Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 30, 2006, Page 5, Image 5

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    c,|r }Jnrt lattò (Observer
August 30. 2006
Their parents made a wise
investment for their future.
Your child deserves the best...
Tim othy
Federal ftu k Svc Mgr/ A uthor
Public Affairs
University Program Director
H igh School Teacher
Hollywood Director
Ed rie
Ibnkci /M odel
College Promotes Campus Diversity
W ashington State U niversity
V an co u v er has appointed Boia
M ajekobaje as assistant director
for Student Diversity. She will be
responsible for recruiting and re­
taining a diverse student popula­
tion. spanning race. age. socio-eco­
nom ics and sexual orientation.
A P o rtlan d native, she m ost
recen tly serv ed C entral W ash ­
ington U n iv ersity as an ad m is­
sio n s co u n se lo r w ith p articu lar
responsibility for outreach to low-
incom e stu d en ts and stu d en ts o f
co lo r. She also served as staff
ad v iso r to the c o lle g e ’s black stu ­
dent union.
Her prior experience includes her
work as a diversity affairs coordi­
nator at the University o f Oregon in
Eugene, where she graduated in
2003 with a Bachelor o f Arts degree Bola Majekobaje
Sr. Vice President
As a new school year begins,
students will be jo in in g the rush, on
foot, by bus and in cars - especially
the m orning rush hour. It’s im por­
tant for m otorists, parents and chil­
dren to dust o ff their baek-to-school
traffic safety routines.
M otorists in particular need to
watch out for the safety o f children
on foot and bicycle, to slow down
to 20 mph in school zones and to
yield to crossing guards - as well as
pedestrians o f any age crossing
Back to
School Tips
Chemical Engineer
Sales Manager
in biology.
M ajekobaje said she is looking
forward to working close to home,
but also “staying a part o f the really
am azing things that are happening
in W ashington education.”
At W SU V ancouver, she w ants
to en c o u rag e stu d en ts to spread
the w ord about the u n iv e rsity 's
program s to their family members.
“T h ere’s no substitute for sto­
ries o f personal experience," she
said. “ It’s very pow erful.”
W SU V a n c o u v e r o ffe rs 14
bachelor's and 9 m aster's degrees
in more than 35 fields o f study. The
cam pus is located at 14204 N.E.
S a lm o n C re e k A v e ., e a s t o f
V ancouver’s 134th Street exit from
either 1-5 or 1-205.
For more information, visit http:/
/www. Vancouver, w su.edu.
Watch Out for Returning Kids
Traffic dangers
with start of
Page A5
Early to bed,
early to rise
the street.
Driving ju st 5 mph over the 20
mph speed limit increases the risk
o f hitting a child and increases the
severity o f the injury when a child
is struck by a vehicle.
Drivers are required to yield to
pedestrians crossing the street. You
should never pass a vehicle that
has stopped at a crossw alk. It may
he waiting for a pedestrian to cross.
U nder Oregon law, a crossw alk
exists at any intersection, even if
unm arked, unless signs indicate
that the crossw alk is closed.
Parents and children, if possible
should, choose less busy streets to
walk or bike to school. C ross the
street only at crossw alks, not bc-
tween intersections, and never run
into the street from between parked
cars or other obstacles that block
drivers’ view. Look left, right, left
and over your shoulder for traffic
before crossing a street and con­
tinue to check each direction as
you cross.
Pedestrians should also make
eye contact with drivers to make
sure they see you. The wearing of
light-colored clothing or reflectors
on backpacks improve visibility to
If riding a bicycle, scooteror skate­
board to school, always wear a hel­
met and ride in the same direction as
traffic. Use the far right o f the road­
way or a hike lane if available.
Staying up late and sleeping in are
summertime rituals for most kids. But
summer sleep habits can leave chil­
dren sleep deprived and unfocused
at the start of the school year.
Providence sleep experts recom ­
mend that most school-age chil­
dren get at least nine hours o f sleep
per night. Parents should consider
establishing school-year bedtime
routines two weeks prior to the
start o f school.
