August 16, 2006 Page B4 C lassifieds / B ids Assessment Coordinator 1 ( Education Program A ssistant) - University of O regon C h ild & F am ily C e n te r in R e c ru its and tra c k s research subjects, collects school and court records and works with p roje ct personnel to co m p lete school and fam ily assessm ents. Requires strong w riting skills and ability to com m unicate effectively w ith in d iv id u a ls fro m d iv e rs e backgrounds and cultures; strong organizational skills, attention to detail, and capacity for innovative p ro b le m s o lv in g ; e x te n s iv e knowledge of Access, Excel Word, SPSS, and the Internet. See job p o s tin g fo r c o m p le te lis t o f requirem ents. $10.23 - $14.37 per hour. Application inform ation available at Hum an Resources, 5 2 1 0 U n iv e rs ity o f O re g o n , Eugene, OR 97403-5210; (541) 346-3159, TTY (541) 346-0852; o n lin e (jo b s .u o r e g o n .e d u ). Application deadline 8/21/06. AA/EO/ADA institution committed to cultural diversity. P o rtla n d . Police Crime Analyst The Portland Police Bureau seeks a p e rs o n re s p o n s ib le fo r compiling, maintaining, analyzing, tra ck in g and inte gra ting crim e information for the Police Bureau. D u tie s a nd w o rk a id in determining patterns, trends, and identifying groups and individuals of concern, as well as to provide bureau management with specific inform ation to assist in planning. The applicant m ust be able to setu p , co n d u ct tra in in g s , and make presentations to small and large audiences on an as needed basis. Full-tim e. Approxim ate m onthly salary $4,534-$6,047. The successful a p p lica nt m ust pass a background investigation. To apply via the Internet, go to: Deadline for application is 4:30 pm, Mon., Septem ber 11, 2006. Equal Opportunity Employer. Asphalt Raker Approx hourly salary: $19.00 at entry, to $20.42 after 6 months. The City of Portland is recruiting qualified candidates for Asphalt Raker, re sp o nsible for m akin g repairs on City maintained streets; setting up jobs with proper traffic safety control devices; dum ping a s p h a lt, ra k in g to grad e, and c o m p a c tin g h o t m ix u s in g a vib ra p la te ; co m p le tin g a ctivity re c o rd s fo r ea ch jo b as it is finished; p reparing and paving potholes, utility cuts, overlays, ba se re pa ir, and co ld m illin g projects; spreading tack coat; and operating screws on drag boxes and self-propelled pavers. See com plete jo b announcem ent for requirem ents and application at WASHINGTON COUNTY Aging Services Coordinator $3,576 - $ 4 ,3 4 6 /m onth Closes August 25, 2006 Facilities Maintenance Technician II $3,403 - $4,135 / month Closes August 25, 2006 Juvenile Counselor I - Harkins House $3,403 - $ 4 ,1 3 5 / month Closes August 25, 2006 Juvenile Counselor II - Harkins House $ 3 ,9 4 5 -$ 4 ,7 9 6 / m o n th Closes August 25, 2006 Juvenile Counselor II - Substance Abuse $3,945 - $4,796 / month Closes August 25, 2006 Librarian I $3,319 $ 4 ,0 3 5 / month Closes Septem ber 1, 2006 Management Analyst II (Solid W aste & Recycling) $4,464 - $ 5 ,4 2 6 / month Closes August 25, 2006 Senior Program Educator $4,146- $ 5 ,0 3 8 / month Closes August 25, 2006 Call (503) 8 46-8606/TTY (503) 846-4898 for inform ation or see o u r w eb site: w w w .co .w a sh in g- County application and supplem ental application form s required. Women, minorities, and p e o p le w ith d is a b ilitie s a re encouraged to apply. APPLY TO: W ashington County Human Resources Division 155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320 Hillsboro, OR 97124 PARKING FACILITY Operator Im m e d ia t e f u ll and p a r t- t im e o p e n in g s . S e e k in g d e p e n d a b le , w ell-groom ed, positive individuals. $ 8 .5 0 + starting wage O vertim e/advancem ent potential M edical & Dental, 4 0 1 k a v a il. Drug t e s t / Background check Apply 1 2 :0 0 -l:0 0 P M . M on,W ed,Thurs&Frl; 3 :0 0 4 :0 0 P M Tues. City Center Parking, Com pleted applications m ust be received by 4:30 p.m „ Monday, Sept. 11, 2006. City of Portland is an Equal Opportunity Employer. 