Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 16, 2006, Page 10, Image 10

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    August 16, 2006
Page B4
C lassifieds / B ids
Assessment Coordinator 1 ( Education
Program A ssistant) - University of
O regon C h ild & F am ily C e n te r in
R e c ru its and tra c k s
research subjects, collects school
and court records and works with
p roje ct personnel to co m p lete
school and fam ily assessm ents.
Requires strong w riting skills and
ability to com m unicate effectively
w ith in d iv id u a ls fro m d iv e rs e
backgrounds and cultures; strong
organizational skills, attention to
detail, and capacity for innovative
p ro b le m s o lv in g ; e x te n s iv e
knowledge of Access, Excel Word,
SPSS, and the Internet. See job
p o s tin g fo r c o m p le te lis t o f
requirem ents. $10.23 - $14.37
per hour. Application inform ation
available at Hum an Resources,
5 2 1 0 U n iv e rs ity o f O re g o n ,
Eugene, OR 97403-5210; (541)
346-3159, TTY (541) 346-0852;
o n lin e
(jo b s .u o r e g o n .e d u ).
Application deadline 8/21/06.
AA/EO/ADA institution committed
to cultural diversity.
P o rtla n d .
Police Crime Analyst
The Portland Police Bureau seeks
a p e rs o n re s p o n s ib le fo r
compiling, maintaining, analyzing,
tra ck in g and inte gra ting crim e
information for the Police Bureau.
D u tie s a nd w o rk a id in
determining patterns, trends, and
identifying groups and individuals
of concern, as well as to provide
bureau management with specific
inform ation to assist in planning.
The applicant m ust be able to
setu p , co n d u ct tra in in g s , and
make presentations to small and
large audiences on an as needed
basis. Full-tim e. Approxim ate
m onthly salary $4,534-$6,047.
The successful a p p lica nt m ust
pass a background investigation.
To apply via the Internet, go to:
Deadline for application is 4:30
pm, Mon., Septem ber 11, 2006.
Equal Opportunity Employer.
Asphalt Raker
Approx hourly salary: $19.00 at
entry, to $20.42 after 6 months.
The City of Portland is recruiting
qualified candidates for Asphalt
Raker, re sp o nsible for m akin g
repairs on City maintained streets;
setting up jobs with proper traffic
safety control devices; dum ping
a s p h a lt, ra k in g to grad e, and
c o m p a c tin g h o t m ix u s in g a
vib ra p la te ; co m p le tin g a ctivity
re c o rd s fo r ea ch jo b as it is
finished; p reparing and paving
potholes, utility cuts, overlays,
ba se re pa ir, and co ld m illin g
projects; spreading tack coat; and
operating screws on drag boxes
and self-propelled pavers. See
com plete jo b announcem ent for
requirem ents and application at
Aging Services Coordinator
$3,576 - $ 4 ,3 4 6 /m onth
Closes August 25, 2006
Facilities Maintenance
Technician II
$3,403 - $4,135 / month
Closes August 25, 2006
Juvenile Counselor I - Harkins
$3,403 - $ 4 ,1 3 5 / month
Closes August 25, 2006
Juvenile Counselor II - Harkins
$ 3 ,9 4 5 -$ 4 ,7 9 6 / m o n th
Closes August 25, 2006
Juvenile Counselor II -
Substance Abuse
$3,945 - $4,796 / month
Closes August 25, 2006
Librarian I
$3,319 $ 4 ,0 3 5 / month
Closes Septem ber 1, 2006
Management Analyst II
(Solid W aste & Recycling)
$4,464 - $ 5 ,4 2 6 / month
Closes August 25, 2006
Senior Program Educator
$4,146- $ 5 ,0 3 8 / month
Closes August 25, 2006
Call (503) 8 46-8606/TTY (503)
846-4898 for inform ation or see
o u r w eb site: w w w .co .w a sh in g-
ton.or.us. County application and
supplem ental application form s
required. Women, minorities, and
p e o p le w ith d is a b ilitie s a re
encouraged to apply.
