Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 09, 2006, Page 3, Image 3

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    August 9, 2006
<ri;‘ |J o rtla n h (©bsvruer
Page A3
New Rules for Medicaid
Requiring proof of citizenship
O reg o n ian s ap p ly in g for M ed­
icaid pro g ram s w ill be asked to
provide ev idence o f citiz en sh ip
beginning Sept. I .
M onday, the O regon D ep art­
ment ot Human S ervices provided
details o f the new req u irem en t,
part ot a new law passed by C o n ­
g re ss.
S tate and federal o fficials have
pledged to m ake sure that no one
w ho is elig ib le for M edicaid is
d en ied serv ices u n n ec essarily .
P ersons w ho can n o t readily c o m ­
ply because o f m ental illness,
h o m elessn ess, illiteracy o r oth er
legitimate barriers will receive spe­
cial assistan ce. DHS estim ates
that as m any as 3 ,0 0 0 persons
may need state assistan ce in o b ­
taining th eir d ocum ents.
In O regon, the law affects per­
sons receiving M edicaid-paid O r­
egon H ealth Plan coverage, long­
term care benefits and fam ily-plan­
ning services.
Lessons in Leadership
Josephine Gamez-Reyes, a student at northeast Portland s Faubion Elementary, takes part in a July 4 wreathing ceremony in
Normandy, France for U.S. soldiers killed during the Omaha Beach invasion during World War II. Gamez-Reyes was part of a
cultural and recreational tour o f the United Kingdom and France as a Portland delegate in the People to People Student Ambas
sador Program.
DHS D irecto r B ruce G o ld b erg
said the agency w ould assist O r­
eg o n -b o rn p erso n s by ch eck in g
the ag en cy 's d atab a se o f birth
ce rtifica tes g o in g back to 1903
and a vailable elec tro n ica lly from
1920. For p erso n s born in o th e r
states, he said. D H S w ill p ro v id e
inform ation ab o u t how to o rd er
birth certificates and. in sp ecified
h ard sh ip cases, w ould pay the
cost o f o b ta in in g the d o cu m en t.
The federal rules require a p p li­
can ts to p rovide o rig in al d sx u -
m ents. B ecause ap p lic a tio n s are
handled through the m ail for ben
efits such as the O regon H ealth
Plan. G oldberg said, p ersons w h o
do not w ant to tem p o rarily give
up o rig in als m ay take them to a
DHS field o ffice to be co p ied .
Legal resid en ts w ho are not
citizen s need to p ro v id e a p p ro ­
priate d o cu m en ts from U .S. C iti­
z e n sh ip an d Im m ig ratio n S e r­
v ices.
Brown Leads Neighborhood Group
W illie Brown, a local African
Am erican and com m unity ac­
tivist. will serve as acting ex­
ecutive director o f the North­
east Coalition o f Neighborhoods.
Brown already serves the coa­
lition as its board chair and said
he will apply for the permanent
director’s post which is expected
to be tilled after Oct. 31.
He succeeds another local
African American. JohnC anda,
who left the coalition on July 7 to
fill the newly-created position
o f head o f the Office o f Youth
V io len ce P rev e n tio n u n d er
M ayor Tom Potter. Ron Laster
will serve as acting chair of the
NECN board.
Bom in St. Louis, Brown's fitm-
ily moved to Portland to work in
the north Portland shipyards when
Church Helps
Families in Need
V ancouver Avenue First Baptist Church
announces their first ever “ Be a Blessing”
giveaway, Saturday, Aug. 12 from 9 a.m. to 3
p.m. at the church parking lot, 3138 N.
V ancouver Ave.
The com m unity event was organized to help
families prepare for the school year by meeting
a variety o f needs. Church members will con­
tribute gently used furniture, clothing, back­
packs, household and m iscellaneous items.
For more information, contact Izora green at
the church, 503-282-9496.
It takes a village to raise a chi Id and
if your niece is underage then you
should report it to the authorities.
However, you should respect your
sister and talk with her before m ak­
ing your move. Also, many people
are going to be hurt by your deci­
sion and you must also ensure you
have all the facts about the interac­
tion between your niece and this
man. If your research indicates you
niece is truly being taken advan­
tage of. the authorities need to put
him injail.