1 30 SW Stark. Portland. NO RECOVERY = NO FEE Workers Comp Audit C O M M U N IT Y PROGRAM INVO LVEMENT SU P ER V ISO R FT w /ben; $33,173-$36,491, BA/ eq u iv, m in 3 y rs e xp co m m ., re la tio n s , e v e n t p la n n in g and v o lu n te e r c o o rd ; w o rk in g knowledge of MS program s and database program s; understand non-profits and fundraising. Send resume, cover letter and online app. (www.portlandim to Portland Im pact, Attn: HR BM, 7211 SE 62nd Ave, Portland, OR 97206 Catlin Gabel School 8825 SW Barnes Rd Portland, Oregon 97225 G a b e l S c h o o l is an independent, coeducational day s c h o o l In P o r tla n d , O re g o n , serving students from preschool through 12th grade. Seeking: • LEAD CO O K , Full-tim e, 10 months a year, $14 hour + benefits • D IS H W A S H E R / K IT C H E N ASST, V i tim e, 10 months a year, $9 hour + benefits • BUS DRIVERS P le a se see our w e b s ite www, for m ore inform ation and to APPLY O N L IN E , o r call 503.297.1984 for an application. Family Interventionist (S ocia l Services Specialist 1) - University of Oregon Child & Family Center In Portland. S e rv e s as fa m ily therapist, service provider, and as lia is o n b e tw e e n fa m ilie s and sch ools. R e quires a d e g re e in social services/human services or e q u iv a le n t e d u c a tio n a n d e x p e rie n c e ; e x p e rie n c e c o n d u c tin g p a re n tin g in te rv e n tio n s w ith fa m ilie s , in c lu d in g p a re n tin g g ro u p s ; experience w orking in schools or w o rk in g c o lla b o r a tiv e ly w ith school personnel; experience with c h ild and fa m ily a s s e s s m e n t te c h n iq u e s ; m u ltic u ltu ra l com petence and ability to work e ffe c tiv e ly in d iv e rs e com m unities. S ee p osting for co m p lete list o f re quirem ents. $17.29 per hour for part-time R E . Application inform ation available a t H u m a n R e s o u rc e s , 5 2 1 0 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-5210; (541) 346-3159, T T Y (5 4 1 ) 3 4 6 -0 8 5 2 ; o n lin e (jo b s.u o re g o n .e d u ). Application deadline 8/21/06. AA/EO /AD A institution com m itted to cultural diversity. Are you ready to collect your refund? 5 0 3 .4 7 1 .1 3 6 5 Josiah@WorkersCompPartners.niz E xecutive M anagement OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (ODOT) Urban League of Portland seeks to em ploy services o fa dynam icand e n e rg e tic le a d e r to s e rv e as Pre sid en t and C h ie f Exe cu tive Officer to guide the agency in the d e liv e ry of e d u c a tio n a l, e m p lo y m e n t a n d e c o n o m ic - b a s e d s e rv ic e s a nd re la te d a d v o c a c y to p ro m o te th e advancem ent of A fric a n Am ericans and others. Qualified in d iv id u a ls sh o u ld p o s s e s s a b a ch e lo r's degree in business a d m in is tra tio n , p u b lic adm inistration, education, social work, human resources, finance o ra related discipline. A M aster's degree is preferred in a related discipline. Individual should also dem onstrate five years proven e x p e rie n c e in b u s in e s s m a n a g e m e n t, p e rs o n n e l m anagem ent, strategic planning, fis c a l m a n a g e m e n t, p ro g ra m development and administration. In a d d itio n , tw o y e a rs o f e x p e rie n c e w o rk in g w ith a v o lu n te e r b o a rd o r o th e r c o m m u n ity le a d e rs h ip , m anagem ent experience, work in a n o n -p ro fit o rg a n iz a tio n and fu n d -r a is in g e x p e rie n c e a re re quired . Q u a lifie d a p p lic a n ts should subm it a current resum e and a request for application to: UL President Search, 111 SW 5