August 23. 2006 ___________________________ ______ «Tl.e (© b s e m e r PageB3 Focus Kids 10 to 12 Years!!!!!!!!! A fter School Leering Practical M ath, Science and Computer Technology location«; PCC Skill Center (Cascade Campus) Hillsboro A irport • Pearson Air Museum A c c e p tin g A p p lic a tio n s CENTERS FOR AIRWAY SCIENCE 503.292.4542 I Download an application O w m airwayscience org $1 ENHANCING THE OWNERSHIP EXPERIENCE. AFFORDABLE NEW HOMES in PARKROSE 10 year TAX abatement. Garage, yard, porch A patio, NO common walls Karmen Baricevic CSP Beautiful new homes loaded with great features! Convenient NE location to MAX. Bus,I 205, & I 84! A p e r m a n e n t replica o f a p in e log c a n o e th a t L ew is a n d Clark u s e d on th eir e x p ed itio n 2 0 0 y e a rs a g o (left) a n d a c e d a r c a n o e u s e d b y th e n a tiv e C h inookan p e o p le r e s t a lo n g th e C o lu m b ia R iver n o r th w e s t o f P ortland a t C o tto n w o o d B e a c h in W ashougal. Native Canoe Earns Artist Award Concrete canoes that repli­ cate the pine log canoes Lewis and Clark used on their expe­ dition 200 years ago, and the cedar canoes o f the native Chinook people that the ex- plorers encountered near Port­ land, have won a special award for artistic merit. The canoes are permanent structures anchored along the Columbia River atCaptionW il- liam Clark Park at C otton­ wood Beach in Washougal. The W ashington A ggre­ gates and Concrete Associa­ tion credits Chinookan artist Tony Jonson and the Turn- stone Construction craftsmen with creating the replicas with a high level of artistic detail, bringing out the seams, cracks and depressions of the rough dugout canoes. Value at $218,750-$227,750 Selling in your neighborhood □ U) 5033803315 karmenb® johnlscott com 3ohnC..$artr www jo h n ls c o ll t HEAL ¡S IA T E RSL o m k a rm e n b Luxury skin Care We currently offer: M icroderm abrasion • Peels Facials • Bridal • Facial Waxing Beauty Consultations • Cosmetics Perfectly Shaped Eye Brows Personal Care Products Take yourself to the next level in beauty Call today! 971-227-9044 833 SE Main Street, Suite 108, Portland. OR 97214 NE ALBI RIA Bargain S treet if* W e b u y & sell used p h o n es. W e d o B ill P ay (C ell P h o n e s, U tility B ills) Service offered: Sprint, Nextel, T-mobile, Qwest, Dish Network, Comcast, prepaid. 3511 N.E. MLK Blvd. Portland, OR 97212 (503) 282-6061 Long and W inding Road'' and "Georgia on My M ind." (A P) — Ray C harles never per­ The last project Charles recorded formed with the late Count Basie before his death on June It). 2004 when the two music legends were was the duets album "Genius Loves alive, hut now they are being united C om pany," w hich earned eight in death. G ram m y Awards. It sold more than Concord Records and Starbucks six million copies w orldwide, m ak­ Hear Music will release a disc this ing it the biggcst-seller o f his ca­ fall that com bines vocals recorded reer. by Charles during a concert in the W hile looking through a record mid-1970s with new music made hy com pany vault in late 2005, one of today's Count Basie Orchestra. the "Genius Loves Com pany " pro­ Among the dozen cuts on "Ray ducers cam e up with tapes marked Sings. Basie Swings" arc Busted," "Ray/Basie." The prtxlueer, John "I Can't Stop Loving You," "The Burk, thought he'd found som e­ Mac Dre Tribute at Roseland A Mac Dre tribute celebration ta place Friday Aug. 25 at the Rosel T heater featuring Keak Da Sneak, Ry J Klyde. Harm and M eezilini. Andre Hicks (July 5. 1970 - Nov 2004), better known by his stage nai Qweit B old a n d colorful figurative art is p a rt o f th e M arcio M elo co llec tio n to b e fe a tu re d during S e p te m b e r a t O nda A rte L a tin a / C ro ss C urrents Gallery, 2 2 1 5 N.E. A lberta S t. C o u n t B a sie Late legends united V • » 1 unteers @ scteai nattlx-hc;ich com. A s tf O Oregon Shakespeare Festival« O rganized bus tours Aug. 31 - Sept. 2 Intim ate Apparel by Lynn Nottage The Two Gentlemen of Verona by William Shakespeare The Importance o f Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde ($ 3 4 5 T erson double occupancy) Sept. 2 - 3 The Merry Wives o f Windsor by W illiam Shakespeare The W in ter’s Tale by W illiam Shakespeare ($275/person double occupancy, Sept. 29 - Oct. 1 Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rostand The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde Intim ate Apparel by Lynn Nottage ($34$/person double occupancy) Relax and Enjoy! "Mac Dre," w asa pillar o f San Francisco Bay Area hip-hop for over a decade. He has w o rk ed w ith a rtists like E -4 0 , Yukmouth. Snoop Dogg, and Keak da Sneak. Visit for information. Sprint > Tht Tngutil Hntary of Oortor fovstus (7005, fnsemble intlmwte A p p w (7006) Gwendolyn Mulamba Tiffany Adam« Photos David Cooper and T Charles Ertcbwn Round trip coach trip; dinner w ith OSF actors; indoor and outdoor performances; lodging in dow ntow n hotels; shopping and much more! BOOK NOW! (541) 482-2111 , ext. 240 i