Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 30, 2006, Page 9, Image 9

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August 30. 2006
1 |Jn rtla n ò (Dhsvruei*
Page B3
Breaking Ground with Idlew ild’
'L l-J-icio a s
Rappers take
on Hollywood
fyccitdiziny ni
Beef* Pork • Lamb • Poultry • Seafood
(AP) - O utK ast has long been
considered a groundbreaking force,
their funkadelic sound, rapid-fire
rhym ing and decidedly Southern
flair breath excitement intoa repeti­
tious music world and make them
one o f the most popular acts in the
So A ndre "3000" Benjamin and
A ntwan "Big Boi" Patton should
have had little difficulty segueing
into the world o f film, especially
considering the success o f rappers
in Hollywood.
That's what Big Boi and Andre
thought. But H ollyw ood's initial
response was lukew arm , and it
w ould be alm ost a decade before
they finally got an O utK ast film —
"Idlew ild" — now show ing on
m ovie screens.
"Being young and naive, we
didn't know what it took to m ake a
movie," adm its Big Boi.
M aybe it's because they w eren’t
gangsta rappers looking to play a
version o f them selves in a gritty
shoot-em -up. O r because the kind
o f film they were looking to m ake—
a musical — went out o f style de­
cades ago.
O r m aybe producers w orried the
eclectic vibe that m ade O utK ast so
popular in the m usic world
A ndre's w ig-w earing, o ut-there
persona and Big Boi's cool, laid-
back sty le — w ouldn’t translate on
lunch starting at $5.95
in Concert
Pork Rib. Brisket, Turkey Sandwiches & More
'Dinner Starting at $9.95
Daily Special also available.
Butterfly Shrimp Dinner $ 10.95
Open II :30 -1 1 :0 0 PM M onday thru Saturday
4057 N. Interstate Ave. 503-493-9414
Les \\ h itw o rth C.P.A.
azzf boflkkeel'in^ servîtes
7121 \ I Writ \\I'lm r
I'orll.intl, O li 97211
D avid O lney
O u f K a s f m e m b e r s 4 n f w a n 'Szg
B o i' P a tto n (left) a n d A ndre
'3 0 0 0 ' B enja m in .
Theirlast album, 2003's double-disc
"Speakerboxxx/The Love Below,"
sold m ore than 10 million copies in
the United States, won them an
album o f the year G ram m y and
mountains o f critical praise.
And, perhaps more im portantly.
Few acts are as hot as O utK ast.
it finally launched their joint
m ovie career with "Idlewild," a
1930s Prohibition-era musical.
T he am bitious, high-step-i
ping musical/romance/drama not
only features the scattingofold-j
tim e jazz but today's rap.
I T • l-
. r iin
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Release Party
Survivor TV by Race Enrages
/ A Dl
(AP) — As
CBS prepares to
launch a new season of the hit
reality show "Survivor," this time
featuring teams divided by race.
New York City officials are en­
raged, saying it promotes divisive­
ness and are calling for the net­
work to reconsider.
"The idea of having a battle of
the races is preposterous." City
Councilman John Liu said Thurs­
day. "How could anybody be so
desperate for ratings?"
For the first portion of the
Nashville songwriter David Olney
will perform Friday, Sept. 8 at 7 p.m.
at M ississippi Studios, 3939 N. M is­
sissippi Ave.
O lney has many fans in Nashville
who have recorded his vivid, dra­
matic songs, including Emmy Lou
11arris, Linda Ronstadt, Del McCoury
and others.
His form er band D avidO lney and
the X-Rays opened for the likes of
Elvis C ostello and were featured on
A ustin City Limits.
"This man just might be the great­
est singer-songw riter alive in N ash­
ville today. Few can touch his raw
em otive pow er," said Music Row 's
Robert K. Oermann.
The upcom ing perform ance will
be a non-sm oking, 21 and over show
with beer and wine available on pre­
mises. Fortickets, call 503-288-3895.
