i,!C JJnrtlanb (Observer April 26. 2006 Page A3 Victory Charter School Fails Poor academics, management blamed Victory M iddle School, a 116- student ch arter school using fa­ cilities in the B lazer Boys and G irls C lub on N ortheast M artin L uther King Jr. B oulevard is losing its g o v ern m en t funding after failing to com plete neces­ sary academ ic and m anagerial Stop Darfur Genocide Rally A rally to raise aw aren ess and m obilize local resid en ts to contact th eir g overnm ent lead­ ers to help stop the g en o cid e in D arfur w i 11 be held Sunday, Apri 1 30 from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m . at P io n e e r C o u rth o u se S q u a re , dow ntow n. F e a tu re d sp e a k e rs in c lu d e C ong ressm an Earl B lum enauer a n d S a m w e ll D illa o f th e Sudanese C hristian Fellow ship, as w ell as o th e r prom inent faith leaders, hum an rights activists and su rvivors o f genocides. N early th re e y e a rs in to a c risis, th e w e ste rn S u d a n e se re g io n o f D a rfu r is a c k n o w l­ im provem ents. w ith an O regon D epartm ent o f T he O regon B oard o f E duca­ E ducation staff analysis that the tion voted unanim ously T hurs­ school had not com pleted the day not to extend the sch o o l’s im provem ents prom ised by o r­ ch arter for another year, w hich ganizers w hen the state board m eans the school will likely be extended the ch a rte r last year. out o f business in A ugust w hen V ictory, serving m ostly A fri­ the school year ends. can A m erican students, opened State board m em bers agreed in 2003 w ith a state ch a rte r the state board he w a sn 't sure w hat happens next. W hite, a form er Portland Public Schools te a c h e r a n d a d m in is tr a to r , praised state d epartm ent sta ff for trying to help the school. “ W e m ade im provem ents, but w e ju st d id n 't quite get there," he said. SAFEWAY O Ingredients for life e d g e d to be a h u m a n ita ria n an d h u m a n rig h ts tra g e d y o f th e first o rd e r. T h e h u m an itarian , security and political situations continue to d eterio rate: atrocities c o n ­ tinue, people are still dying in large n um bers o f m alnutrition and disease, and a new fam ine is feared. A ccording to reports by the W orld Food Program , the U. N. and the C oalition for Interna­ tional Justice, 3.5 m illion people are now hungry, 2.5 m illion have been d isp laced due to violence and 4 0 0 ,0 0 0 people have died in D arfu r. after the P ortland School Board rejected its proposal. State law allow s for state board sp o n so r­ ship o f a ch a rte r school if a local school district rejects it, and V ictory w as the first such school to get a state charter. V ictory Principal C ottrell B. W hite Jr. said after m eeting with ) Young Chicken Fresh Whole Chicken Twin Pack BUY ONE, GET ONE Butcher's Cut. Grade A. Top Round London Broil SAVE up to 90t lb. Boneless. SAVE up to $4.19 lb. Walking Bass Master Jam ‘ j * > - -tf W J? Pork Loin Center Cut Chops QQ Bone-tn. Or Boneless Sirloin Chops ■ u SAVE up to $1.50 III LeRoy Vinnegar Jazz Week celebrated For its third annual Jazz W eek. May 4-6, the Leroy V innegar Jazz Institute at Portland State U niver­ sity pays tribute to the man known as the “ M aster o f the W alking Bass." with performances spotlight­ ing some o f the West C o a st's most prolific practitioners o f thisjazz art. On 600 plus recordings and countless live perform ances over the course o f his 45-year career, bassist Leroy V innegar’s nam e cam e to be synonym ous with the pulsing, rock-steady bass lines that underpin m odem jazz. The schedule kicks off with a free perform ance by the Mel Brown Trio playing the m usic o f V innegar on Thursday, May 4 at noon in P S U 's Lincoln Hall. Room 75. On May 5 and 6, the institute presents one o f the