Committed U)Cultural Diversity M etro (Tin sportiani» (IDbscrucr www.portlandobserv er.tom A ugust 31). 20(X) OutKast Take on Film Antwan 'Big Boi' Patton and Andre '3000' Benjamin unleash debut musical film with 'Idlewild' c See Focus, page B3 SECTION B be Addictive Volunteer for Crisis Line W ant to m ake a difference in your com m unity? V olunteers and ad­ vocates are needed for the P ort­ land W om en’s Crisis Line. The needs include on-call advocates to respond in person or over the phone, outreach and educational efforts, and fundraising and ad­ m inistrative duties. Call 503-232- 4176 for m ore inform ation. Children’s Benefit Concert O regon Health and Science U ni­ versity will host a benefit concert for their C hild D evelopm ent and R ehabilitation C enter, featuring w orks by Puccini, M ozart, Cole Porter, Bernstein and others, S at­ urday, Sept. 9 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the OHSU Auditorium. Call 503- 239-8255 w eekdays for tickets. Corn Maze Challenge The M aiZE at Sauvie Island's Pumpkin Patch chal lenges al I ages with over three m iles o f intricate pathw ays, carved into a five-acre field o f 12-foot com . O pen daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Friday and Saturday evenings until 10 p.m. C ost is $6 for adults, $4 for children and free for kids under five. Visit portlandm . ‘I Have a Dream* Learn about how the local "1 Have a D ream ” foundation prepares low -incom e children for post-high school study or rew arding em ­ ploym ent through m entoring, tu­ to rin g and sc h o larsh ip . O pen houses take place W ednesdays, Sept. 13 and Oct. 5 at W oodlaw n School, 7200 N.E. I Ith Ave. For more information, call503-287-7203 or visit Cancer Care Group A free cancer support group m eet­ ing takes place T uesday, Sept. 5 from 10:30 a.m. to noon at Provi­ dence Professional Plaza Radra- tion/O ncology C onference room, 5O5ON.E. H oyt,Level B. Focuson I learning to live fully and m aintain hope and quality o f life w hile liv­ ing with cancer. Cal 1503-215-60151 for m ore inform ation. Women’s Caregiving A free health forum ‘W hen is it Tim e to T ake C harge? W om en and C aregiving' will help partici­ pants recognize red flags, cope with caretaking and provide com-1 m unity resources every w oman can use. It lakes place Thursday, Sept. 7 at 7 p.m. at Providence St. Vincent Medical C enter's Souther A uditorium ,9205 S.W. Barnes Rd. For more information, call 503-513- 8404. YWCA Needs Advocates C lark County YW CA is looking for adults w ho can serve as m en­ tors for sexual assault victim s and d o m e s tic v io le n c e s u p p o rt groups, court-ap p o in ted ad v o ­ cates for abused and neglected children and volunteers for incar­ cerated w omen transitioning back into the com m unity. Fall training and orientation begins Tuesday, Sept. 2 from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. For more inform ation, call 360-696- 0167. B a r n e y S te in is ‘T h e L e c tu r e r ' in ‘R e e fe r M a d n e s s ! ' th e a w a rd -w in n in g s a tir e a b o u t g o v e r n m e n t m is in fo r m a ­ tio n a n d g r e e d . ‘Reefer Madness!' comes to Interstate Firehouse Cultural Theatre The award-winning musical 'R eefer M ad­ ness!’ em barks on a Northwest prem iere at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center, 5340 N. Interstate Ave. 'R eefer M adness' isapolitical satire about governm ent m isin fo rm atio n and greed, loosely based on the 1936 propaganda film “Tell Y ourC hild ren ' also known as “Reefer M ad n ess!” Artistic D irector and D ram m y A w ard­ w inning actor Kirk M ouser o f Stum ptow n Stages directs the production. It begins the second season for the Portland theater co m ­ pany, follow ing on the heels o f its zany hit, ‘U rinetow n - The M usical’. "R eefer M adness!” revolves around the misfortunes o f Jim my (Andrew B ray), a once innocent and fresh-faced high school stu­ dent who falls prey to Jack (Nartan W oods), the evil m arijuana peddler. O ne p u ff o f the dem on weed transform s Jim m y into a lecher­ ous maniac suddenly hell-bent on pleasures o f the flesh and the next "tlx." Scenes o f doobie-induced debauchery, m ayhem , and moral depravity inevitably ensue as Jim m y and “friends”— sm oke, slink and o f course sing— ram bling down the path to ultim ate ruin. The show has been aptly described as a J im m y (Andrew Bray) s h a r e s a s o d a with M ary (Erin C harles) in th e p la y ‘R e e fe r M a d n e s s ! ' a