Luxury skin Care
n i * «
13th season of "Survivor," which
premieres Sept. 14, the contes­
tants competing for the $1 m il­
lion prize while stranded on the
Cook Islands in the South Pa­
cific will be divided into four
teams - blacks, Asians, Latinos
and whites.
Liu, who is Asian-American,
said he was launching a campaign
urging CBS to pull the show be­
cause it could encourage racial
di vision and promote negative type­
A release party fo r Brian
W ard’s new C D "W onderbread"
w hich features an eclectic mix o f
funk, jazz, Latin and R&B origi­
nals, will he held Saturday, Sept.
9 from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. at Halibut’s
II, 2525 N.E. A lberta St.
Keyboardist Brian W ard will
be joined by Al C riado (Lou
Rawls) on bass and Reinhardt
Melz (Curtis S algado, on drums.
W ard’s music is described as
real, straight from the heart and
soul o f a man w ho loves playing
Brian Ward
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No ‘Coolness’ in ‘Gangsterism’
( A P) — M any black y o u th s fall
u nder a spell o f "g an g ster m en ­
tality," prev en tin g them from b e­
com ing leaders and m aking a posi­
tive im pact in polities, the Rev. Al
S harpton said.
T he civil righ ts activ ist faulted
H ollyw ood and the record in d u s­
try for m a k in g "g a n g ste rism "
seem cool and acceptable.
"W e have got to get out o f this
g an g ster m entality , actin g as if
gan g sterism and b lack n ess are
synonym ous," S h arp to n told the
Al S h a rp to n
fó c a te where
annual conference o f the N ational leaders get into polities.
A sso ciatio n o f Black Jo u rn alists.
"N obody b roke in my house in
"I think w e’ve allo w ed a w hole B rooklyn and d ragged me out the
g en eratio n o f young people to projects and m ade me a leader, I
feel that ifth e y ’re focused, they're w anted to do that. C learly , we
not black enough. If they speak w ould w ork w ith young people
w ell and act w ell, th ey 're acting w ho w ant to do the w ork," he
w hite, and th ere's nothing m ore said.
racist than that."
S h arp to n , w ho co m p eted in
T he key to lead ersh ip is taking several D em ocratic prim aries d u r­
the in itiativ e to ch an g e things, ing a 2004 p resid en tial bid, said
said Sharpton. He said his N a­ he might run again in 2008 but will
tional A ction N etw ork is ju st one dec ide after th i s No ve m ber's el ee -
group w illing to help young black tio n s.
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The African American Men’s Club, Inc. (AAMC)
Presents An
O ld School P a rty
60’s & 70's- Oldies but Goodies
Saturday, September 23,2006
S 10 year TAX abatement.
Billy Webb Elk’s Lodge
6 North Tillamook St., Portland, Oregon
f t
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Donation: $15.00 per person
Music by: DJ Papa Chuck
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#1 Wireless Store!
Best Dressed from the 60 s & 70 s WINS: $50.00
No Credit Checks!
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Regina’s ChildHaven Learning Center
Ages 2 mos-12 years
Educational learning
Raffle & 50/50 Split: Tickets- $ I .(X) each
We buy & sell used phones.
We do Bill Pay (Cell Phones, Utility Bills)
Menu: Roast Beef, Baked Ham, Turkey,
Service offered: Sprint, NexteLT-mobile, Qwest,
Dish Network, Comcast, prepaid.
Tickets Available at:
AAMC Club Members
Hair Creations: 503-281 - 1135
Cannon's Rib Express: 503-288-3836
One Stop Records: 50.3-284-8103
Exodus Spa: 50.3-288-31 10 (formerly E / Nulls)
James & Johnnie Mayfield (Vancouver): ,360-576-8519
3511 N.E. MI.K Blvd. Portland. OR 97212
(503) 282-6061
For more information
please call Mrs. Regina Dennis (5 0 3 ) 2 8 2 -3 1 5 4
3725 N. Vancouver Ave. Portland OR 97227
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Green Beans, Salad & Dinner Rolls
Proceeds to benefit the AAMC Scholarship Program
I he African Am erican Men s Club is a non-profit organization