Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 24, 2006, Page 4, Image 4

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Opinion articles do not
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views o f The Portland Observer
O pinion
to the
May 24. 2006
Democrats United
The Democratic Party is united behind Gov. Ted Kulongoski
and we are energized for the general election campaign.
This election is about w hat's at stake for O regon 's tuture
and w hether we will continue to build on the progress o f the
past three years. W ith a D em ocratic G overnor and a D em o­
cratic state legislature we can continue to invest in our
schools, provide affordable healthcare, create living wage
'jobs forevery O regonian, and make our state the capital lor the
uses and innovations of renewable energy technologies.
Like their Republican leader George Bush, Ron Saxton and
Ben W estlund want to lake our state in the other direction.
They are both adviKating policies that would result in huge
cuts in our schools and health care system.
W orse, whether it s Iraq, illegal wire tapping or raiding our
public lands, you c a n 't trust these guys to stand up for Oregon
and against the Republicans in W ashington. Mr. Saxton, a big
donor to G eorge B ush's re-election cam paign, said that it is
wrong to criticize the President's handling of the w ar in Iraq.
Ron Saxton is right when he say O regonians want change,
but it'scertainly not m oreofthe failed Republican policies that
he and Ben W estlund have spent their careers peddling. They
want to run Oregon just like Bush is running this country - on
a credit card and we ca n ’t afford anym ore o f that.
Dem ocrats welcome a robust and substantive debate on the
issues and Gov. K ulongoski’s vision for Oregon. For D em o­
crats and for Oregon, the choice is clear.
Jim Edmundson
Oregon Democratic Party Chair
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Gun Dealers Sell Illegal Weapons
A cc o rd in g to
N ew York City investigators reports, investiga­
made illegal gun purchases in 5 tors wearing hid­
states from 15 gun dealers as part of den cameras made
an undercover investigation. The straw purchases,
tw o-m onth long sting was part of a an illegal purchase
calculated and unique cam paign to in which an indi­
cut down the num ber o f illegal guns v id u a l p ro v id e s
their name for the
that make it into the city.
O fficials say this is the first time legally mandated
such an operation has been carried background check
out on such a large scale. Federal for a gun that will clearly be used by
officials should take note and fol­ someone else. The purchases were
low suit, by leading the way on made in Georgia, Ohio, Pennsylva­
sim ilar investigations around the nia, South Carol ina and Virginia. Each
of the dealers previously sold guns
by J udge G reg
M athis
New York City investigators prove racket
With an opponent as
powerful as the NRA
pulling the strings,
individual cities are hard
pressed to win this battle, v
that were linked toover500crim es in
New York City: each dealer made an
illegal gun sale during the sting. The
city will use this evidence in a lawsuit
against those dealers.
It seems that such investigations
may be one o f the last remaining
ways to fight gun violence in this
country. The National Rifle A sso­
ciation, one o f the most powerful
lobbies in this country, has made it
virtually im possible for gun control
advocates to com bat gun-related
crimes. The N R A ’s allies include
num erous elected officials, all o f
whom have received generous fi­
nancial support from the organiza­
tion. In return, these congressm en
prom ote legislation that protects
the nation’s gun dealers.
Republican Rep. Todd Tiahrt of
Kansas w orked tirelessly to add ons that make it onto urban streets.
provisions to a Bureau o f Alcohol, All o f these cases were eventually
Tobacco and F irearm 's bill; ensur­ rejected. W ith an opponent as pow ­
ing the A TF could no longer pro­ erful as the NRA pulling the strings,
vide inform ation from its gun sales individual cities are hard pressed to
databank to the public and that the win this battle.
O ver 300,000 A m ericans are in­
data could not be used as evidence
in court. A crim e gun trace follows ju red or killed during gun-related
the sales history o f the gun. from crim es each year. In the African-
m anufacturer, to the dealer and, American community, gun violence
finally, to the first buyer. In the is a pressing concern: the gun death
past, this inform ation has helped rate for blacks is twice that o f whites.