W ashington County Human
Resources Division
155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320
Hillsboro, OR 97124
Im m e d ia t e
f u ll
p a r t- t im e
o p e n in g s . S e e k in g d e p e n d a b le ,
w ell-groom ed, positive individuals.
$ 8 .5 0 + starting wage
O vertim e/advancem ent potential
M edical & Dental, 4 0 1 k a v a il.
Drug t e s t / Background check
Apply 1 2 :0 0 -l:0 0 P M .
M on,W ed,Thurs&Frl;
3 :0 0
4 :0 0 P M Tues.
City Center Parking,
Com pleted applications m ust be
received by 4:30 p.m „ Monday,
Sept. 11, 2006. City of Portland
is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
1 30 SW Stark. Portland.
Workers Comp Audit
w /ben; $33,173-$36,491, BA/
eq u iv, m in 3 y rs e xp co m m .,
re la tio n s , e v e n t p la n n in g and
v o lu n te e r
c o o rd ;
w o rk in g
knowledge of MS program s and
database program s; understand
non-profits and fundraising. Send
resume, cover letter and online
app. (www.portlandim pact.org) to
Portland Im pact, Attn: HR BM,
7211 SE 62nd Ave, Portland, OR
Catlin Gabel School
8825 SW Barnes Rd
Portland, Oregon 97225
G a b e l S c h o o l is an
independent, coeducational day
s c h o o l In P o r tla n d , O re g o n ,
serving students from preschool
through 12th grade.
• LEAD CO O K , Full-tim e, 10
months a year, $14 hour +
• D IS H W A S H E R / K IT C H E N
ASST, V i tim e, 10 months a
year, $9 hour + benefits
P le a se see our w e b s ite www,
catlin.edu for m ore inform ation
and to APPLY O N L IN E , o r call
503.297.1984 for an application.
Family Interventionist (S ocia l
Services Specialist 1) - University of
Oregon Child & Family Center In
Portland. S e rv e s as fa m ily
therapist, service provider, and as
lia is o n b e tw e e n fa m ilie s and
sch ools. R e quires a d e g re e in
social services/human services or
e q u iv a le n t e d u c a tio n a n d
e x p e rie n c e ;
e x p e rie n c e
c o n d u c tin g
p a re n tin g
in te rv e n tio n s w ith fa m ilie s ,
in c lu d in g p a re n tin g g ro u p s ;
experience w orking in schools or
w o rk in g c o lla b o r a tiv e ly w ith
school personnel; experience with
c h ild and fa m ily a s s e s s m e n t
te c h n iq u e s ;
m u ltic u ltu ra l
com petence and ability to work
e ffe c tiv e ly
d iv e rs e
com m unities. S ee p osting for
co m p lete list o f re quirem ents.
$17.29 per hour for part-time R E .
Application inform ation available
a t H u m a n R e s o u rc e s , 5 2 1 0
University of Oregon, Eugene, OR
97403-5210; (541) 346-3159,
T T Y (5 4 1 ) 3 4 6 -0 8 5 2 ; o n lin e
(jo b s.u o re g o n .e d u ). Application
deadline 8/21/06. AA/EO /AD A
institution com m itted to cultural
Are you ready to collect your refund?
5 0 3 .4 7 1 .1 3 6 5
E xecutive M anagement
Urban League of Portland seeks to
em ploy services o fa dynam icand
e n e rg e tic le a d e r to s e rv e as
Pre sid en t and C h ie f Exe cu tive
Officer to guide the agency in the
d e liv e ry
e d u c a tio n a l,
e m p lo y m e n t a n d e c o n o m ic -
b a s e d s e rv ic e s a nd re la te d
a d v o c a c y to p ro m o te th e
advancem ent
A fric a n
Am ericans and others. Qualified
in d iv id u a ls sh o u ld p o s s e s s a
b a ch e lo r's degree in business
a d m in is tra tio n ,
p u b lic
adm inistration, education, social
work, human resources, finance
o ra related discipline. A M aster's
degree is preferred in a related
discipline. Individual should also
dem onstrate five years proven
e x p e rie n c e
b u s in e s s
m a n a g e m e n t,
p e rs o n n e l
m anagem ent, strategic planning,
fis c a l m a n a g e m e n t, p ro g ra m
development and administration.
