il. August 30. 2006 1 |Jn rtla n ò (Dhsvruei* Page B3 Focus Breaking Ground with Idlew ild’ 'L l-J-icio a s SMOKEHOUSE A ^m /f Rappers take on Hollywood fyccitdiziny ni Beef* Pork • Lamb • Poultry • Seafood (AP) - O utK ast has long been considered a groundbreaking force, their funkadelic sound, rapid-fire rhym ing and decidedly Southern flair breath excitement intoa repeti­ tious music world and make them one o f the most popular acts in the world. So A ndre "3000" Benjamin and A ntwan "Big Boi" Patton should have had little difficulty segueing into the world o f film, especially considering the success o f rappers in Hollywood. Right? That's what Big Boi and Andre thought. But H ollyw ood's initial response was lukew arm , and it w ould be alm ost a decade before they finally got an O utK ast film — "Idlew ild" — now show ing on m ovie screens. "Being young and naive, we didn't know what it took to m ake a movie," adm its Big Boi. M aybe it's because they w eren’t gangsta rappers looking to play a version o f them selves in a gritty shoot-em -up. O r because the kind o f film they were looking to m ake— a musical — went out o f style de­ cades ago. O r m aybe producers w orried the eclectic vibe that m ade O utK ast so popular in the m usic world A ndre's w ig-w earing, o ut-there persona and Big Boi's cool, laid- back sty le — w ouldn’t translate on lunch starting at $5.95 Nashville Songwriter in Concert Pork Rib. Brisket, Turkey Sandwiches & More 'Dinner Starting at $9.95 Daily Special also available. Butterfly Shrimp Dinner $ 10.95 Open II :30 -1 1 :0 0 PM M onday thru Saturday 4057 N. Interstate Ave. 503-493-9414 Les \\ h itw o rth C.P.A. azzf boflkkeel'in^ servîtes 7121 \ I Writ \\I'lm r I'orll.intl, O li 97211 D avid O lney O u f K a s f m e m b e r s 4 n f w a n 'Szg B o i' P a tto n (left) a n d A ndre '3 0 0 0 ' B enja m in . Theirlast album, 2003's double-disc "Speakerboxxx/The Love Below," sold m ore than 10 million copies in the United States, won them an album o f the year G ram m y and mountains o f critical praise. And, perhaps more im portantly. film. Few acts are as hot as O utK ast. it finally launched their joint m ovie career with "Idlewild," a 1930s Prohibition-era musical. T he am bitious, high-step-i ping musical/romance/drama not only features the scattingofold-j tim e jazz but today's rap. I T • l- .. . r iin Phone .71)3-293-19:19 Fus 703-297-1007 011971A44-64I41 nine, Its irhilicorlltiim . rozzi rim ili: lesiti lesithilii urlili p m SONA JOINER CALLNOW Experienced Attorney over 25 years defending People against 1. Employment Discrimination: Race, Age, Sex, and Disability 2. Criminal Accusations: • Sex crimes • Drug crimes • All misdemeanors and felonies V / * 503-241-1113 Free Phone Consultations Release Party Survivor TV by Race Enrages / A Dl A , CDC (AP) — As CBS prepares to launch a new season of the hit reality show "Survivor," this time featuring teams divided by race. New York City officials are en­ raged, saying it promotes divisive­ ness and are calling for the net­ work to reconsider. "The idea of having a battle of the races is preposterous." City Councilman John Liu said Thurs­ day. "How could anybody be so desperate for ratings?" For the first portion of the Nashville songwriter David Olney will perform Friday, Sept. 8 at 7 p.m. at M ississippi Studios, 3939 N. M is­ sissippi Ave. O lney has many fans in Nashville who have recorded his vivid, dra­ matic songs, including Emmy Lou 11arris, Linda Ronstadt, Del McCoury and others. His form er band D avidO lney and the X-Rays opened for the likes of Elvis C ostello and were featured on A ustin City Limits. "This man just might be the great­ est singer-songw riter alive in N ash­ ville today. Few can touch his raw em otive pow er," said Music Row 's Robert K. Oermann. The upcom ing perform ance will be a non-sm oking, 21 and over show with beer and wine available on pre­ mises. Fortickets, call 503-288-3895. RSL Luxury skin Care n i * « 13th season of "Survivor," which premieres Sept. 14, the contes­ tants competing for the $1 m il­ lion prize while stranded on the Cook Islands in the South Pa­ cific will be divided into four teams - blacks, Asians, Latinos and whites. Liu, who is Asian-American, said he was launching a campaign urging CBS to pull the show be­ cause it could encourage racial di vision and promote negative type­ casts. A release party fo r Brian W ard’s new C D "W onderbread" w hich features an eclectic mix o f funk, jazz, Latin and R&B origi­ nals, will he held Saturday, Sept. 9 from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. at Halibut’s II, 2525 N.E. A lberta St. Keyboardist Brian W ard will be joined by Al C riado (Lou Rawls) on bass and Reinhardt Melz (Curtis S algado, on drums. W ard’s music is described as real, straight from the heart and soul o f a man w ho loves playing music. Brian Ward We currently offer: M icroderm abrasion • Peels Facials • Bridal • Facial Waxing Beauty Consultations • Cosm etics Perfectly Shaped Eye Brows Personal Care Produets hike yourself io the next level in beauty fl Call today! 971-227-9044 833 SE Main Street, Suite 108, Portland, OR 97214 ENHANCING THE OWNERSHIP EXPERIENCE. AFFORDABLE NEW HOMES in PARKROSE No ‘Coolness’ in ‘Gangsterism’ ( A P) — M any black y o u th s fall u nder a spell o f "g an g ster m en ­ tality," prev en tin g them from b e­ com ing leaders and m aking a posi­ tive im pact in polities, the Rev. Al S harpton said. T he civil righ ts activ ist faulted H ollyw ood and the record in d u s­ try for m a k in g "g a n g ste rism " seem cool and acceptable. "W e have got to get out o f this g an g ster m entality , actin g as if gan g sterism and b lack n ess are synonym ous," S h arp to n told the Al S h a rp to n fó c a te where annual conference o f the N ational leaders get into polities. A sso ciatio n o f Black Jo u rn alists. "N obody b roke in my house in "I think w e’ve allo w ed a w hole B rooklyn and d ragged me out the g en eratio n o f young people to projects and m ade me a leader, I feel that ifth e y ’re focused, they're w anted to do that. C learly , we not black enough. If they speak w ould w ork w ith young people w ell and act w ell, th ey 're acting w ho w ant to do the w ork," he w hite, and th ere's nothing m ore said. racist than that." S h arp to n , w ho co m p eted in T he key to lead ersh ip is taking several D em ocratic prim aries d u r­ the in itiativ e to ch an g e things, ing a 2004 p resid en tial bid, said said Sharpton. He said his N a­ he might run again in 2008 but will tional A ction N etw ork is ju st one dec ide after th i s No ve m ber's el ee - group w illing to help young black tio n s. Garage, yard, porch A patio, NO common walls Beautiful new homes loaded with great features! Convenient NE location to MAX. Bus.l-205, A 184! Value at $218,750 $227,750 Selling in your neighborhood Q til 3ohnL Scoff « « it «tr«ri Karmen Baricevic CSP 503 3 8 0 3 3 1 5 karmenb® www lohnlscott com/karmenb The African American Men’s Club, Inc. (AAMC) Presents An O ld School P a rty 60’s & 70's- Oldies but Goodies Saturday, September 23,2006 Bargain & S 10 year TAX abatement. Billy Webb Elk’s Lodge 6 North Tillamook St., Portland, Oregon ej 5? Ir f t