Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 23, 2006, Page 9, Image 9

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    August 23. 2006 ___________________________
______ «Tl.e
(© b s e m e r
Kids 10 to 12 Years!!!!!!!!!
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Hillsboro A irport • Pearson Air Museum
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Garage, yard, porch A patio,
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Beautiful new homes loaded with great features!
Convenient NE location to MAX. Bus,I 205, & I 84!
A p e r m a n e n t replica o f a p in e log c a n o e th a t L ew is a n d Clark u s e d on th eir e x p ed itio n 2 0 0 y e a rs a g o (left) a n d a c e d a r c a n o e u s e d
b y th e n a tiv e C h inookan p e o p le r e s t a lo n g th e C o lu m b ia R iver n o r th w e s t o f P ortland a t C o tto n w o o d B e a c h in W ashougal.
Native Canoe Earns Artist Award
Concrete canoes that repli­
cate the pine log canoes Lewis
and Clark used on their expe­
dition 200 years ago, and the
cedar canoes o f the native
Chinook people that the ex-
plorers encountered near Port­
land, have won a special award
for artistic merit.
The canoes are permanent
structures anchored along the
Columbia River atCaptionW il-
liam Clark Park at C otton­
wood Beach in Washougal.
The W ashington A ggre­
gates and Concrete Associa­
tion credits Chinookan artist
Tony Jonson and the Turn-
stone Construction craftsmen
with creating the replicas with
a high level of artistic detail,
bringing out the seams, cracks
and depressions of the rough
dugout canoes.
Value at $218,750-$227,750
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Long and W inding Road'' and
"Georgia on My M ind."
(A P) — Ray C harles never per­
The last project Charles recorded
formed with the late Count Basie before his death on June It). 2004
when the two music legends were was the duets album "Genius Loves
alive, hut now they are being united C om pany," w hich earned eight
in death.
G ram m y Awards. It sold more than
Concord Records and Starbucks six million copies w orldwide, m ak­
Hear Music will release a disc this ing it the biggcst-seller o f his ca­
fall that com bines vocals recorded reer.
by Charles during a concert in the
W hile looking through a record
mid-1970s with new music made hy com pany vault in late 2005, one of
today's Count Basie Orchestra.
the "Genius Loves Com pany " pro­
Among the dozen cuts on "Ray ducers cam e up with tapes marked
Sings. Basie Swings" arc Busted," "Ray/Basie." The prtxlueer, John
"I Can't Stop Loving You," "The Burk, thought he'd found som e­
Mac Dre
Tribute at
A Mac Dre tribute celebration ta
place Friday Aug. 25 at the Rosel
T heater featuring Keak Da Sneak, Ry
J Klyde. Harm and M eezilini.
Andre Hicks (July 5. 1970 - Nov
2004), better known by his stage nai
B old a n d colorful figurative art is p a rt o f th e M arcio M elo co llec tio n to b e
fe a tu re d during S e p te m b e r a t O nda A rte L a tin a / C ro ss C urrents Gallery,
2 2 1 5 N.E. A lberta S t.
C o u n t B a sie
Late legends united
V • » <nf«»
No Credit Checks!
CD Blends Ray Charles, Count Basie MonstersWanted
R a y C harles
I Jr •
#1 Wireless Store!
Stylized to Realistic
Figurative art ranging by Marcio Melo, ranging from
the stylized to realistic, will exhibit for the second time
at the Onda Arte Latina/Cross Currents Gallery, 2 2 15
N.E. Alberta St.
An opening and artist's reception will be held on
Last Thursday. Aug. 31 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. A special
conversation with the artist will take place on Satur­
day, Sept. 2 at 3 p.m. The exhibit runs through the
month of September.
Melo is a Brazilian painter who lives in Canada.
Those who saw his paintings last year were captivated
by his bold and colorful paintings. He typically works
from imagination and his themes run from Brazilian
Candomblé Saints to Canadian wildlife. The paintings
often include peopleor animals, many with fantastic or
spiritual imagery as elements.
4 t|
thing to rew rite history. W hile the
acts had shared concert bills, it was
believed they had never perform ed
The tapes turned out to contain
a copy o f C harles singing accom ­
panied by his own orchestra, al­
though the music was recorded so
poorly it could barely be heard.
Burk had the idea o f pairing the
vocal recordings with new instru­
mental backing.
G reg g Field, a d ru m m er w ho
toured and recorded w ith both
C h a rle s’ and B asie's bands b e­
fore B asie died in 1984, w as
brought in to build the new disc
w ith co m p u ter ed itin g . Field had
to m atch C h arles' singing to the
new h and's p erform ance, often
s tre tc h in g o r c o m p a c tin g the
space betw een w ords in o rd er to
fit the tem po.
Since the musical m arriage o f
Natalie Cole with her late father Nat
K ingC oleon "Unforgettable," tech­
nology has advanced to the point
o f making alm ost anything pos­
sible. M ashups, which marry art­
ists and songs in txld com bina­
tions. have become an underground
art form.
‘Scream at the
Beach’ recruits
Looking for som ething differ­
ent that’s both fun and educa­
tional? Volunteers are needed to
help prepare for ’Scream at the
Beach,' O ctober’s largest, scari­
est and top-rated haunted house
at the Jantzen Beach SuperCentcr
in north Portland.
Likened to a Disney experi­
ence, this family friendly but very
scary entertainm entcom plex fea­
tures five full-featured haunted
a ttr a c tio n s , liv e sh o w s an d
hordes o f roam ing m onster char­
acters. A few gtxxl monsters are
needed ,0 com plete the elaborate
set up in tim e forthe 2(X)6 season.
T asks include creature cre­
ation, assem bling sets, making
props, sew ing costum es, install­
ing special effects and more.
Technical T heaterexperience is a
plus, but anyone with a love for
Halloween and an ounce o f talent
will find this project worthwhile.
For more inform ation, visit
scream atlhebeach.com or email
vi >1 unteers @ scteai nattlx-hc;ich com.
A s tf
O rganized
bus tours
Aug. 31 - Sept. 2
Intim ate Apparel
by Lynn Nottage
The Two Gentlemen of Verona
by William Shakespeare
The Importance o f Being Earnest
by Oscar Wilde
($ 3 4 5 T erson double occupancy)
Sept. 2 - 3
The Merry Wives o f Windsor
by W illiam Shakespeare
The W in ter’s Tale
by W illiam Shakespeare
($275/person double occupancy,
Sept. 29 - Oct. 1
Cyrano de Bergerac
by Edmond Rostand
The Importance of Being Earnest
by Oscar Wilde
Intim ate Apparel
by Lynn Nottage
($34$/person double occupancy)
Relax and Enjoy!
"Mac Dre," w asa pillar o f San Francisco
Bay Area hip-hop for over a decade. He
has w o rk ed w ith a rtists like E -4 0 ,
Yukmouth. Snoop Dogg, and Keak da
Visit 2realrccords.net for information.
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