In a d d itio n , tw o y e a rs o f
e x p e rie n c e w o rk in g w ith a
v o lu n te e r b o a rd o r o th e r
c o m m u n ity
le a d e rs h ip ,
m anagem ent experience, work in
a n o n -p ro fit o rg a n iz a tio n and
fu n d -r a is in g e x p e rie n c e a re
re quired . Q u a lifie d a p p lic a n ts
should subm it a current resum e
and a request for application to:
UL President Search, 111 SW 5<h
Ave., Ste., 2150, Portland, Oregon,
(5 0 3 )
2 2 2 -0 5 7 7 ;
s e n ic o ll@ w illa m e tte .c o m .
Completed applications m ust be
received no later than Septem ber
4, 2006.
Programming Analyst
T h e P ro g ra m m in g A n a ly s t is
re s p o n s ib le fo r d e s ig n in g ,
d e v e lo p in g im p le m e n tin g and
m aintaining the m ost co m p lex
enterprise server based solutions
and b u s in e s s o b je c ts fo r th e
Bureau of Technology Services.
D u tie s in c lu d e w o rk in g to
accom plish cityw ide goals of e-
Com m erce, W eb Services, and
the integration of GIS system s, in
both the client and server side
developm ent of object oriented
application server platforms such
as .NET and Java. Experience with
high volume, secure e-Com m erce
s o lu tio n s a n d 5 y e a rs o f
experience providing code level
support to production applications
is strongly desired. Ad ditional
d u ties include p a rticip a tin g in
a s s is tin g in d e fin in g ta s k s ,
developing tim elines, and project
fo r
e n te rp ris e
Administrator. PublicTransit Division
Principal Executive/Manager G
The Agency is seeking a dynamic
professional with a proven track
record of strategic policym aking
and the ab ility to d evelop and
support a creative and innovative
environm ent. C andidates with
p ro g re s s iv e ly
re s p o n s ib le
m ultim odal public transportation
sys te m s exp e rie n ce , inclu d in g
operations, planning, marketing,
and maintenance are encouraged
to a p p ly .
O D O T o ffe rs an
annualized m onthly equivalent
s a la ry ra n g e o f $ 6 4 ,0 0 8 - A p p ro x im a te M o n th ly S a la ry
$99,000 + an excellent benefits Range: $5,004 - $6,696
p a c k a g e . Fo r fu ll d e ta ils on
Application deadline is Monday,
August 21, 2006.
in clu d in g jo b duties, m inim um
q u a lifica tio n s, and ap p lica tion To learn more about this position,
in s tru c tio n s ,
p le a s e
v is it or to apply online, visit our website
w w w .odotjobs.com or call (866) at www.ci.portland.or.us/iobs/ or
O D OT-JOBS (TT Y 9 8 6 -3 8 5 4 for pickup an application at 1120 SW
th e
h e a rin g
im p a ire d ). 5'h Ave. Portland, Oregon 97204
A p p lica tio n m a te ria ls m ust be
re c e iv e d by 5 :0 0 pm PST on
\ilv e rlis c w ith d iv e is il) in
September 26, 2006 OD OT is an
P o r t Untò (O bi. m u t
AA/EEO Employer, com m itted to
building workforce diversity.
Equipment Mechanic Trainee
Equ ip m e n t M ech a nic Trainees
are responsible for learning and
p e rfo rm in g
p re v e n ta tiv e
m aintenance, repair and general
overhaul w ork of a m echanical
nature d esigned to en su re the
e ffe c tiv e
f u n c t io n in g
e q u ip m e n t in c lu d in g , tru c k s ,
h e a v y e q u ip m e n t, s p e c ia l
a p p a ra tu s , c a rs a n d o th e r
v e h ic le s . T ra in in g w ill be
accom plished by on-the-job and
in a classroom environment about
the following: engines (gasoline
a n d d ie s e l), tra n s m is s io n s
(m a n u a l
a nd
a u to m a tic ),
hydraulic system s, differentials,
steering, suspension, brakes (air,
electric and hydraulic), cooling
s y s te m s , h e a tin g a n d a ir
conditioning system s, electrical
system s and basic oxy-acetylene
w e ld in g and c u ttin g , and arc
welding. Trainees are required to
have a fundam ental knowledge
and skill o f related eq uipm ent
v e h ic le s
p rio r
ap p oin tm en t. Upon succe ssfu l
c o m p le tio n o f th e th re e -y e a r
training program , em ployees will
be appointed as a Vehicle and
E q u ip m e n t
M e c h a n ic .