b o u t a o n c e in n o c e n t high sc h o o l s tu d e n t w ho is s u d d e n ly h ell-b en t o n th e p le a s u r e s o f th e fle s h a n d n e x t ‘fix .' J o s e p h Klei p e rfo rm s in th e m u sic a l ‘R e e fe r M a d n e s s ! ' c o m in g to th e In te rs ta te F ireh o u se Cultural C e n te r in north Portland. Expanding the Power of Words Play will follow march against senseless violence A com m unity march and rally against violence will be bigger than ever this year with more events and a special stage produc­ tion confronting violence in our com m unity. T he4th annual "Senseless Violence Leads to Silence" inarch and rally will take place ja s • * Saturday, Sept. 9 in m em ory o f A sia "B ell" Jam es, a local m other and wife who w as shot on her front porch in a 2002 unsolved m ur­ der; and all other victim s o f violence. A full day o f events, food and entertain­ ment follows the 9:45 a.m. march from Irving jf c ■! Hoyt Arboretum Trees D iscover the w onder o f Hoyt A r­ boretum during "M eet the T rees” events through Sept. 30 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. This free family expe­ rience includes tour maps and kids activity maps toexplore more than 12 m iles o f trails through trees from all over the w orld, including the M iddle East and Africa. For m o re in f o r m a tio n , v is it orcall 503-228- 8733. community service 'L eave it to Beaver' meets 'Rocky H orror’ and its sold-out Los Angeles run lead to both a Showtime movie version and aGrammy Award for Best Song. P erform ances run T hursdays through Sundays from Sept. 8 through Oct. 7. Thurs­ day-Saturday perform ances start at 8 p.m., Sunday perform ances at 2 p.m. All seats are $25 for general adm ission and $22 for stu­ dents and seniors. Tickets can be purchased in advance by calling: Stum ptow n Stages Box O ffice at 503-381-8686 or online at w w w .stum ptow . Opening night on Thursday, Sept. 8 will be a special gala perform ance to benefit Stum ptow n Stages. The show com m ences at 6 p.m. and will be followed by an elegant, but m orally depraved, reception and an evening o f entertainm ent. Tickets for that evening only are $65 per person and $ 10 0 per couple. Reefer Madness! was first produced by Jam es L Nederlander, Verna Harrah and Stephaine Steele and Dead Old Man Produc­ tions under the direction o f Andy Fickman and choreography by Paula Abdul. A p la y co n fro n tin g th e i s s u e s o f v io le n c e fe a tu rin g C urtis Ticks a n d D arlene S o lo m o n R o g e rs (b a ck row) a n d E lisa b e th D avid so n (front row. from left). L. S m ith Jaxon. K a n a e H a ya sh i a n d C h a u n tey Cruz, will ta k e p la c e a t A lberta Park in north e a s t P ortland o n S a tu rd a y. S e p t. 9 follow ing th e a n n u a l S e n s e l e s s V io len ce L e a d s to S ile n c e ' m a rch a n d rally. Í Park at Northeast 7th Avenue and Fremont Street to Alberta Park at N ortheast 19th and Killingsw orth Street. The activities at Alberta Park will take place from 11:30 a.m. to 6 p.m ., featuring m otivational speakers to build hope and bring healing to our families and com m unity. Live entertainm ent will include local bands with the sounds of G ospel, R&B and rock. Volunteers are needed. Call 503-247-2997 for more information. New this year will be the presentation of an interactive play that asks the audience to help solve issues o f violence. T he stage production is presented by Crim e Survivors for C om m unity Safety, a program o f the W estern Prison Project, a progressive m ove­ ment o f crim e survivors and allies. The perform ance follows a family trapped in an abusive cycle o f violence, show ing the reactions and issues laced by the family and how friends interact. “W e’re hoping to shed more light on the com plexities o f dom estic violence, and how com m unity m em bers can help create safety and accountability," said Terrie Q uinteros, program director of the crime survivors group and the p lay 's w riter and director. "W e know that not everyone feels com ­ fortable calling the police. By engaging the audience in finding com m unity based solu­ tions. we show that each one o f us can take a role in creating safety and accountability," Q uinteros said. Repeat perform ances of the play will be presented on W ednesday, Sept. 13 at 6:30 p.m. at St. Andrew C atholic C hurch. 4925 N.E. Ninth Ave. and Saturday, ( k t . 7 at 11 a.m. at the PorllandCom m unity C ollegeC as- cade Cam pus in north Portland )