,7 s
h w ih
Jo N Is
K w ik J onis
S pani , H o p i , ins
R ich D ance
Rev. Aaron Ham lin
A memorial service to honor Portland Civil Rights
leader and founder o f the National Black Evangeli­
cal Association, Rev. Aaron M cQueen Hamlin will
be held on W ednesday. Aug. 9 at I p.m. at Irvington
Covenant Church in northeast Portland. The cer­
emony will he officiated by Apostle Elbert Mondaine
o f Celebration Tabernacle.
P asto r H am lin w as a p illar in the A frican-
A m erican co m m u n ity in P ortland and at large
since the 1960s. His m any co n trib u tio n s to the
C h ristian faith and C ivil R ights w ill be felt for
m any years to com e.
Dear Deanna!
Dear Aunt:
B< >Oh
Civil Rights,
Faith Leader Dies
My niece is involved with a man old
enough to be her father and I feel
h e's taking advantage o f her. My
sister, who is her mother, is willing
to go along with this if it m akes her
daughter happy. I think it’s statu­
tory rape and is sickening because
my niece is young and inexperi­
enced. I'm at the point w here I may
call and report this to the authori­
ties because it's not right. Is it worth
the risk o f losing my sister and my
niece or should I leave it alone? --
W orried Aunt; Long Island City, R( ;al People, Real Advice
l „ advice column km iwn fo r
he was one year old.
“ I think I qualify as a native,"
he said. "One o f my favorite
dishes is salmon."
Brown has worked in the ju ­
venile justice system, most re­
cently as an assistant juvenile
counselor. He has been a volun­
teer for the coalition and north­
east neighborhood groups for
25 years.
n eith er here nor th ere because
the ch ild ren arc here and m ust be
taken care of. If the shoe w ere on
the o th e r foot, you w ould be in
court on a reg u lar basis. D ead
beat m om s are the sam e as dead
beat dads and m ust still pay child
su p p o rt w h eth er th ey like it or
not and keep it m oving.
Ask Deanna is written by Deanna
M. Write Ask Deanna! Email:
a.skdeannal@yahoa.com or 264
S. LaCienega Hlvd. Suite 1283
Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Website:
/earless approach t n reality
based subjects! I
11 - 25, 2006
C lJ I lI J R A I
5340 N. I mi psi ah Avi nui . P oru and . O R
I OR IlC h ll INFORMATION CONIACI (503) 4/3 6649
Ml dia
S ponsor
(Uif Jjnrtlanb (Observer
Come This Tar (By Taith; W hat 's 5 More M iks"
can eat your dust and let you ct
tinue living your life. Y ou’ve p;
your dues and y o u ’re entitled
more than babysitting and planti
flow ers if your foot isn’t on a t
nana peel. However, you still ne
to practice caution and good jud
ment in all areas. You may be matt
and wise and financially stable, h
sexual diseases and HIV doest
W e re
Dear Deanna!
Dear Deanna!
I' m a senior citizen fem ale and I'm
very ac tiv e in all areas o f my life
w ith no p lans to slow dow n. I'v e
w orked hard enough in my life ­
tim e and now I w ant to enjoy
m y se lf and do as I please. My
adult ch ild ren hav.e an issue with
my lifestyle and feel I should be at
hom e w atch in g telev isio n , k n it­
ting o r being a g randm other. I
refuse to be som eth in g I’m not
and if I w ant to be intim ate, so ­
cialize o r spend my m oney it's my
b usiness. —G eraldine T hom as;
Ft. W orth, T exas
I recently won a chi Id support jud
ment against my ch ild ren 's moth
and now sh e 's having issues wi
paying the money. The childri
were placed in my care because si
was not responsible, putting the
lives in danger and not working,
still love her as the m other of ir
children, but theircare and welfai
is alm ost like a business transai
tion and must be fulfilled. O ur mi
tual friends and family think I'i
wrong to keep taking her to cou
but I think I'm right. —Ray;Clev<
land, O hio
Dear Ray:
Dear Geraldine:
If you have pep in your step and
can get m oving then your children
Y ou s h o u ld 'v e been a bet
ju d g e o f ch a racter before you I
babies w ith this w om an. Tha
To The (Promised L a n d
August 20, 2006
HighlandChristian Center
7600 H E Çfisan St.
Porthand, Oregon
Admin. Office: 503.287.9567
, Senior Pastor. Pçv. îV.Ç. W anfy Jr. r
■ ; ‘A
Octoôer 15 2006
(Doors open @ 4pm'