Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 22, 2006, Page 8, Image 8

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Æl" IJo rtlan b ffibseruer
L egal N otices
Novem ber 22. 2 0 0 6
C lassifieds / B ids
For contracting opportunities w ih the ( j | \ o f Portland and
for valuable information on how to Av busmen w ith the
City, pkasc log on to the Bureau of Purehaws Web Page
Need to publish a court docum ent or notice? Need an affidavit of
publication quickly and efficiently? Please fax or e-mail your notice
for a free price quote!
Assistant Manager
Field Operations
■www.portlandonline.coni.'omf purehasint!
Fax: 503 288 0015
C ity o f P o rtla n d
e-mail: classjfieds@portlandobserver.com
The Portland Observer
' ^
°R fgo ^
13 u r e a u o f P u r c h a s e s
Full Charge Bookkeeper
N onprofit housing organization
seeks a full charge bookkeeper.
20 hours w eek, fle xib le . $18-
$20/hr., DOE. Min. 3 yea rs of
e xp e rie n c e . P e a c h tre e e x p e r­
ience required. Responsibilities
• M onthly financial statem ents
• Payroll & benefits
• Cash managem ent
• M onthly billings and invoicing:
client fees; grants & contracts
managem ent
• Audit prep.
• Donation tracking.
• Other duties as assigned.
Send a resume, cover letter, and
three references by Dec. 15 to:
Bookkeeper, Portland Community
Land Trust, 3109-B NE Broadway,
Portland, OR 97232. No phone
calls, please. EOE.
1120 SVY Fifth Ave, Room 750, Portland DR 97204
Advertise with diversity in
Pm -tlanb (Ph- i i un-
Call »3-288-0033
Departm ent of
Com m unity Corrections
4,069 $ 4 ,9 4 6 / month
Closes Decem ber 4, 2006
Experienced Attorney over 25 years
defending People against
Departm ent of Support
Services - Fleet
$3,048 - $3,617 / month
Open Continuous
1. Employment Discrimination:
R ace, A g e, S e x .a n d D isa b ility
Im m e d ia te fu ll and p a rt-tim e
openings. Seeking d ependable,
well-groomed, positive individuals.
$8.50 + starting wage
? 2.
Criminal Accusations:
• S ex c rim e s
F f c X
Overtime/advancement potential
" D ru g c rim e s
Medical & Dental, 401kavail.
• A ll m is d e m e a n o rs a n d fe lo n ie s
Drugtest/ Background check
Apply 12:00-l:00P M ,
503-241-1113 Free Phone Consultations
Mon, Wed, Thurs & Fri;
3:00 4:00PM Tues.
City Center Parking,
130 SW Stark, Portland.
Career Opportunities
at Providence Health System
If you're dedicated to excellence and passionate about your work,
then you deserve an outstanding career opportunity. You'll find
this and more at Providence Health System.
Providence is Oregon's second largest private employer. With state-
of-the-art facilities In Portland, Newberg, Medford, Hood River,
Seaside and Mt. Angel, we enjoy a statew ide reputation for
excellence in health care and for being a great place to work.
W e're looking for the right em ployees for career opportunities in
many areas. Whether your professional skills are in financial services
or nursing; medical records or facility maintenance: administrative
support or health care m anagem ent, consider a career with
Visit our Em ploym ent Center at 1235 NE 47,h Avenue
or view current opportunities and apply online today! EOE
Health & Services
Sealed bids will be received by the Oregon State Board of Higher
Education at the U n ive rs ity of O re go n Facilities Services, 1295
Franklin Blvd, Bldg 36, Reception Desk until 4 :0 0 P M loca l tim e
Tu e s d a y , D e ce m b e r 1 9 ,2 0 0 6 for the EM U In te rn a tio n a l A rea
R e n o v a tio n P ro je c t located on the cam pus of The University of
Oregon in Eugene, Oregon. The project includes interior renovation
of the EMU International Lounge and associated offices along
with related electrical and mechanical work.
A m a n d a to ry p re -b id c o n fe re n c e and exam ination of the site
and conditions will be conducted on Tu e s d a y , N o v e m b e r 2 8 th ,
2 0 0 6 a t 1 0 :0 0 A M
B idders shall m eet w ith the O w ner's
Representative at the N orth e n try to th e Erb M e m o ria l U n io n
on 13th Street for that purpose.