brightest stars o f the San Francisco scene, criti­ cally acclaim ed bassist and com ­ poser M arcus Shelby. Shelby will give a free jazz w ork­ shop at 3 p.m. on Friday at Portland State University, and perform on Friday and Saturday evenings at L. V. s Uptown Jazz Club, 31 OS. W. PRICE Wild Alaskan Sockeye Salmon Fillets frcwen/thawed Terrific broiled or grilled. SAVE up la $4 00 lb Red Seedless Grapes ( ) 9 lo 12- m package, Club Price $1 00 lb SAVE up to $2.11 lb r SAVE up to S69( lb R om a Tom atoes Fresh Express Salads Selected varieties. Club Price $1 00 ea SAVE up to $1 79 m 4 In tro d u c in g Napa Valley Chicken C a es a r Wrap in the Deli at Safeway BUY ONE. (.EX ONE Selected varieties. Plus deposit in Oregon. Limit 4. SAVE up to 80« Marcus Shelby Lincoln St. The week concludes with a con­ cert entitled W alking the Line: The Legacy o f Leroy V innegar, on Sun­ day, May 7 at 7:30 p.m. at Lincoln’s Perform ance Hall. Featured will be five o f the N orthw est’s most es­ teem ed bassists, Ed Bennett, Dave C aptein, A ndre St. Jam es, Dan Schulte and Tom W akeling, per­ form ing alongside the aw ard-w in­ ning PSU Jazz Ensem ble. Tickets are $10 in advance and $12 on the day o f show and are available at the PSU box office, by calling 503-725-3307 o r at any T icketm aster outlet. r On Your Next Visit (with the purchase of Kellogg's Cereal) CLUB PRICE CLUB PRICE 4 to 6-02. Over 40 flavors Iri which to choose Club Price. 50« e< SAVE up ip $ 7 6 0 o FREE $ q w irm iw » x u t» « ii Breyers All Natural Ice Cream 1.75-qt. Selected varieties SAVE up to S5 99 on 2 CLUB PRICE 1 FREE G a llo n o f M ilk with purchase of 3 or 4 boxes of Kellogg V cereals * 2 FREE G a llo n s o f M ilk with purchase of 5 boxes of Kellogg's* cereals * 3 FREE G a llo n s o f M ilk with purchase of 6 or more boxes of Kellogg's* cereals * Oorito^ BUY ONE, GET ONE FREE ■quu (MliWM WUA “ Doritos Tortilla Chips Dairy Glen Milk Eola Hills, Oak Knoll or Columbia Crest Gallon Whole. 2%, 1%. or Fat Free 13-02 Selected varieties 750-rnl bottle Selected varietals SAVE up lo S3 62 SAVE up to S3 49 on 2 EVERYDAY LOW PRICE CLUB PRICE i Subscribe I 503-288-0033 e F ill Out & Send To: ÌJortlanò CDbsmier Free milk coupons (any variety) up to S6.00 printed at register Otter V j M 4212/06 W 0 6 Mix or match any flavor ‘ hodurts must be Attn: Subscriptions, P O Box 3137, P ortland O R 97208 subst riptions are ju s t $60 p er year purr based m the u m » transaction « IM O ?««, KeBMN NA CB 2Î5 Kellogg s C ereal CLUB PRICE 24-02 Selected varieties Club Price St 00 ea 'AVE U P IP U 9 B M 1 0 ClUI PRICE (please include check with this subscription form) N ame : _____________________________ ___ T elephone : _________ A ddress : _________ S afew ay Northwest G rains Bread 19 to 25-02 Selected varieties Club Price: $2 50 ea SAVE up te S5 30 pa 2 Shop at Home. W e Deliver. safeway.com 799 ■ ea CLUB POKE Sm okehouse Reds St. Louis Style Ribs 26-02 Fully cooked, available in the deli SAVE up to $2 00 1 | APRIL-MAY • ib tua ibi tat tua asa r » 27 » hCMptffr » M 1 2 Mme» CACM AU. LIMITS ARE PEA HOUSEHOLD. PER DAY I or ewct/V subscriptions @ portlandohserver.com »■ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — J I t m i k p ix n in dm ad am available al your kxal Salewa, « c m No tale, to dealer,, m taurata or inuiiunona Sale« ,n m ail quanlum only quantum ol » m e iten» mav be limned and sub».! 10 availability Not responuble 1 « ivnotraoh tell or pK tonal enon B r r r v n r the right io correct all primed error» On Buy One. Get One Free f B(X'»O’ > uflrn, customer mutt pureha»e the tint item to receive the «evond item five BOGO often are not 1 2 pnee sale» item purchated. the regular pnte applies Manufacturers’ coupons may be used on pun hated items only - not on free item» I 2006 Safeway Store», lm It only a un«lr ’ *