Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 26, 2006, Page 5, Image 5

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    J " | J n r t la t t ò ( O h s e r in * v
Iuly 26. 2006
Page A5
Ask ö Heat Wave Good Reminder to Plant Trees
Tree planting
Real People, Real Advice
An advice colum n known fo r
its fearless approach to reality
based subjects!
Dear Deanna!
I was with my ex-boyfriend for
over a year until we broke up last
spring over a trust issue. We
still m essed around over the
sum m er although he had a girl­
friend. We got back together
but it only lasted a month be­
cause he said he was too busy
for a girlfriend. I was heartbro-
• ken. I’ve tried to move on but I
always find m yself com paring
th eo th erg u y s tohim . I'm still in
love with him. Should I try to get
back with him or move on with
my life? —C onfused; On-Line
Dear Confused;
There's nothing more painful than
wanting a man that doesn't want
you. H e's given you clues on a
silver platter and you need to take
notes. He cheated on his girlfriend
with you and told you he was too
busy for you. This is not the man
for you. Place this in your mind
and accept the reality so you can
get over him. Each time you think
you want him, rememberyour bro­
ken heart and think of how you're
too good for drama and keep it
Dear Deanna!
I’m a 47-year old mother of 2 chil­
dren with 3 grandchildren. I'm in
a relationship with a recovering
addict. I watched him destroy
himself and attempt suicide when
he was using narcotics. In spite of
that and going to and from drug
rehab and having nothing, I still
gave much love to him. I'm the
woman who has seen the tremen­
dous change in this man. He’s
now back on top with vehicles,
money, attention from women and
an ego. I’m fed up because he
treats me like nothing and he dis­
respects me. Am I right for moving
out of his house? —Miss N.; Buf­
falo, NY
Dear Miss N.
Money, women and toys can’t
replace drug addiction. Your man
is being setup by the Devil for a
hard crash and burn that's going
to rock his world. It’s best you
remove yourself because when his
chips fall again and they will, it’s
going to be ugly. Successful drug
recovery is coupled with faith and
family and there's nothing but evil
in this picture. Leave now and
focus on quality time with your
family so you can flourish in a new
During the so-called "dog days"
of summer, the spaces most often
coveted by motorists searching for
a parking space are those with trees
and shade. Yes it's true — while
record high temperatures are un­
comfortable, the summer months
actually provide a good opportu­
nity to remind people about the
importance of trees and tree plant­
ing programs in our cities.
Research has shown that trees
can help reduce both heating and
cooling costs; they save energy
through cooling in the hotter
months, and provide a windbreak
for your home during the winter.
This results in burning less fossil
fuel for cooling and heating. Strate­
gically placed trees can be as effec­
tive as other energy saving home
improvements, such as insulation
or the installation of energy-saving
windows and doors. In fact, three
large trees around your home can
reduce air conditioning costs up to
30 percent.
Shade trees offer their best ben­
efits when you plant deciduous
trees, which shed their leaves dur­
ing winter. These trees provide
shade and block heat from the sun
during hotter months. By dropping
their leaves in the fall they admit
sunlight in the colder months.
Trees provide sh a d e and a w elcom e relief to the hot tem peratures from sum m er.
Place these trees on the south
and west sides of buildings. Shade
all hard surfaces such as drive­
ways, patios and sidewalks to mini­
mize landscape heat load.
Trees remove CO2, providing
relief from the so-called "green­
house effect" while releasing the
oxygen back into the air. A healthy
tree stores about 13 pounds of car­ According to the US Environmen­
bon annually - or 2.6 tons per acre tal Protection Agency's web site,
each year. Trees also reduce the planting trees and vegetation is a
greenhouse effect by shading our simple and effective way to de­
homes and office buildings. This crease local surface and air tem­
reduces air conditioning needs up peratures. “Planting and maintain­
to 30 percent, thereby reducing the ing urban trees and vegetation re­
amount of fossil fuels burned to quires planning and care. Pall is an
pro d u ce
e le c tric ity . excellent time for tree planting, and
Waiting for Adoption
Higher Heating Costs Coming
The Oregon Public Utility Com­
mission last week warned to ex­
pect higher natural gas prices this
coming heating season.
Officials with NW Natural Gas
told the Commission they will be
filing requests soon to raise their
rates between 4 and 12 percent.
The com pany passes through
their actual cost of purchasing
gas without any markup to cus­
Com m ission gas analyst Ken
Zimm erm an said, “ We are con­
tinuing to see a tight supply
environm ent and a lot o f fear of
future unknowns, which is keep­
ing wholesale prices high. There
is also increased pipeline ca­
pacity for delivering gas from
the Rocky Mountain and C ana­
dian Regions to the Midwest
and Northeast where prices are
Natural gas prices have risen
steadily for all three gas utilities
serving Oregon since 2(X)3.