Creating a bedtime routine and
encouraging quiet tim e and relax­
ing activities will allow for dow n­
time and sufficient sleep time.
Man Missing From Dawson Park
77-year-old C hester "R ay”
Barber, was last seen by his
family on Aug. 14 at Dawson
Park, N. Stanton and W illiams
Ave, where he was playing
dom inos with friends.
B arber's son, Steven Harris,
left his father at the park, hut
found no trace o f him when he
arrived later to pick him up.
Barber is African A m eri­
can, 5 ’4 " and w eighs 135
pounds. He has long hair and
a heard. Anyone with infor­
mation is asked to contact
Harris at 503-284-3888, or
Barber’sex-w ife.Judy Harris,
Chester “Ray " Barber at 503-287-8986.
Dear Deanna!
My m other is driving me crazy because she
forgets that sh e 's over 40 trying to dress
I ike sh e 's 20 years old. I get tired o f tel I i ng
her how bad she looks but the more I tell
her, the worse it gets. My boyfriend laughs
and thinks it’s cute but it's not. How do I
respectfully tell my m other she needs to
get her act together? I ’ m afraid she’s going
to get em barrassed really bad in public. -
-Anonymous; Milwaukee, Wl
Dear Anonymous:
SEPT 19-20,
“The greatest tap
dancer ever to lace up
a pair of tap shoes”
If your m other chooses to look a hot mess,
then you should mind your business and
let her take the risk o f personal humiliation.
It’s not easy because it’s your mom and if
sh e’s com fortable and has high self-es­
teem then so be it. H ow ever, if you truly
insist on helping her, w hip out your credit
card and take her on a shopping spree. If
y o u ’re not w illing to do this, button your
lips and keep it moving.
Dear Deanna!
My d au g h ter is ca u sin g a sp lit betw een
her fath er and me. S h e ’s tak in g the
d a d d y 's girl rela tio n sh ip a bit too far.
Initially we all w ent along w ith it until my
d au g h ter realized her pow er. She has
becom e d em anding, forcing my husband
to take her side o v er m ine and it's a ffec t­
ing o u r m arriage. My h u sb an d eats it up
but he c a n ’t see that my d au g h ter is
cau sin g p ro b lem s. He says I'm je a lo u s
and it'll be o v er sh o rtly . H ow do I
han d le th is? -P a tsy K; Charlotte, NC
Dear Patsy:
Subscribe online! www.whitebird.org
Your daughter d o esn 't pay any bills and
with that in m ind, she d o esn 't run any­
thing. You need to put your foot dow n and
make your hushand stop playing kiddie
gam es with your child. He needs to place
the word no in his vocabulary and realize
he has a wife w ho is the prim ary decision
m aker with equal w eight and power. True,
you may be jealo u s but y o u ’re certainly
right to close this issue before your h u s­
band finds him self single with an em pty
Real People, Real Advice
I tt advice coin inn known Jar its /earless
approach to reality based subjects!
Dear Deanna!
I'm a single parent at the end o f my rope
with my teen kids. I feel as if they've taken
me hostage and I’m a slave meeting their
dem ands. I go to work and com e hom e to
a dirty house and they are always asking
for money, clothes and fast food. W hen I
try to discipline one child, the others take
sides and gang u p o n me. I’ve asked family
to help, looked into counseling and my
pastor. I feel as if I'm a bad parent with
these wild kids. W hat do I do? -Naomi:
Birminyham, AL
Dear Naomi:
It your children are behaving as if they
have no sense, you need to put them out.
If th ere's no father in the house you can
solve that by getting your brothers, uncles
and male cousins involved. You need to
map out a plan, im plem ent some rules and
discipline. If they d o n ’ tg o alo n g with what
you say too bad because you’re the parent
and the breadwinner. G ive them the option
to obey or pack their stuff and get out if
they want to play hy their own rules.
Ask Deanna is written hy Deanna M.
D eanna!
askdeannal@ yahoo.com or 264 S.
DiCieneya Blvd. Suite 128.1 Beverly Hills,
C A W 11. Website: