Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 30, 2006, Image 7

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    Committed U)Cultural Diversity
M etro
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www.portlandobserv er.tom
A ugust 31). 20(X)
OutKast Take on Film
Antwan 'Big Boi' Patton and Andre
'3000' Benjamin unleash debut
musical film with 'Idlewild'
See Focus, page B3
be Addictive
Volunteer for Crisis Line
W ant to m ake a difference in your
com m unity? V olunteers and ad­
vocates are needed for the P ort­
land W om en’s Crisis Line. The
needs include on-call advocates
to respond in person or over the
phone, outreach and educational
efforts, and fundraising and ad­
m inistrative duties. Call 503-232-
4176 for m ore inform ation.
Children’s Benefit Concert
O regon Health and Science U ni­
versity will host a benefit concert
for their C hild D evelopm ent and
R ehabilitation C enter, featuring
w orks by Puccini, M ozart, Cole
Porter, Bernstein and others, S at­
urday, Sept. 9 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
at the OHSU Auditorium. Call 503-
239-8255 w eekdays for tickets.
Corn Maze Challenge
The M aiZE at Sauvie Island's
Pumpkin Patch chal lenges al I ages
with over three m iles o f intricate
pathw ays, carved into a five-acre
field o f 12-foot com . O pen daily
from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Friday
and Saturday evenings until 10
p.m. C ost is $6 for adults, $4 for
children and free for kids under
five. Visit portlandm aze.com .
‘I Have a Dream*
Learn about how the local "1 Have
a D ream ” foundation prepares
low -incom e children for post-high
school study or rew arding em ­
ploym ent through m entoring, tu­
to rin g and sc h o larsh ip . O pen
houses take place W ednesdays,
Sept. 13 and Oct. 5 at W oodlaw n
School, 7200 N.E. I Ith Ave. For
more information, call503-287-7203
or visit ihadoregon.org.
Cancer Care Group
A free cancer support group m eet­
ing takes place T uesday, Sept. 5
from 10:30 a.m. to noon at Provi­
dence Professional Plaza Radra-
tion/O ncology C onference room,
5O5ON.E. H oyt,Level B. Focuson I
learning to live fully and m aintain
hope and quality o f life w hile liv­
ing with cancer. Cal 1503-215-60151
for m ore inform ation.
Women’s Caregiving
A free health forum ‘W hen is it
Tim e to T ake C harge? W om en
and C aregiving' will help partici­
pants recognize red flags, cope
with caretaking and provide com-1
m unity resources every w oman
can use. It lakes place Thursday,
Sept. 7 at 7 p.m. at Providence St.
Vincent Medical C enter's Souther
A uditorium ,9205 S.W. Barnes Rd.
For more information, call 503-513-
YWCA Needs Advocates
C lark County YW CA is looking
for adults w ho can serve as m en­
tors for sexual assault victim s and
d o m e s tic v io le n c e s u p p o rt
groups, court-ap p o in ted ad v o ­
cates for abused and neglected
children and volunteers for incar­
cerated w omen transitioning back
into the com m unity. Fall training
and orientation begins Tuesday,
Sept. 2 from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. For
more inform ation, call 360-696-
B a r n e y S te in is ‘T h e L e c tu r e r ' in
‘R e e fe r M a d n e s s ! ' th e a w a rd -w in n in g
s a tir e a b o u t g o v e r n m e n t m is in fo r m a ­
tio n a n d g r e e d .
‘Reefer Madness!'
comes to Interstate
Cultural Theatre
The award-winning musical 'R eefer M ad­
ness!’ em barks on a Northwest prem iere at
the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center,
5340 N. Interstate Ave.
'R eefer M adness' isapolitical satire about
governm ent m isin fo rm atio n and greed,
loosely based on the 1936 propaganda film
“Tell Y ourC hild ren ' also known as “Reefer
M ad n ess!”
Artistic D irector and D ram m y A w ard­
w inning actor Kirk M ouser o f Stum ptow n
Stages directs the production. It begins the
second season for the Portland theater co m ­
pany, follow ing on the heels o f its zany hit,
‘U rinetow n - The M usical’.
"R eefer M adness!” revolves around the
misfortunes o f Jim my (Andrew B ray), a once
innocent and fresh-faced high school stu­
dent who falls prey to Jack (Nartan W oods),
the evil m arijuana peddler. O ne p u ff o f the
dem on weed transform s Jim m y into a lecher­
ous maniac suddenly hell-bent on pleasures
o f the flesh and the next "tlx."
Scenes o f doobie-induced debauchery,
m ayhem , and moral depravity inevitably
ensue as Jim m y and “friends”— sm oke,
slink and o f course sing— ram bling down
the path to ultim ate ruin.
