Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 19, 2006, Page 8, Image 8

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Wordstock Festival Over 250
r create your ow n animated
sequences. E xh ib it open Tues­
day through Sunday 9:30 a.m. to
5:30 p.rn. For admission and tickets, call
authors reading over tw o days at
the Oregon Convention Center, plus
tjo ve r 1 (X) publishers, booksellers and w ritin g
.O rganizations, and workshops fo r w riters and teach­
A p ril 19, 2006
ers, take place at the W ordstock Festival Friday
In n o v a tio n S ta tio n -K id s w ill have a ball at O M S I’ s
-Jhrough Sunday, A p ril 21-23. V is it 11 stages fo r $3 a
new Innovation Station by exploring the human side
;jd a y .
m ore
in fo r m a tio n
v is it
o f te c h n o lo g y . F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n , v is it
¿ww w .W otdstockFestival.com .
www.om si.edu.
*<CInco de M a y o B o m b —Jam m in’ 95.5 brings some o f
O n the R adio Groove tosoulandhip-hopw ith Kevin
3<he most talented rap and R & B performers to the Rose
Berry from 7 to 9 p.m. M ondays at 90.7 F M /K B O O .
’ •Garden Thursday. M ay 4 as part o f their “ C inco de
Check out the C om m unity Potpourri talk show from 7
'■Mayo B om b.” Slated performers include Bow W ow ,
to 8 a m. Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays at 1480
Twista, Ne-Yo,E-4() with Keakda Sneak. Dem Franchize
A M /K B M S . Count your blessings w ith M elodies
B oyz, Ray J, L i l ’ R ob,C ham illionaire.T -P ain. Bubba
from Heaven from 6 to 10 p.m. Mondays through
S parxxx, and Rihanna. Tickets are $15 to $55. plus
Fridays at 1290 A M /K K S L . Tune in to A frican A m eri­
s e rv ic e ch a rg e s. F o r m ore in fo rm a tio n v is it
can Health Radio Wednesday nights on 1290 A M /
w ww .rosequarter.com .
Assassins - A Killer Musical — “ Assassins” ex­
C a ll to A rtis ts -- Local artists are encouraged to show
plores the history and fascination o f presidential
o ff their talent by becoming a Portland Open Studios
assassination in Am erica, from John W ilkes Booth to
A rtist. Each year. 96 artists are chosen from the metro
John H inckley. The w inner o f fiv e 2004 Tony Awards
area to open their studios and become part o f an
in clu d in g Best R evival o f a M usical appears A p ril 25
e x c itin g
re g io n a l
a rt
e v e n t.
V is it
through June 4 at the A rtists Repertory Theatre, 1516
portlandopenstudios.com fo r more inform ation.
S. W . A ld e r St. Tickets are $ 15 to $40, fo r more in fo r­
mation call 50 3 -2 4 1 -1278 o r visit w w w .artistsrep.org. T r ip p in ’ th ro u g h T o w n -- Take a trip through time to
fin d the hottest poetry, hip-hop and soul influencing
Ice C ube — N otorious gangsta rapper Ice Cube comes
Portland on Wednesdays at the Ohm. $7 cover. 31
to the Roseland Theater on Friday, A p ril 28 at 8 p.m.
N .W . First Ave.
T ickets fo r the all ages show are $30 advance and $35
at the door, plus service fees,
B e lly Dance Classes -- Caravan Studios
offersclasses in belly dance. A frica n dance
available at TicketsW est.com or
and more. V is it www.gypsycaravan.us.
A rd ie n te P aciencia (B u rn in g
Patience) — The all-Spanish lan­
guage Bellas Artes Production
comes to the M ila g ro Theatre.
525 SE Stark St., co n tin u in g
through A p ril 29, on Fridays and
Saturdays at 8 p.m., Sundays at 2
p.m. and Thursdays at 7:30 p.m.
English supertitles at Thursday
and Sunday performances. T ic k ­
ets are $13 to $18 and can be
purchased at the box office, 503- A rd ie n te P aciencia
236-7253orw ww .m ilagro.org.