To allow sufficient tim e for bidders to comply with the Affirm ative
Action requirements of the Oregon State Board of Higher Education,
the bid opening will be 24 hours after the time of bid closing. Bids
will therefore be opened and publicly read aloud on W e d n e sd a y,
D e c e m b e r 2 0 , 2 0 0 6 at 4 :0 0 PM , local time, at University of
Oregon Facilities Services. Bldg 36 Conference Room by the
undersigned or a designated representative.
Bids will be received on a lum p-sum basis for all of the work.
Contract docum ents may be obtained at C e n tra l P rin t a n d
R e p r o g r a p h ic s S e r v ic e s , 4 7 W e s t 5th S t., E u g e n e O R
0 9 7 4 0 1 , (5 4 1 ) 3 4 2 -3 6 2 4 , u p o n re c e ip t o f a re fu n d a b le
d e p o s it o f $ 1 0 0 , w ith a c h e c k o r m o n e y o r d e r m a d e
p a y a b le to th e U o f O . D e p o s its w ill be re fu n d e d fo r
d o c u m e n t s r e t u r n e d in “ g o o d c o n d it io n " w it h in te n
w o rk in g d a ys a fte r th e o p e n in g o f bid s
Contract docum ents may be exam ined at the University of Oregon
Facilities Services, as well as at the follow ing locations: Daily
Journal of Com m erce Plan Center, Portland; Construction Market
Data, Georgia; Eugene Builders Exchange Corporation, Eugene;
Salem Contractors Exchange, Salem ; Construction Data Plan
Center, Portland; Central Oregon Builders Exchange, Bend; Douglas
County Plan Center, Roseburg; W illam ette Valley Bid Center,
Tangent; and Oregon Contractor Plan Exchange. Clackam as.
All bidders must com ply with requirem ents of the prevailing wage
law in ORS 279C.800 through 0RS 279C.870. All bidders must
be registered with the Construction Contractor's Board at the time
of bid subm ission. Bidders shall subm it evidence of "Affirm ative
A ctio n C o m p lia n ce " as re q u ire d by a n y A ffirm a tiv e A ction
Requirem ents issued with this procurem ent. No bid will be
considered unless fully com pleted in the m anner provided in the
In stru ctio n s to B id d ers" upon the Bid Form p rovid e d and
accom panied by Bid Security.
By: Frances Dyke
Vice President for Finance & Adm inistration
Are your monthly premiums too high?
Are you self-employed or own your own business?
Are you without health insurance now?
Would you like to have control of your health insurance plan?
(360)608-2823 o r 1-877-484-2823
Kris Long Licensed Insurance Agent
Exclusions and limitations apply. Administrative office: N. Richland Hills, TX. Plan
a va ila b ility varies by s ta te . (# M W 2 5 9 0 6 . M W -2 5 9 0 7 or state v aria tio n )
Association membership Is required.
M id-W est N ational Life Insurance
M W/000263 exp.6/07
C om p an y o f Tennessee
A Heaith-Murkets Company
Keeping the promise of affordable coverage
City of Portland. Employment &
Training Analyst - Limited Term
A p p ro x im a te M o n th ly S a la ry:
$4,111 $5,481
D e a d lin e : 4 :3 0 pm , M onday,
Novem ber 27, 2006
Safety & Security Supervisor
($ 35,277 - $ 40,976 per year)
Responsible individual needed to
provide direct supervision of the
center’s Safety/Transportation &
S ecurity Officers. A bachelor's
d e g re e and tw o yea rs re la ted
experience, one of which m ust be
s u p e rv is o ry . D ire c tly re la te d
experience may be considered in
lie u o f fo rm a l e d u c a tio n
re q u ire m e n ts .
C o m p u te r
p ro fic ie n t. V a lid c o m m e rc ia l
d rive r's license in th e sta te of
re sid e n ce w ith an a cce p ta b le
driving record. Competitive salary
and benefits offered.
The City of Portland, OR, is seeking
q u a lifie d a p p lic a n ts fo r th e
position of Employment & Training
Analyst - Limited Term who will be
responsible for developing and
a d m in is te rin g
re c ru itm e n t
processes and conducting city­
wide training classes. Please see
c o m p le te jo b a n n o u n c e m e n t,
requirem ents and application at
w w w .ci.p o rtla n d .o r.u s/jo b s/ or
call Sue Cam bpell at 503-823-
3534. The City of Portland is An Subm it resum e and
cover letter to:
Equal Opportunity Employer.
