rt lanb ©bseruer Page A4 Opinion articles do not necessarily reflect or represent the views o f The Portland Observer O pinion to the May 24. 2006 itor Democrats United The Democratic Party is united behind Gov. Ted Kulongoski and we are energized for the general election campaign. This election is about w hat's at stake for O regon 's tuture and w hether we will continue to build on the progress o f the past three years. W ith a D em ocratic G overnor and a D em o­ cratic state legislature we can continue to invest in our schools, provide affordable healthcare, create living wage 'jobs forevery O regonian, and make our state the capital lor the uses and innovations of renewable energy technologies. Like their Republican leader George Bush, Ron Saxton and Ben W estlund want to lake our state in the other direction. They are both adviKating policies that would result in huge cuts in our schools and health care system. W orse, whether it s Iraq, illegal wire tapping or raiding our public lands, you c a n 't trust these guys to stand up for Oregon and against the Republicans in W ashington. Mr. Saxton, a big donor to G eorge B ush's re-election cam paign, said that it is wrong to criticize the President's handling of the w ar in Iraq. Ron Saxton is right when he say O regonians want change, but it'scertainly not m oreofthe failed Republican policies that he and Ben W estlund have spent their careers peddling. They want to run Oregon just like Bush is running this country - on a credit card and we ca n ’t afford anym ore o f that. Dem ocrats welcome a robust and substantive debate on the issues and Gov. K ulongoski’s vision for Oregon. For D em o­ crats and for Oregon, the choice is clear. Jim Edmundson Oregon Democratic Party Chair kN W - !bl M S P //N • ° ■ M M M M N M M H M H N M I • I Gun Dealers Sell Illegal Weapons A cc o rd in g to N ew York City investigators reports, investiga­ made illegal gun purchases in 5 tors wearing hid­ states from 15 gun dealers as part of den cameras made an undercover investigation. The straw purchases, tw o-m onth long sting was part of a an illegal purchase calculated and unique cam paign to in which an indi­ cut down the num ber o f illegal guns v id u a l p ro v id e s their name for the that make it into the city. O fficials say this is the first time legally mandated such an operation has been carried background check out on such a large scale. Federal for a gun that will clearly be used by officials should take note and fol­ someone else. The purchases were low suit, by leading the way on made in Georgia, Ohio, Pennsylva­ sim ilar investigations around the nia, South Carol ina and Virginia. Each of the dealers previously sold guns counrry. by J udge G reg M athis New York City investigators prove racket With an opponent as powerful as the NRA pulling the strings, individual cities are hard pressed to win this battle, v that were linked toover500crim es in New York City: each dealer made an illegal gun sale during the sting. The city will use this evidence in a lawsuit against those dealers. It seems that such investigations may be one o f the last remaining ways to fight gun violence in this country. The National Rifle A sso­ ciation, one o f the most powerful lobbies in this country, has made it virtually im possible for gun control advocates to com bat gun-related crimes. The N R A ’s allies include num erous elected officials, all o f whom have received generous fi­ nancial support from the organiza­ tion. In return, these congressm en prom ote legislation that protects the nation’s gun dealers. Republican Rep. Todd Tiahrt of Kansas w orked tirelessly to add ons that make it onto urban streets. provisions to a Bureau o f Alcohol, All o f these cases were eventually Tobacco and F irearm 's bill; ensur­ rejected. W ith an opponent as pow ­ ing the A TF could no longer pro­ erful as the NRA pulling the strings, vide inform ation from its gun sales individual cities are hard pressed to databank to the public and that the win this battle. O ver 300,000 A m ericans are in­ data could not be used as evidence in court. A crim e gun trace follows ju red or killed during gun-related the sales history o f the gun. from crim es each year. In the African- m anufacturer, to the dealer and, American community, gun violence finally, to the first buyer. In the is a pressing concern: the gun