.omfpurchasing ( it\ o f P o r t la n d , 1120 SW Fifth Ave, Room “ SO. Portland DR 9?2