Capital Improvement
Program Manager
C a p ita l
Im p ro v e m e n t
P ro g ra m (C IP ) M a n a g e r is
re s p o n s ib le
fo r
p ro v id in g
le a d e rs h ip a n d p e rfo rm in g
difficult and responsible technical
p ro je c t m a n a g e m e n t w o rk In
sup p ort of Portland Parks and
R e c r e a t io n ’s
C a p ita l
Im provem ent Program . Duties
include planning, organizing and
p rio ritizin g a p p roved p rojects;
m a n a g in g a n d d ire c tin g th e
d e ve lo p m e n t, im p le m e n ta tio n
and evaluation of work programs,
plans, processes, system s and
p ro c e d u re s ; d e v e lo p in g and
m onitoring perform ance against
p ro g ra m b u d g e t; g a th e rin g
inform ation and providing status
reports; and m anaging assigned
staff. Additional duties include
p roviding technical, policy and
project m anagem ent support to
project m anagers as it relates to
a p p ro v e d
p ro je c ts ;
a nd
c o n trib u tin g to th e s tra te g ic
a n a ly s is ,
p la n n in g
developm ent of the bureau's one,
five and 20 year CIP Plans in close
collaboration with the Manager of
A p p ro x im a te M o n th ly S a la ry
Range: $5,247 - $7,051
Application deadline is 4:30PM,
Monday. Decem ber 04. 2006.
To learn more about this position,
or to apply online, visit our website
at www,ci,portland.or.us/iobs/ or
pickup an application at 1120 SW
5,h Ave. Portland, Oregon 97204
T riM e t, th e m o st p ro g re s s iv e
public transit system of its size in
the country has an outstanding
opportunity for a highly motivated
a n d s k ille d In d iv id u a l w ith
o p e ra tio n a l
s u p e rv is o ry
e x p e rie n c e
p u b lic
tra n s p o rta tio n , tra n s p o rta tio n
(ground or air), security or service-
related business.
Springdale Job Corps
Attn: Hum an Resources
31224 E. Historic Colum bia
River Highway
Troutdale, OR 97060
Responses m ust be received no
later than Friday, D ecem ber 1,
As an affirmative action employer,
we are seeking qualified minority,
fem a le, vete ra n, and d isa b led
applicants; however, all qualified
applicants will be considered.
This position will be responsible
for direct supervision of daily shift
activities in the Field Operations
business unit which provides on­
Call (503) 8 46 -86 0 6/TTY (503) s tre e t a n d c o m m u n ic a tio n
846-4898 for inform ation or see c o m m a n d c e n te r s u p p o rt to
o u r w e b s ite : w w w .c o .w a s h - TriMet’s integrated fixed-route bus
ington.or.us. County application a nd lig h t ra il s y s te m . T h e
and su p p le m e n ta l a p p lica tio n successful candidate will have the
fo rm s re q u ire d .
W o m e n , ability to work with all levels of the
m in o ritie s , a nd p e o p le w ith o rg a n iz a tio n , e n s u rin g th e
d isa b ilitie s are e n cou ra g ed to s u c c e s sfu l im p le m e n ta tio n of
s tra te g ie s th a t d e liv e r s a fe ,
re lia b le, and co u rte o u s public
W ashington County Human
Resources Division
Qualified Candidates will have the
155 N. First Avenue, Suite 270
following background;
Hillsboro, OR 97124
• Bachelor's degree in business
a d m in is tra tio n , tra n s p o rta tio n
managem ent, logistics, or related
• F iv e y e a rs o f o p e ra tio n a l
s u p e rv is o ry e x p e rie n c e In a
service, transportation or security
related Industry. Experience in
m anaging a union workforce in a
tw e n ty-fo u r hour, seven d ay a
O p e r a t in g E n g in e e r. O regon week operation preferred.
Convention Center. $25.37/hour, • E q u iv a le n t c o m b in a tio n o f
D e a d lin e :
1 1 / 2 9 / 0 6 . tra in in g
e x p e rie n c e
P e rfo rm s m a nua l w ork in th e considered.
operation and m aintenance of all
TriMet Offers:
h e a tin g , c o o lin g , p lu m b in g ,
e le c tric a l a nd m e c h a n ic a l • Excellent work environm ent
• Com petitive salary and fringe
equipm ent.
benefit package
To a c c e s s th e c o m p le te jo b • Hiring range $4,701 $5,877
a n n o u n c e m e n t and re q u ire d
Subm it resum e and cover letter
ap p lica tion m aterials, v isit our
along with TriMet application by
website at w w w .m etroregion.org/
c lo sin g date o f D ecem ber 15,
jobs or pick up a com plete packet
2006. Application materials and
at Metro Hum an Resources, 600
a d e ta ile d jo b d e scrip tio n are
NE Grand Ave., Portland.
a v a ila b le a t T riM e t H u m a n
AA/EEO Employer
Resources office, 1st floor, 4012
SE 17th Ave, Portland, OR 97202.