death past, this inform ation has helped rate for blacks is twice that o f whites. A c o lle c tiv e in v e s tig a tio n , law enforcem ent and com m unity headed by the federal governm ent, groups identify the close relation­ is needed to put an end to these ship between the gun industry and sen seless crim es. W ith enough the illegal gun market. Recently, Republican Rep. Lamar evidence in hand, the federal gov­ Smith o f Texas introduced legisla­ ernm ent could then begin to crack tion that w ould make those provi­ dow n on these rogue retailers and, ultim ately, m ake a dent in the num ­ sions permanent. O thercities have tried suing gun ber o f guns that m ake it onto our m anufacturers, dealers and d is­ streets. Judge Greg Mathis is national tributors: Chicago, Detroit and Gary, Ind. have all filed lawsuits - for vice president o f Rainbow PUSH hundreds o f millions o f dollars - and a national board member o f claim ing that the gun dealers co n ­ the Southern Christian Leadership tribute to the flow of illegal weap- Conference. While I Was Sleeping OHSU doctors are virtually unaccountable K en At KERMAN It was supposed tobe a45-minute day su rg ery . “ D im e a dozen," my doctor said. When the an­ esthesia wore off. I'd go home. S e v e ra l w ee k s earlier, I had been playing tennis when I felt a sharp pain in my neck. I called the head o f neurosurgery at OHSU who referred me to a doctor on his staff. We met and decided I would undergo a procedure designed to reduce spinal nerve pressure. Follow ing the early m orning operation I woke up in a hospital room. I w asn ’t supposed to be there. It was dark outside. N ight­ time. I was supposed to be home. Yet, here I was, htxtked up to tubes, my friends and fam ily were there, my m other was crying. My doctor announced, “W e think the sw ell­ ing in your neck is the cause o f your paralysis.” Paralyzed? The shock o f hearing that word was only slightly more shocking than the news I received a few weeks later. A friend told me that an acquaintance o f his was in the operating room during my sur­ gery and had w itnessed a second- year resident perform most o f the procedure. I had put my faith and trust in one doctor. I had gone under the anesthesia with the un­ derstanding that the physician I had selected would be perform ing my surgery. I began to look for legal BV I r e p r e s e n ta tio n . T h a t 's when I receivedanotherbig surprise. One well respected Port­ land lawyer told me I had a case, but he w ouldn’t rep­ resent me because I had the surgery at O H SU . D i k - tors at O H SU claim protec­ tion under the O regon Tort Claim s Act, a law designed to limit liability for public agencies. If you file a medical m alpractice claim against an O H SU doctor, you are limited toa max imum o f $2(X),(XX) in dam ages. The cost, I learned, o f preparing a m alpractice claim for It's our contention that these do c­ tors shouldn't be able to hide be­ hind any kind o f public protection. It took m o n th s o f p h y sic al therapy before I finally regained most of my mobility. However, over the next tw o years, reality set in. I would live the rest o f my life in pain and with lim ited use o f my right hand. 1 ca n ’t open a ja r o f baby food for my young son. I will never be able to put on a glove and play catch with my son or teach him many o f the things my father taught me. My trial is set for this com ing August. A jury will decide if the Paralyzed? The shock o f hearing that word was only slightly more shocking than the news I received a few weeks later. trial is too great and d o esn 't pencil out with the limits in place. In other words, I discovered, O H SU do c­ tors are virtually unaccountable. I was eventually able to find an attorney w ho believed that, with the right approach, we could make a difference. We filed suit against the OHSU M edical G roup, which the doctors established in 1998 for the express purpose o f separating them selves from OHSU Hospital O H SU M edical G roup doctors are public agents or private business­ men. If jurors rule in our favor, it will open the door for many others to get the most basic o f questions answered like. "W ho operated on m e?" Just the first o f many ques­ tions a victim has a right to know when a routine day surgery turns into a lifelong disability. Ken Ackerman is a form er Port­ land television anchor.