Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 28, 2006, Image 7

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    Committed to Culturai Diversity
m \w . port landobserver.com
M etro
{• ■ Evening of Acoustic Power
Stellar guitarist to perform locally
See page B2
|J o rtla ith (Ob sc rue
1 ,
. U
o m m u n ity
C a l e n d a r Advocate Guides
Women Lawmakers Meet
John Edwards. 2004 candidate fo r
V ice President and form er U.S.
S e n a h rfro m N orth Carolina, w ill
serve as keynote speaker at the
21 * Annual National Organization
o t B laek E lected L e g is la tiv e
W o m e n ' s annual conference.
Thursday June 29 through July 2
at the L lo yd Center Doubletree
Hotel. For more inform ation call
Soul Retrieval Healing
Sometimes we lose part o f uur
soul, our vital self, through trauma,
g ivin g it away o r by having it)
stolen. In Other Words Bookstore-
hosts an inform ational evening o f
Soul Retrieval Healing on Thurs­
day, July 27 from 7 p. in. to 8:30 p.m.
How’s Your Memory
Misplaced ear keys, lost reading!
glasses, forgetting w hereyourcaq
is parked. Join a free com m unity
forum addressing this troubling
topic, at the Providence Center on)
June 28. 2 0 0 6
Native American Ministry
Former northeast Portland com m u­
nity advocate Elizabeth Asahi Sato is
the first executive director o f W iconi
International, a Christian-based m inis­
try spreading the word o f God to indig­
enous people and networking w ith
Native and non-Native leaders.
Headquartered in Vancouver, the
organization assists Native American
and indigenous tribes in the Pacific
Northwest, the USA and throughout
the world.
Sato lived for many years in the
King neighborhood o f inner-northeast
Portland. Together w ith her form er
husband, she was known for being a
proaetiveehange agent in unifying other
residents in eradicating drug and c rim i­
nal activity.
Moves family
past Portland
A g in g , 7 p.m. on Thursday, June
29 at the Am phitheatre at 4805)
She moved to Camas, Wash, after a
Iff '. k
heart wrenching divorce and to con­
N .E.G IisanSt.
4 .
tinue raising her three young sons in a
-« .ft
city she believes does a better jo b o f
‘Cirkus’ Author Reading
In Other Words bookstore, 8b N.E. I supporting the educational system and
K illin g sw o rth St., presents Patti
inviting parental involvement.
Frazee, a u th o r o f the n o ve l
“ I grew up in Portland and truly
“ C irku s" at 7;30on Thursday, Ju ly
wanted to raise my sons there but the
6. V iv id ly drawn characters in a
reduction o f com m unity based ser­
devastating w ork o f heartbreak
vices in the northeast com m unity as
ing loveliness populate Frazee’ s)
well assignificant budge: cuts for neigh­
ly ric a lly graceful novel.
borhood schools caused me great con­
Drumming, Dance Camp
cern,” said Sato.
C hildren ages six to 10 can jo in
She credits Self Enhancement. Inc.,
host Chata A ddy fo r drum m ing,
the non-profit program serving mostly
dancing and the sounds o f Ghana.
Elizabeth Sato with her sons. Gabriel. Samuel and Elijah.
m inority kids from north and northeast
West A frica from 10:30 a.m. to 3
Portland, for shaping her children in a
p.m. on Monday, July 10 to F ri­
positive way and preparing them for
day, July 14 .Cost is $80 w ith lunch)
Southwest Washington high schools.
and snack s provided. Hand d ru m ­
"M y sons are being provided a
m ing class fo r adults and teens)
quality education and can expand upon
also offered. For more i nfi >rmat ion
v isit www.ehataaddy.com or call
the knowledge they gained and the
push to achieve they received while-
the Self Enhancement pro­
WellBeing Sunday Brunch
their elementary school
Individuals living w ith H IV /A ID S
- E„ MbethSato
years, she said. "I believe my sons
are invited to W e llB e in g ’ s Sun­
w ill return back to the northeast com ­
day Brunch, open every Sunday
from 3 p.m. to6p.m . w ith free home
m unity someday better equipped to thcsigniticanl discrim ination hertam ily
m unity forced upon me because o f my
cooked meals served at 4 p.m. in|
serve as they are also very interested endured w hile grow ing up in Portland.
the historic Mt. O live t building,
and active in social concerns.”
" It was very hurtful as a young girl to tage," she said. ” 1 am committed to
1734 N.E. First Ave.
Sato said she still remembers vivid ly
experience the disconnect my ow n com- raising my sons to celebrate their d i­
1 Ä
/ am committed to raising my sons to
celebrate their diverse cultural
background as I believe such diversity
can provide a source o f strength and
compassion for all people.
verse cultural background as I believe
such diversity can provide a source o f
strength and compassion for all people
regardless of race or socio-economic
W iconi's mission is bring a message
o f hope and healing to the First Nations
or those the m inistry calls Indigenous
people through a variety o f culturally-
relevant service-related mechanisms
including long term programs and short­
term projects.