Adm inistrative
Applications by fax accepted at
(5 0 3 ) 9 6 2 -7 4 4 0 . A p p lic a n ts
re s id in g o u ts id e th e P ortla n d
MENT SYSTEM (PERS) Tigard M e tro p o lita n area o r w ho are
P ER S c o v e rs n e a rly 3 0 0 ,0 0 0 physically disabled may request
m e m b e rs a n d a d m in is te rs application m aterials by calling
re tirem ent, d is a b ility benefits, (503) 962-7635, TTY (503) 238-
health insurance, and deferred 581 1 o r v is it o u r w e b s ite at
com pensation plans statewide.
w w w .trim et.orgfor more detailed
inform ation. Persons needing an
Office Specialist 2
a c c o m m o d a tio n u n d e r th e
This person will provide general
Am ericans with Disabilities Act for
a d m in is tra tiv e and c u s to m e r
a n y p a rt o f th e a p p lic a tio n
s e rv ic e s u p p o rt fo r m u ltip le
process should co nta ct TriM et
progra m s. S a la ry is $ 1,913 -
Hum an Resources staff at (503)
$ 2 ,7 1 7 /m o n th . E O E /A A . For
9 62 -7 6 3 5 . A m inim um o f tw o
Announcement #LE060475 and
workdays notice prior to the need
a p p lic a tio n m a te ria ls , v is it
for accom m odation Is required.
w w w .o re g o n jo b s.o rg , th e PERS
TriM et is an equal o p p o rtu n ity
website at www.pers.state.or.us. or
e m p lo y e r;
c o m m itte d
call PERS Human Resources at
developing an organization that is
503 603-7794 (TTY 503-603-
reflective of and sensitive to the
needs o f the diverse com m unity
C lo sin g date is D ecem ber 04, we serve, including the elderly
and persons with disabilities.
• Principal Executlve/Manager C
Executive Director
Announcement #ES119001 Salem
Salary: $ 3 9 .4 4 4 ■ $ 60 ,936 /yea r
Close Date: November 2 2 .2 0 0 6
ODOT People drive Oregon's Departm ent o f Transportation. If great
benefits, a professional worn environment, jo b innovation, and career
growth opportunity drive you, then come to ODOT.
These are Just a few of the current Job openings available with
the State of Oregon. A more complete announcement listing,
application forms, and additional job information are available
at. a) local Employment Department field offices, or b) the
Oregon jobs page at: www.oregonjobs.org. The State of Oregon
offers employees competitive salaries and comprehensive
benefits that includes employer paid health insurance; paid
holidays, vacation, sick and personal leave;
membership in the Oregon Public Service
Retirement Plan (OPSRP); and opportunities to <
participate in the Oregon Savings Growth Plans
* "f** ’
The State of Oregon and all Its divisions are proud
to be equal opportunity employers.
Salary: $ 2 ,6 4 9 - $3.987/m onth
Announcem ent 40C DT6520 Salem
• Office Specialist
Salary: $1.913 - $2,717/m onth
Announcement A0CDT6208 Salem
• Traffic Investigations Coordinator
Salary: $ 3 .7 3 4 - $5,6O tym onth
Announcement »0CDT6489 Salem
• Vehicle Analysis Supervisor
SYSTEM (P E R S )-T ig a rd
PERS covers nearly 3 0 0 .0 0 0 members and administers retirement, disability
benefits, health insurance, and deterred com pensation plans statewide
• Retirement Counselor 2
(Benefit Analyst)
Coordinate activities and assignments. perform quality assurance reviews.
and perform complex calculations
Salary: $2,597 $3,7 7 2 /m o n th
Announcement KLEO6O357A
Close Date: November 27. 200 6
• Federal Aid Programmer
Salary: $ 3 ,7 9 4 $5.5 9 6 /m o n th
Announcement »0C DT6640 Salem
Building Careers. Bridging the Future
Detailed job announcem ents include qualifications, requirements, and
instm etions on how to apply for these jobs. Go to www.odotjobs.com for a
complete copy or call 5 0 3 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 [TTY 5 0 3 9 8 6 3 8 5 4 ) to request by
mail. OOOT is proud to operate as an equal opportunity, affirm ative action
employer. Announcements will be made available in alternate format upon
request (503) 3 7 6 6 2 0 2 , TTY 1-800-9938 898.
e g o n