Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 26, 2006, Page 3, Image 3

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    i,!C JJnrtlanb (Observer
April 26. 2006
Page A3
Victory Charter School Fails
Poor academics,
management blamed
Victory M iddle School, a 116-
student ch arter school using fa­
cilities in the B lazer Boys and
G irls C lub on N ortheast M artin
L uther King Jr. B oulevard is
losing its g o v ern m en t funding
after failing to com plete neces­
sary academ ic and m anagerial
Stop Darfur
Genocide Rally
A rally to raise aw aren ess
and m obilize local resid en ts to
contact th eir g overnm ent lead­
ers to help stop the g en o cid e in
D arfur w i 11 be held Sunday, Apri 1
30 from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m . at
P io n e e r C o u rth o u se S q u a re ,
dow ntow n.
F e a tu re d sp e a k e rs in c lu d e
C ong ressm an Earl B lum enauer
a n d S a m w e ll D illa o f th e
Sudanese C hristian Fellow ship,
as w ell as o th e r prom inent faith
leaders, hum an rights activists
and su rvivors o f genocides.
N early th re e y e a rs in to a
c risis, th e w e ste rn S u d a n e se
re g io n o f D a rfu r is a c k n o w l­
im provem ents.
w ith an O regon D epartm ent o f
T he O regon B oard o f E duca­ E ducation staff analysis that the
tion voted unanim ously T hurs­ school had not com pleted the
day not to extend the sch o o l’s im provem ents prom ised by o r­
ch arter for another year, w hich ganizers w hen the state board
m eans the school will likely be extended the ch a rte r last year.
out o f business in A ugust w hen
V ictory, serving m ostly A fri­
the school year ends.
can A m erican students, opened
State board m em bers agreed in 2003 w ith a state ch a rte r
the state board he w a sn 't sure
w hat happens next. W hite, a
form er Portland Public Schools
te a c h e r a n d a d m in is tr a to r ,
praised state d epartm ent sta ff
for trying to help the school.
“ W e m ade im provem ents, but
w e ju st d id n 't quite get there,"
he said.
Ingredients for life
e d g e d to be a h u m a n ita ria n
an d h u m a n rig h ts tra g e d y o f
th e first o rd e r.
T h e h u m an itarian , security
and political situations continue
to d eterio rate: atrocities c o n ­
tinue, people are still dying in
large n um bers o f m alnutrition
and disease, and a new fam ine
is feared.
A ccording to reports by the
W orld Food Program , the U. N.
and the C oalition for Interna­
tional Justice, 3.5 m illion people
are now hungry, 2.5 m illion have
been d isp laced due to violence
and 4 0 0 ,0 0 0 people have died in
D arfu r.
after the P ortland School Board
rejected its proposal. State law
allow s for state board sp o n so r­
ship o f a ch a rte r school if a local
school district rejects it, and
V ictory w as the first such school
to get a state charter.
V ictory Principal C ottrell B.
W hite Jr. said after m eeting with
) Young Chicken
Fresh Whole
Chicken Twin Pack
Butcher's Cut. Grade A.
Top Round London Broil
SAVE up to 90t lb.
SAVE up to $4.19 lb.
Walking Bass Master Jam
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Pork Loin Center
Cut Chops
Bone-tn. Or Boneless
Sirloin Chops
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SAVE up to $1.50 III
LeRoy Vinnegar
Jazz Week
For its third annual Jazz W eek.
May 4-6, the Leroy V innegar Jazz
Institute at Portland State U niver­
sity pays tribute to the man known
as the “ M aster o f the W alking
Bass." with performances spotlight­
ing some o f the West C o a st's most
prolific practitioners o f thisjazz art.
On 600 plus recordings and
countless live perform ances over
the course o f his 45-year career,
bassist Leroy V innegar’s nam e
cam e to be synonym ous with the
pulsing, rock-steady bass lines that
underpin m odem jazz.
The schedule kicks off with a
free perform ance by the Mel Brown
Trio playing the m usic o f V innegar
on Thursday, May 4 at noon in
P S U 's Lincoln Hall. Room 75.
On May 5 and 6, the institute
presents one o f the brightest stars
o f the San Francisco scene, criti­
cally acclaim ed bassist and com ­
poser M arcus Shelby.
Shelby will give a free jazz w ork­
shop at 3 p.m. on Friday at Portland
State University, and perform on
Friday and Saturday evenings at
L. V. s Uptown Jazz Club, 31 OS. W.
Wild Alaskan Sockeye
Salmon Fillets
frcwen/thawed Terrific
broiled or grilled.
SAVE up la $4 00 lb
Red Seedless
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Club Price $1 00 lb
SAVE up to $2.11 lb
SAVE up to S69( lb
R om a Tom atoes
Fresh Express Salads
Selected varieties.
Club Price $1 00 ea
SAVE up to $1 79 m
In tro d u c in g
Napa Valley Chicken
C a es a r
in the Deli at Safeway
Selected varieties.
Plus deposit in Oregon.
Limit 4.
SAVE up to 80«
Marcus Shelby
Lincoln St.
The week concludes with a con­
cert entitled W alking the Line: The
Legacy o f Leroy V innegar, on Sun­
day, May 7 at 7:30 p.m. at Lincoln’s
Perform ance Hall. Featured will be
five o f the N orthw est’s most es­
teem ed bassists, Ed Bennett, Dave
C aptein, A ndre St. Jam es, Dan
Schulte and Tom W akeling, per­
form ing alongside the aw ard-w in­
ning PSU Jazz Ensem ble.
Tickets are $10 in advance and
$12 on the day o f show and are
available at the PSU box office, by
calling 503-725-3307 o r at any
T icketm aster outlet.
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(with the purchase of Kellogg's Cereal)
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Kellogg s C ereal
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Club Price: $2 50 ea
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Sm okehouse
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