"Elizabeth not only brings her know l-
continued y f on page H6
Interstate Farmers Market
The Interstate Farmers Market
features a variety o f fresh local
produce, baked goods, cut flo w ­
ers, artisan cheese, meat and fish
each each Wednesday from 3 p. m.
to 7 p.m., next to O verlook Park
across the street fro m K aiser
Permanente Interstate Campus.
Homebuying Classes
Portland C om m unity Land Trust
helps first tim e and low -incom e
homebuyers purchase homes at
below market price. Attend a free
one-hour class to learn more about
p ro g ra m .
C o n ta e
K e lly@ p clt.o rg o r call 503-493
0293 to sign upand ask questions
o r visit w w w .p e lt.o rg .
Neighborhood Director Earns Vote of Confidence
Mayor makes
her appointment
M a y o r Tom Potter has made
Am alia Alarcon the permanent d i­
rector ot the O ffice o f Neighborhood
Alarcon has served as director o f
"A m a lia has estab­
M ayor Potter also acknowledged the
and associations; c iv il
lished excellent rap­
energy, spirit and com m unity contribu­
rights referrals; immigrant
port w ith n e ig h b o r­
tions o f I loward W einer, the second o f
and refugee coordination,
hood a s s o c ia tio n s ,
the tw o fin a lis ts lo r the position.
and worked closely w ith
com m unity organiza­
W einer's strong candidacy was driven
the C ity C o u n c il and
tions and c ity s ta ff in
by his lea d e rsh ip in O ld T o w n /
County Board o f Com ­
her seven years w ith
( hinatown anti longstanding com m it­
the bureau, and in her
ment to com m unity involvement.
She has also been re­
tenure as Interim D i­
sponsible for the develop­
rector o f O N I." said
tense, six-m onth recruitm ent and in ­
ment and m onitoring o f
M ayor Potter. " I am
terview process that started when
ON I on a temporary basis since Janu­
A ffirm a tive A ction goals.
ary. She previously worked as the
She prev iously worked for
Al-Anon Meeting
agency's Metropolitan Human Rights
“ Solutions and Serenity” fo r any­
Center and program manager tor the
one affected by another person’ s
drinking. Every Tuesday at 7 p.m
T rin ity Episcopal Cathedral, 147
N .W . 19"' at Everett. Free, enter
through courtyard. For more in ­
form ation. call Julianna Tassone
at5O3-367-6l 15.
Neighborhood Resource Centers.
Creative Space For Dance
A urora Dance Studio. 5433 N.E
30th, offers an array o f classes for
children, teens and adults at all
levels of ability. Cal 1503-249-0201
v is it
o n lin e
www .hevanet.com /auroradance
fo r more inform ation.
•Tcommunitv service
A t O N I, she has provided support
I he announcement fo llo w s an in ­
th rille d and excited to
form er O N I d irector Jim m y Brow n
moved to the W ater Bureau. It co n ­
the State o f Oregon's Health Division.
have her lead this c r iti­
ca lly im portant organization as we
cluded w ith tw o com m unity forum s
Planned Parenthood and as director o f
w ork to expand c iv ic engagement at
and interview s w ith the mayor. There
the C hildren's Care Program o f N orth­
all levels o f com m unity decision m ak­
were over 45 applicants fo r this posi­
Amalia Alarcon
ern Eights Alternatives in New York.
Local Professional Tapped for Leadership
Joins training,
wide selected for
the p re s tig io u s
Resident Fellows
“ This is a great
opportunity," said
A y a la . “ I t ’ s a
chance to expand
tny le a rn in g by
leaps anil bounds
and to develop a
Eong time local resident Jose
Ayala, a donor relations man­
ager at United Way o f the C o­
lum bia-W illam ette. has been ac­
cepted into a national training
strong national net­
and mentoring program by United
work o f fellow pro­
Way o f America.
fessionals that can
He is among only 27 profes­ Jose Ayala
really help us here
sionals among thousands o f senior-
in the Portland/Vancouver area."
level United Way employees nation-
The fe llo w s h ip was started to iden-
tify and develop high-potential early
career professionals fo r long-term
leadership roles w ith in U nited Way.
Fellow s spend a week in intense tra in ­
ing in A lexandria, V a „ and are as­
signed a m entor to assist them in the
next several months o f study. In Janu­
ary anil then in M ay, the group recon­
venes in Alexandria for additional train­
Ayala joined United Way tw o years
ago. His w ork with a variety o f em­
ployee workplace campaigns resulted in
over $1.5 m illio n to he used for social,
health and education programs in the
tour counties served by the organiza­
P rior to U nited W ay, A yala w orked
w ith the Cascade A ID S Project. He
also w orked as the d ire c to r o f game
operations fo rth e Portland T ra il B la z­
ers. prom otions d ire c to r at EM 106.7
K K JZ radio, and a director/produ cer
lo r K G W Channel 8 television.
United Way isacaring fo rc e o fv o lu n ­
teers anil individual and corporate com ­
m unity investors w orking to help people
live w ith opportunity, hope and support
in times o f need.
For more inform ation, or to volunteer
in your com m unity, visit our website at
w w w .uniteilw ay-pilx.o rg. or call 503-
228 9131 in Portland, or 360 696-0341
in Vancouver.