Candidates with a two-year college
level vocational program (diesel
o r a u to m o tiv e ) d e g re e and
e xp o s u re to tru c k s and heavy
equipm ent are preferred.
A p p ro x im a te M o n th ly S a la ry
Range: $2,709 - $3,841
Application deadline is Monday,
August 21, 2006.
To learn more about this position,
or to apply online, visit our website
at www.ci.portland.or.us/iobs/ or
pickup an application at 1120 SW
5th Ave. Portland, Oregon 97204
M anagement
For contracting opportunities with the City o f Portland and
for valuable information on how to do business w ith the
City, please log on to the Bureau o f Purchases Web Page:
\ C itv o f P o r tla n d
B u reau o f P urchases
1120 SW Fifth Ave, Room 750. Portland OR 97204
ben; $11.96-$13.67 hr, AA/equiv;
2 yrs exp human services or social
w o rk ,
o rg a n iz a tio n a l
a nd
com m unication skills, valid ODL.
Send resum e, cover letter and
o n lin e a p p . w w w .P o rtla n d
im pact.org to Portland Impact,
Attn: HR BM, 7211 SE 62nd Ave.
Portland, OR 97206 EOE
Staff Accountant/Human
Cascade AIDS Project, the leading
H IV p re v e n tio n , e d u c a tio n ,
housing, advocacy and services
organization in Oregon, seeks an
e x p e rie n c e d a c c o u n tin g and
a d m in is tra tiv e p ro fe s s io n a l.
P le a se re fe r to w w w .c a s c a d e
aids.org for full posting. AA/EOE
Executive M anagem ent
This is a strategic position within ODOT, w orking directly with the
Agency Director as a m em ber o f the Executive Team.
The TDD Adm inistrator exercises leadership and vision in directing
efforts to develop an efficient, safe transportation system that
enhances O regon’s econom ic com petitiveness and livability.
The Agency is seeking a dynam ic professional with a proven track
record of strategic policy-m aking and the ability to develop and
support a creative and innovative environm ent.
The annualized equivalent of the m onthly salary range extends
from $70,536 to a negotiable current m axim um of $103,884
based upon qualifications, skills, and experience.
Please visit the ODOT website for additional inform ation about this
exciting opportunity, including application instructions and a full
position description.
Log on to www.odotjobs.com - Search for Announcement #OCDT6304
This position is considered open until filled; however, the application
screening process is expected to begin on or about Septem ber 12,
2 00 6 . M a te ria ls re ceived a fte r 5:0 0 pm (P a cific Tim e) on
Septem ber 12,2006 may not receive consideration at the Agency's
PER S c o v e rs n e a rly 3 0 0 ,0 0 0
m e m b e rs a n d a d m in is te rs
re tirem ent, d is a b ility benefits,
health insurance, and deferred
com pensation plans statewide.
Principal Executive/Manager B
T h is p e rso n w ill a s s is t in th e
m anagem ent of the Strunk and
E u g e n e A d ju s tm e n t S e c tio n .
Salary is $2,979 $4,613/month.
E O E / A A . F o r Announcement
#LE060339 a nd a p p lic a tio n
m a te ria ls , v is it w w w .O re g o n
jobs.org, www.oregon.gov/pers, or
call PERS Human Resources at
503-603-7552. C losing date is
August 24, 2006.
