Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 15, 2006, Page 3, Image 3

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    November 15. 2006
Page A3
Help Managing
Medicare Part D
Enrollment period
assistance available
Staff and volunteers from the
M ultnomah County Senior Health
In su ra n c e B e n e fits A ssista n c e
(SHIBA) program are conducting
neighborhood enrollm ent events to
provide individual help with the
M edicare Part D benefit.
Enrollment in the prescription
drug program takes place from
W e d n esd ay , Nov. 15 th ro u g h
Dec. 31.
“ People with M edicare who en­
rolled in a Part D Plan earlier this
year may think their plan will con­
tinue as it is. W e’re trying to help
people avoid unhappy surprises at
the pharm acy in January,” says
J a n e t B o w m an, SH IB A c o o r­
Bowman encourages seniors and
people with disabilities to read their
new 2007 plan carefully because
coverage and prices may have
P eo p le w ho have q u e stio n s
should call their plan or 1-800-
M EDICARE, or attend an enroll­
ment event to get answers before
Dec 31.
Enrollment events with appoint­
ments required are scheduled Fri­
day, Nov. 17 at the Hollywood
Library, 4040 N.E. Tillam ook St.;
Tuesday, Nov. 21 at the Midland
Library, 805 S.E. 122nd Ave; Nov.
29 at the Gresham Library, 385
N.W. M iller Rd, Gresham; Dec. 2
at Portland Com munity College,
Southeast Center. 2305 S.E. 82nd
Ave.; Dec. 9 at PCC Cascade C am ­
pus. 705 N. Killingsw orth St.; Dec.
19 at the Midland Library; Dec. 27
at the Gresham Library, and Dec.
28 at the Hollywood Library.
To reserve an appointm ent or
for m ore in fo rm atio n , c o n ta c t
M ultnomah County Aging and Dis­
ability Services Helpline at 503-
Groundbreaking for King Memorial in D.C
from Eroni
"It's because of them that I can he
heard," she said. "I do not take that for
granted, not for one breath."
Donations for the memorial, which
have mostly come from major corpo­
rations, hit $65.5 million earlier this
Harry Johnson, president of the
Martin Luther King Jr. National Memo­
rial Project Foundation, said he hopes
to have the site completed by the spring
of 2008.
The location is flanked by the Lin­
coln. Thomas Jefferson and Franklin
D. Roosevelt memorials near the east­
ern edge of the Potomac River Tidal
M ountainof Despair." Its towering split
The entrance to the memorial will rocks signify the divided America that
include a central sculpture called "The inspired the nonviolent efforts of King
Martin Luther King Jr. 's daughter
Yolanda King (front, from left),
civil rights leader Rep. John Lewis. D-
Ga.. wiping his tears, former Labor
Secretary Alexis Herman. Martin
Luther King Jr. 's sister Christine King
Farris and Darryl R. Matthews,
president of the Alpha Phi Alpha
Fraternity, take part in the ground
breaking ceremony for the at the
Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial on
the National Mall on Monday in
Washington. D.C. Also pictured (top.
left) former Portland Trail Blazer Bill
Walton, and Rev. Marvin Winans
(center), consoling Rev. Jesse
Jackson. (AP photo)
and others to overcome racial anil so­
cial barriers.
"This project has been over a decade
in the making." Bush said, thanking
Clinton, who signed the legislation au­
thorizing the monument.
his actions but I also need to hear his
love here and there. How do I keep
this from becoming an issue in this
relationship? —Need Love; Rich­
mond. Va.
other priorities to handle. I'm at the
point of losing my job and she acts as
il she doesn't care and w on't help me.
She is literally tossing her grandkids
out in the cold. How do I handle this?
Dear Need Love:
—Meisha; Omaha, Neb.
If your boyfriend isn't a verbal guy,
then you should indeed, observe his
actions. If he is consistent, respectful,
considerate and faithful you shouldn't
complain. It w on't hurt toask him why
he refuses to share his love verbally.
While you're having this discussion, let
him know why you neeil his verbal
expressions and how it would make
you feel. At the end o f the ilay, be wise
and appreciate what you have and
don't ruin things with som ething this
Dear Meisha:
Dear Deanna!
I have to choose who I want to marry. I
have a childhood friend that would love
to be with me but I don’t feel any
fireworks for him. 1 really want to marry
my ex-boyfriend but I know he would
only marry me for stability since he has
a history of unemployment. I am so
anxious to become a married woman but
I'm having a tough time with this deci­
sion. Neither man has expressed this
interest so I will be the one proposing.
Who do I choose? — Marriage Confu­
sion; On-Line Reader
Dear Confusion:
Real People, Real Advice
An advice column known fo r its
fearless approach to reality based
You are missing the major dynamics
o f m arriage such as a mutual agree­
ment and o f course, a loving com m it­
ted relationship. This is a union from Dear Deanna!
God and not to be taken lightly or as a My boyfriend and I have been dating
game. Your childhood friend doesn’t for a while. He has never told me that Dear Deanna!
deserve heartbreak and your ex-boy­ he loves me and it's bothering me. I My mother has suddenly refused to
friend would use you. You deserve express my feelings all the time and he babysit my children while I g o to work.
b etterand should invest time in build­ responds with rem arks such as "I I can't afford a regular babysitter and
ing a loving relationship with som e­ know or he'll say "okay." This is she knows it. I d o n 't pay her because
one that has love, trust, respect and causing argum ents because I want I'm trying to repair my car. take care
a jo in t decision for com m itm ent and him to say certain things to me but he ol my bills and a few other things. My
m atrim ony.
won t do it. He (eels I should rely on mother asked me to pay her but I have
Y our m other is doing you a favor
and you should help her out as much
as you can. Y our children are eating
at her house lo r tree and extra w a­
ter. heat and utilities are being used.
O bviously she is fed up and decided
to put her foot dow n. Your m other
cares but she sim ply wants you to be
responsible and provide a little co m ­
pensation for her assistance. It would
be easier it you go ahead and o ffer
a little m oney w hich sh e'll ap p reci­
ate until you can do better.
Ask Deanna is written by Deanna
M. Write Ask Deanna! Email:
askdeanna I @yahoo.com or 264 S.
LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283 Beverly
Hills, CA 90211.
Africa Center Unites a Continent
from Front
For six years they tried to
secure a grant to support the
center. After three attempts they
received a$200,000-a-yeargrant,
for three years, from the federal
Office of Refugee Resettlement.
The grant will pay for a coordi­
nator, two staff members and
money to lease and operate a
future site.
Africa House is temporarily
operating within IRCO’semploy-
ment training center a, 631 N.E.
102nd Ave., across from their
main offices.
Dogo says a permanent site,
somewhere in northeast Port­
land, will come soon after com­
munity input on where the per­
manent place should be.
He describes a future vision
of the center thriving beyond
the three-year grant, to a place
where Africans can remember
their culture.
Africa House could become a
place where African immigrants
get needed services and feel like
home in a center that provides
space for weddings, funerals and
cultural events, Dogo said.
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