Committed to Culturai Diversity m \w . port M etro rmat ion v isit or call the knowledge they gained and the 503-632-0411. push to achieve they received while- attending the Self Enhancement pro­ WellBeing Sunday Brunch gram during their elementary school Individuals living w ith H IV /A ID S - E„ MbethSato years, she said. "I believe my sons are invited to W e llB e in g ’ s Sun­ w ill return back to the northeast com ­ day Brunch, open every Sunday from 3 p.m. to6p.m . w ith free home m unity someday better equipped to thcsigniticanl discrim ination hertam ily m unity forced upon me because o f my cooked meals served at 4 p.m. in| serve as they are also very interested endured w hile grow ing up in Portland. mixedJapaneseandNativeculturalheri- the historic Mt. O live t building, and active in social concerns.” " It was very hurtful as a young girl to tage," she said. ” 1 am committed to 1734 N.E. First Ave. Sato said she still remembers vivid ly experience the disconnect my ow n com- raising my sons to celebrate their d i­ 1 Ä v / am committed to raising my sons to celebrate their diverse cultural background as I believe such diversity can provide a source o f strength and compassion for all people. verse cultural background as I believe such diversity can provide a source o f strength and compassion for all people regardless of race or socio-economic background. W iconi's mission is bring a message o f hope and healing to the First Nations or those the m inistry calls Indigenous people through a variety o f culturally- relevant service-related mechanisms including long term programs and short­ term projects. "Elizabeth not only brings her know l- continued y f on page H6 Interstate Farmers Market The Interstate Farmers Market features a variety o f fresh local produce, baked goods, cut flo w ­ ers, artisan cheese, meat and fish each each Wednesday from 3 p. m. to 7 p.m., next to O verlook Park across the street fro m K aiser Permanente Interstate Campus. Homebuying Classes Portland C om m unity Land Trust helps first tim e and low -incom e homebuyers purchase homes at below market price. Attend a free one-hour class to learn more about the p ro g ra m . C o n ta e K e lly@ p clt.o rg o r call 503-493 0293 to sign upand ask questions o r visit w w w .p e lt.o rg . Neighborhood Director Earns Vote of Confidence Mayor makes her appointment permanent M a y o r Tom Potter has made Am alia Alarcon the permanent d i­ rector ot the O ffice o f Neighborhood Involvement. Alarcon has served as director o f toneighborhoodcoalitions "A m a lia has estab­ M ayor Potter also acknowledged the and associations; c iv il lished excellent rap­ energy, spirit and com m unity contribu­ rights referrals; immigrant port w ith n e ig h b o r­ tions o f I loward W einer, the second o f and refugee coordination, hood a s s o c ia tio n s , the tw o fin a lis ts lo r the position. and worked closely w ith com m unity organiza­ W einer's strong candidacy was driven the C ity C o u n c il and tions and c ity s ta ff in by his lea d e rsh ip in O ld T o w n / County Board o f Com ­ her seven years w ith ( hinatown anti longstanding com m it­ missioners. the bureau, and in her ment to com m unity involvement. She has also been re­ tenure as Interim D i­ sponsible for the develop­ rector o f O N I." said tense, six-m onth recruitm ent and in ­ ment and m onitoring o f M ayor Potter. " I am terview process that started when ON I on a temporary basis since Janu­ A ffirm a tive A ction goals. ary. She previously worked as the She prev iously worked for Al-Anon Meeting agency's Metropolitan Human Rights “ Solutions and Serenity” fo r any­ Center and program manager tor the one affected by another person’ s drinking. Every Tuesday at 7 p.m T rin ity Episcopal Cathedral, 147 N .W . 19"' at Everett. Free, enter through courtyard. For more in ­ form ation. call Julianna Tassone at5O3-367-6l 15. Neighborhood Resource Centers. Creative Space For Dance A urora Dance Studio. 5433 N.E 30th, offers an array o f classes for children, teens and adults at all levels of ability. Cal 1503-249-0201 or v is it o n lin e at www /auroradance fo r more inform ation. years •Tcommunitv service A t O N I, she has provided support I he announcement fo llo w s an in ­ th rille d and excited to form er O N I d irector Jim m y Brow n moved to the W ater Bureau. It co n ­ the State o f Oregon's Health Division. have her lead this c r iti­ ca lly im portant organization as we cluded w ith tw o com m unity forum s Planned Parenthood and as director o f w ork to expand c iv ic engagement at and interview s w ith the mayor. There the C hildren's Care Program o f N orth­ all levels o f com m unity decision m ak­ ing.” were over 45 applicants fo r this posi­ tion. Amalia Alarcon ern Eights Alternatives in New York. Local Professional Tapped for Leadership Joins training, mentorship program I wide selected for the p re s tig io u s Resident Fellows Program. “ This is a great opportunity," said A y a la . “ I t ’ s a chance to expand tny le a rn in g by leaps anil bounds and to develop a Eong time local resident Jose Ayala, a donor relations man­ ager at United Way o f the C o­ lum bia-W illam ette. has been ac­ cepted into a national training strong national net­ and mentoring program by United work o f fellow pro­ Way o f America. fessionals that can He is among only 27 profes­ Jose Ayala really help us here sionals among thousands o f senior- in the Portland/Vancouver area." level United Way employees nation- The fe llo w s h ip was started to iden- tify and develop high-potential early career professionals fo r long-term leadership roles w ith in U nited Way. Fellow s spend a week in intense tra in ­ ing in A lexandria, V a „ and are as­ signed a m entor to assist them in the next several months o f study. In Janu­ ary anil then in M ay, the group recon­ venes in Alexandria for additional train­ ing. Ayala joined United Way tw o years ago. His w ork with a variety o f em­ ployee workplace campaigns resulted in over $1.5 m illio n to he used for social, health and education programs in the tour counties served by the organiza­ tion. P rior to U nited W ay, A yala w orked w ith the Cascade A ID S Project. He also w orked as the d ire c to r o f game operations fo rth e Portland T ra il B la z­ ers. prom otions d ire c to r at EM 106.7 K K JZ radio, and a director/produ cer lo r K G W Channel 8 television. United Way isacaring fo rc e o fv o lu n ­ teers anil individual and corporate com ­ m unity investors w orking to help people live w ith opportunity, hope and support in times o f need. For more inform ation, or to volunteer in your com m unity, visit our website at w w w .uniteilw ay-pilx.o rg. or call 503- 228 9131 in Portland, or 360 696-0341 in Vancouver.