August 9, 2006 Oh Civil Rights, Faith Leader Dies My niece is involved with a man old enough to be her father and I feel h e's taking advantage o f her. My sister, who is her mother, is willing to go along with this if it m akes her daughter happy. I think it’s statu­ tory rape and is sickening because my niece is young and inexperi­ enced. I'm at the point w here I may — 1 1 call and report this to the authori­ ties because it's not right. Is it worth the risk o f losing my sister and my niece or should I leave it alone? -- W orried Aunt; Long Island City, R( ;al People, Real Advice N.Y. l „ advice column km iwn fo r 1 he was one year old. “ I think I qualify as a native," he said. "One o f my favorite dishes is salmon." Brown has worked in the ju ­ venile justice system, most re­ cently as an assistant juvenile counselor. He has been a volun­ teer for the coalition and north­ east neighborhood groups for 25 years. 9 n eith er here nor th ere because the ch ild ren arc here and m ust be taken care of. If the shoe w ere on the o th e r foot, you w ould be in court on a reg u lar basis. D ead beat m om s are the sam e as dead beat dads and m ust still pay child su p p o rt w h eth er th ey like it or not and keep it m oving. Ask Deanna is written by Deanna M. Write Ask Deanna! Email: or 264 S. LaCienega Hlvd. Suite 1283 Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Website: /earless approach t n reality based subjects! I Auc.usi I n IIR SIA II I 11 - 25, 2006 IRHIOIJSL C lJ I lI J R A I C lN IIR 5340 N. I mi psi ah Avi nui . P oru and . O R I OR IlC h ll INFORMATION CONIACI (503) 4/3 6649 $15.00 Ml dia PIR PIRSON S ponsor (Uif Jjnrtlanb (Observer Come This Tar (By Taith; W hat 's 5 More M iks" can eat your dust and let you ct tinue living your life. Y ou’ve p; your dues and y o u ’re entitled more than babysitting and planti flow ers if your foot isn’t on a t nana peel. However, you still ne to practice caution and good jud ment in all areas. You may be matt and wise and financially stable, h sexual diseases and HIV doest discriminate. ,A), W e re PromisedLand Hove Dear Deanna! Dear Deanna! I' m a senior citizen fem ale and I'm very ac tiv e in all areas o f my life w ith no p lans to slow dow n. I'v e w orked hard enough in my life ­ tim e and now I w ant to enjoy m y se lf and do as I please. My adult ch ild ren hav.e an issue with my lifestyle and feel I should be at hom e w atch in g telev isio n , k n it­ ting o r being a g randm other. I refuse to be som eth in g I’m not and if I w ant to be intim ate, so ­ cialize o r spend my m oney it's my b usiness. —G eraldine T hom as; Ft. W orth, T exas I recently won a chi Id support jud ment against my ch ild ren 's moth and now sh e 's having issues wi paying the money. The childri were placed in my care because si was not responsible, putting the lives in danger and not working, still love her as the m other of ir children, but theircare and welfai is alm ost like a business transai tion and must be fulfilled. O ur mi tual friends and family think I'i wrong to keep taking her to cou but I think I'm right. —Ray;Clev< land, O hio Dear Ray: Dear Geraldine: If you have pep in your step and can get m oving then your children Y ou s h o u ld 'v e been a bet ju d g e o f ch a racter before you I babies w ith this w om an. Tha To The (Promised L a n d Su August 20, 2006 11:15am E r HighlandChristian Center 7600 H E Çfisan St. Porthand, Oregon Admin. Office: 503.287.9567 , Senior Pastor. Pçv. îV.Ç. W anfy Jr. r E r E rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrf ■ ; ‘A Brau Octoôer 15 2006 (Doors open @ 4pm'