Neighborhood Programs
T h e N e ig h b o rh o o d P ro g ra m s
C o o rd in a to r is re sp o n sib le for
w o rk in g w ith n e ig h b o rh o o d
a ssociations, district coalitions
a nd o th e r c o m m u n ity -b a s e d
organizations to provide a variety
of services, which include contract
m a n a g e m e n t,
te c h n ic a l
a s s is ta n c e
n o n -p ro fit
g u id e lin e s , le a d e rs h ip and
o rg a n iz a tio n a l d e v e lo p m e n t
training. Duties include organizing
and p la n n in g eve n ts, m e etin g
c o o rd in a tio n and fa c ilita tio n ,
d e v e lo p in g th e co n te n t fo r an
o u tre a c h
d a ta b a s e
n e ig h b o rh o o d
b u s in e s s
associations, developing outreach
and m a rk e tin g m a te ria ls and
p ro v id in g lim ite d te c h n ic a l
support and guidance to other
b u re a u s ’ p u b lic in v o lv e m e n t
efforts. Additional duties include
the developm ent of custom ized
p ro g ra m s , s tra te g ie s , a n d / o r
w orkshops that are focused on
b u ild in g th e c a p a c ity and
increasing interaction betw een
und er-rep resented g rou p s and
neighborhood associations. The
position will be required to attend
c o m m u n ity m e e tin g s in th e
evening and on weekends.
A p p ro x im a te M o n th ly S a la ry
Range: $4,111 - $5,481
Application deadline is Monday,
Septem ber 4, 2006.
To learn m ore about this position,
or to apply online, visit our website
pickup an application at 1120SW
5 th Ave. Portland, Oregon 97204
O re go n ’s Transportation D epartm ent is an Equal Em ploym ent
O pportunity/Affirm ative Action employer. W e value a well-trained,
diverse workforce as a strategic advantage in serving our customers
and stakeholders.
Bid No: B07-9028
Closing Date: August 29, 2006
Est. Range: $200,000 - $250,000
Pre-Bid Conference: None
Pre-Qualification Required in class(es) of: A s p h a lt C o n c re te
Paving and Oiling, Earthwork and Drainage
Sealed bids will be received until, but not after, 2:00 PM on the
closing date, by M ultnom ah County Central Procurem ent and
Contract Adm inistration (CPCA), 501 SE Hawthorne Blvd., Suite
400, Portland, OR 97214. Bids will be opened and read after
2:15 PM the sam e day.
Plans and Specifications are filed with CPCA and copies may be
obtained from the above address for a $10.00 non-refundable
fee by CHECK OR MONEY ORDER ONLY. Plans and Specifications WILL
NOT BE MAILED within the M etropolitan, Tri-County or Clark County areas.
Go to the CPCA w eb address at http://w w w .m ultcopurch.org for
additional inform ation and any available dow nloads.
PRE-QUALIFICATIONS OF BIDDER may be required pursuant to the
M ultnomah County Public Contract Review Board Rule 49-0220.
See Specifications for project classes of work. Prequalification
applications shall be submitted through CPCA, 501 SE Hawthorne
Blvd., S uite 400, Portland. Oregon 97214, (503) 988-5111.
Applications m ay be obtained at our office or can be downloaded
from our website at http://www.multcopurch.org. Pre-qualification
applications m ust be received by, or postm arked to, CPCA no
later than 10 days prior to the bid closing d ate.
All bidders m ust com ply with the requirem ents of the prevailing
wage law in ORS 279C 800-870, or the Davis-Bacon Act (40
U.S.C. 276(a)) if applicable. Details of com pliance are available
from CPCA, 501 SE Hawthorne Blvd., Suite 400, Portland, OR
97214, (503) 988-5111.
No bid will be considered unless bidder is registered with the
Construction Contractors Board as required by ORS 701.055 or
licensed by the State Landscape Contractors Board as required
by ORS 671.530.
No bid will be considered unless accom panied by a surety bond,
certified check, or a cashiers check payable to Multnomah County
for the am ount equal to ten percent (10%) of the aggregate bid.
M ultnom ah County reserves the right to reject any bid not in
com pliance with all prescribed public bidding procedures and
requirem ents, and to reject any or all bids or to cancel the
solicitation if Multnomah County finds it is in the public interest to
do so.
Gail Rubin, M anager
M ultnom ah County Central Procurem ent
and Contract Adm inistration
501 SE Haw thorne Blvd, Suite 400
Portland, Or 97214
Publish: August 16, 2006