Neighbors’ Night Out at Fernhill Park
front A3
kids and ad u lts-in clu d in g Henna
tattoos and balloon ar, - as well as
food and special giveaw ays from
local businesses. All entertain­
ment and activities are free and
open to the public.
For more inform ation, con­
tact Katie U golini, C oncordia
Neighborhood Association board
m em b er at 5 0 3 -2 9 6 -7 8 3 9 or
Anne Rothert, CN A board m em ­
ber, a, 503-493-1938.
winter is an excellent time to prune
When in doubt about what type
of tree to plant or how to pick the
most suitable location, contact a
certified arborist. Information is
also available at the Oregon De­
partment of Forestry's website, at
The Portland band
S n e a k in ' Out consisting o f
David Gerow. Don H enson
and M ike “Cheddar"
S ch m itt will perform
Tuesday, Aug. 1 in a free
Neighbors Night Out
concert at Fernhill Park.
Elaine is a lover of horses! She
recently stated that, “once you learn
to lead a horse by a rope, it's easy
to walk a dog." Elaine’s smile is
framed by sparkling blue eyes, fair
skin and straight blond hair.
This active girl enjoys the out­
doors and sports that involve run­
ning; she thrives on the individual
challenge of running track. Chatty
and social, Elaine is also interested
in fashion, and appreciates stylish
Having endured many losses,
Elaine is working on developing
trusting relationships. She would
best fit into a family without younger
children, but with parenting experi­
ence. Adoptive parents would need
to be advocates and assist Elaine in
the therapeutic work she has
started. Elaine would be a delight­
ful addition to a family.
Thischildisoneof approximately
300 Oregon children available for
adoption through the slate, gener­
ally because of abuse and neglect.
For more information on the avail-
Elaine, age 9
ability of this child, or on how to
become a foster or adoptive parent,
contact the Special Needs Adop­
tion Coalition at 503-542-2392 or
DHSat 1-800-331-0503.
Dear Deanna:
I'm 15-years old and I saw my dad
for the first time in five years. My
dad has a child by my aunt and
another one by my mom. Years
ago he had me taken from by mom
by authorities over a lie. My mom
really didn't have parents or sup­
port and she is still suffering. Our
family is distant because relatives
blame her for everything. I love
her and hate to see the trouble this
has caused us. I was told by her to
forgive them and don't know if I
should. —Fatherless 15 YearOld:
On-Line Reader
Dear Fatherless;
Y ou're a very strong girl and it's
going to be up to you to bring
the family back together. There
is a lot o f adult dirty laundry
going on that your young mind
w ouldn’t understand but y ou'll
see things differently when you
get older. C ontinue to love and
support your m other and follow
her guidance o f forgiveness and
prayer for your family and your
Ask Deanna is written by Deanna
M. Write Ask Deanna! Email:
askdeanna I @yahoo.com or 264
S. DtCieneya Blvd. Suite 1283
Beverly Hills. CA W2 / /. Website:
Go-pfam craeu!
S a tu rd a y & S u n d a y • 1 1 a m - 5 p m
Remember when plums were either red, or black, or yellow. Well, those
days are over. This weekend we’re going to do our best to drive you plum
crazy! There's a whole other world out there. Taste delicious varieties
like Black Amber, Fortune, Laroda, Mariposa, Santa Rosa, Burgundy,
Catalina, Red Raven, Wickson, Santa Rosa and more.
And if you re not a plum lover, we're going to try and convince you 9
to try a Plucot. We can't tell you how many times we’ve heard “I 1
don't like plums" but after a taste, have turned those same folks ■
into Plucot lovers. This fruit, which is a cross between a plum and 9
an apricot, takes the best of both and makes something even better.
We have the most complete Plucot selection north of San Francisco.
Compare the Dapple Fire to a Sweet Treat, or to some of the other
special varieties we’re bringing in. We'll have them all for you to taste
Saturday and Sunday from 11:00am until 5:00pm.
A R B O R L O D G E : N I n t e r s t a t e A v e & P o r t la n d B lv d P o r t la n d O R 9 7 2 1 7 5 0 3 .4 6 7 .4 7 7 7
C O N C O R D I A : N E 3 3 r d & K illin g s w o r t h P o r t la n d O R 9 7 2 1 1 5 0 3 . 2 8 8 .3 8 3 8
...a n d f iv e o t h e r P o r t l a n d a r e a l o c a t i o n s
V is it u s o n l i n e a t w w w . n e w s e a s o n s m a r k e t . c o m .