A c o lle c tiv e in v e s tig a tio n ,
law enforcem ent and com m unity
by the federal governm ent,
groups identify the close relation­
to put an end to these
ship between the gun industry and
crim es. W ith enough
the illegal gun market.
Recently, Republican Rep. Lamar evidence in hand, the federal gov­
Smith o f Texas introduced legisla­ ernm ent could then begin to crack
tion that w ould make those provi­ dow n on these rogue retailers and,
ultim ately, m ake a dent in the num ­
sions permanent.
O thercities have tried suing gun ber o f guns that m ake it onto our
m anufacturers, dealers and d is­ streets.
Judge Greg Mathis is national
tributors: Chicago, Detroit and Gary,
Ind. have all filed lawsuits - for vice president o f Rainbow PUSH
hundreds o f millions o f dollars - and a national board member o f
claim ing that the gun dealers co n ­ the Southern Christian Leadership
tribute to the flow of illegal weap- Conference.
While I Was Sleeping
OHSU doctors are virtually unaccountable
It was supposed
tobe a45-minute day
su rg ery . “ D im e a
dozen," my doctor
said. When the an­
esthesia wore off. I'd
go home.
S e v e ra l w ee k s
earlier, I had been
playing tennis when
I felt a sharp pain in my neck. I called
the head o f neurosurgery at OHSU
who referred me to a doctor on his
staff. We met and decided I would
undergo a procedure designed to
reduce spinal nerve pressure.
Follow ing the early m orning
operation I woke up in a hospital
room. I w asn ’t supposed to be
there. It was dark outside. N ight­
time. I was supposed to be home.
Yet, here I was, htxtked up to tubes,
my friends and fam ily were there,
my m other was crying. My doctor
announced, “W e think the sw ell­
ing in your neck is the cause o f your
Paralyzed? The shock o f hearing
that word was only slightly more
shocking than the news I received
a few weeks later. A friend told me
that an acquaintance o f his was in
the operating room during my sur­
gery and had w itnessed a second-
year resident perform most o f the
procedure. I had put my faith and
trust in one doctor. I had gone
under the anesthesia with the un­
derstanding that the physician I
had selected would be perform ing
my surgery. I began to look for legal
r e p r e s e n ta tio n . T h a t 's
when I receivedanotherbig
One well respected Port­
land lawyer told me I had a
case, but he w ouldn’t rep­
resent me because I had
the surgery at O H SU . D i k -
tors at O H SU claim protec­
tion under the O regon Tort
Claim s Act, a law designed
to limit liability for public agencies.
If you file a medical m alpractice
claim against an O H SU doctor, you
are limited toa max imum o f $2(X),(XX)
in dam ages. The cost, I learned, o f
preparing a m alpractice claim for
It's our contention that these do c­
tors shouldn't be able to hide be­
hind any kind o f public protection.
It took m o n th s o f p h y sic al
therapy before I finally regained
most of my mobility. However, over
the next tw o years, reality set in. I
would live the rest o f my life in pain
and with lim ited use o f my right
hand. 1 ca n ’t open a ja r o f baby food
for my young son. I will never be
able to put on a glove and play
catch with my son or teach him
many o f the things my father taught
My trial is set for this com ing
August. A jury will decide if the
Paralyzed? The shock o f
hearing that word was only
slightly more shocking than
the news I received a few
weeks later.
trial is too great and d o esn 't pencil
out with the limits in place. In other
words, I discovered, O H SU do c­
tors are virtually unaccountable.
I was eventually able to find an
attorney w ho believed that, with
the right approach, we could make
a difference. We filed suit against
the OHSU M edical G roup, which
the doctors established in 1998 for
the express purpose o f separating
them selves from OHSU Hospital
O H SU M edical G roup doctors are
public agents or private business­
men. If jurors rule in our favor, it will
open the door for many others to
get the most basic o f questions
answered like. "W ho operated on
m e?" Just the first o f many ques­
tions a victim has a right to know
when a routine day surgery turns
into a lifelong disability.
Ken Ackerman is a form er Port­
land television anchor.