The show has been aptly described as a
J im m y (Andrew Bray) s h a r e s a s o d a with M ary (Erin C harles) in th e p la y ‘R e e fe r M a d n e s s ! ' a b o u t a o n c e in n o c e n t high
sc h o o l s tu d e n t w ho is s u d d e n ly h ell-b en t o n th e p le a s u r e s o f th e fle s h a n d n e x t ‘fix .'
J o s e p h Klei p e rfo rm s in th e m u sic a l ‘R e e fe r M a d n e s s ! ' c o m in g to th e In te rs ta te
F ireh o u se Cultural C e n te r in north Portland.
Expanding the Power of Words
Play will follow
march against
senseless violence
A com m unity march and rally against
violence will be bigger than ever this year
with more events and a special stage produc­
tion confronting violence in our com m unity.
T he4th annual "Senseless Violence Leads
to Silence" inarch and rally will take place
ja s • *
Saturday, Sept. 9 in m em ory o f A sia "B ell"
Jam es, a local m other and wife who w as shot
on her front porch in a 2002 unsolved m ur­
der; and all other victim s o f violence.
A full day o f events, food and entertain­
ment follows the 9:45 a.m. march from Irving
jf c ■!
Hoyt Arboretum Trees
D iscover the w onder o f Hoyt A r­
boretum during "M eet the T rees”
events through Sept. 30 from 11
a.m. to 3 p.m. This free family expe­
rience includes tour maps and kids
activity maps toexplore more than
12 m iles o f trails through trees
from all over the w orld, including
the M iddle East and Africa. For
m o re
in f o r m a tio n ,
v is it
hoytarboretum.org orcall 503-228-
community service
'L eave it to Beaver' meets 'Rocky H orror’
and its sold-out Los Angeles run lead to
both a Showtime movie version and aGrammy
Award for Best Song.
P erform ances run T hursdays through
Sundays from Sept. 8 through Oct. 7. Thurs­
day-Saturday perform ances start at 8 p.m.,
Sunday perform ances at 2 p.m. All seats are
$25 for general adm ission and $22 for stu­
dents and seniors. Tickets can be purchased
in advance by calling: Stum ptow n Stages
Box O ffice at 503-381-8686 or online at
w w w .stum ptow nstages.com .
Opening night on Thursday, Sept. 8 will
be a special gala perform ance to benefit
Stum ptow n Stages. The show com m ences
at 6 p.m. and will be followed by an elegant,
but m orally depraved, reception and an
evening o f entertainm ent. Tickets for that
evening only are $65 per person and $ 10 0 per
Reefer Madness! was first produced by
Jam es L Nederlander, Verna Harrah and
Stephaine Steele and Dead Old Man Produc­
tions under the direction o f Andy Fickman
and choreography by Paula Abdul.
A p la y co n fro n tin g th e i s s u e s o f v io le n c e fe a tu rin g C urtis Ticks a n d D arlene S o lo m o n R o g e rs (b a ck row) a n d E lisa b e th
D avid so n (front row. from left). L. S m ith Jaxon. K a n a e H a ya sh i a n d C h a u n tey Cruz, will ta k e p la c e a t A lberta Park in north
e a s t P ortland o n S a tu rd a y. S e p t. 9 follow ing th e a n n u a l S e n s e l e s s V io len ce L e a d s to S ile n c e ' m a rch a n d rally.
Park at Northeast 7th Avenue and Fremont
Street to Alberta Park at N ortheast 19th and
Killingsw orth Street.
The activities at Alberta Park will take
place from 11:30 a.m. to 6 p.m ., featuring
m otivational speakers to build hope and
bring healing to our families and com m unity.
Live entertainm ent will include local bands
with the sounds of G ospel, R&B and rock.
Volunteers are needed. Call 503-247-2997 for
more information.
New this year will be the presentation of
an interactive play that asks the audience to
help solve issues o f violence. T he stage
production is presented by Crim e Survivors
for C om m unity Safety, a program o f the
W estern Prison Project, a progressive m ove­
ment o f crim e survivors and allies.
The perform ance follows a family trapped
in an abusive cycle o f violence, show ing the
reactions and issues laced by the family and
how friends interact.
“W e’re hoping to shed more light on the
com plexities o f dom estic violence, and how
com m unity m em bers can help create safety
and accountability," said Terrie Q uinteros,
program director of the crime survivors group
and the p lay 's w riter and director.
"W e know that not everyone feels com ­
fortable calling the police. By engaging the
audience in finding com m unity based solu­
tions. we show that each one o f us can take
a role in creating safety and accountability,"
Q uinteros said.
Repeat perform ances of the play will be
presented on W ednesday, Sept. 13 at 6:30
p.m. at St. Andrew C atholic C hurch. 4925
N.E. Ninth Ave. and Saturday, ( k t . 7 at 11
a.m. at the PorllandCom m unity C ollegeC as-
cade Cam pus in north Portland