T im e to Jam --Jam N ight, Portland’ sever-
popular comedy and variety show is at
Christian Perform ing A rts Center, 8131 N.
Denver Ave. Shows continue every Friday
night starting at 9 p.m. w ith dinner by
Mondemaj Catering next door to the show
at6:30and7:30p.m .
M u ltic u ltu ra l F ilm Festival - Jefferson
H igh School hosts a free m ulticultural film
festival each firs t M onday o f the month
through M ay from 6 to 8:30 p.m. For more
information, call J. Doncan at 503-916-5180.
M e xica n pop g ro u p R B I) - R B D cornestothe
Rose Garden Friday, M ay 5 at 8:30 p.m , as part
o f their North Am erican T our “ Generación
R B D .” Tickets are $85, $65, and $45 ami are
available at the Rose Quarter Box O ffic e and
participating Safeway ticket outlets.
In the Style of India
A Last Thursday event
V id y a H iv a le ’ s M a d h u b a n i-style fo lk art and
abstract paintings w ill be featured at an e x h ib it
at T rib e o f the W inds, 2217 N.E. A lberta St., from
Last Thursday, A p ril 27 through June 25. A n
a rtis t's reception w ill be held on A p ril 27 fro m 6-
9 p .m .
Hivale (pronounced H i vo ’ lay) finds her inspi­
ration in wide open spaces; the sea, the sky. and in
her love o f nature and color. Her paintings are
spontaneous and in tu itive , evoking many moods,
and always w orking towards harm ony and bal­
ance. Her w ork has evolved into em otional expres­
sions o f the v iv id , radiant colors o f the East; and the Folk a rt in th e sty le o f In d ia is c a p tu re d in Vidya
abstraction o f the West; where she has lived fo r H ia le 's ‘S ita in M a g ic G a rd e n .'
more than tw o decades.
o f A rt in Bombay, where she spent many evenings
These co lo rfu l paintings were a part o f her life watching the vibrant sunsets on the Indian Ocean.
grow ing up in India. M a th ila o rM a d h u b a n i fo lk art These later came to be the theme o f many o f her paintings.
painting is tra d itio n a lly practiced by the women o f H iva le ’ s paintings can be found in many corporate and
the B ihar region o f India. It is a spiritual discipline private collections.
fo r those that paint.
Tribe o f the W inds is a gallery that specializes in the
H ivale was born in Bombay and grew up in art o f immigrants and the children o f immigrants. It is also
central India. Recognizing her artistic tendencies a retail store dedicated to providing unique fa irly - traded
at an early age, her father sent her to the J.J. School goods complementing lifestyle, home and decor choices.
Sassy Spring and Summer Styles
Fashion industry
reports trends
A t last! Temperatures are rising, birds are chirping,
buds are bloom ing! As (lowers start showing o ff their
brightest colors, we usually feel the urge to do the
same. But Summer 2(X)6 seems destined to trumpet a
different trend!
From the fashion runways to award show red
carpets, women are dressing in predom inantly black,
w hite and a wide range o f grays. A ny other co lo r -
either as an accent or a single bold statement - w ill be
I f it's y e llo w , it w ill be dusty mustard. I f purple, opt
fo r lavender. Fabrics w ill be soft - washed cotton,
Traditional African Music Benefit - Master
drum m er Obo Addy w ill perform w ith his tradi­
tional group Okropong in a benefit performance
fo r the Toguna C ultural Center in M a li, A frica ,
on Thursday M ay 25 at 7 p.m. at Jackson M iddle
School, 10625 S.W. 35th Ave. Adm ission is $5,
for more inform ation call 503-916-3411.
B la ck Eyed Peas — Catch the hip-hop global
phenom enon B la c k Eyed Peas, plus the
Pussycat Dolls & Flip Syde, at the Rose Garden’ s RBD
Theater o f the Clouds on Sunday, M ay 14 at 7
p.m. Tickets are $35 plus include serv ice charges.
delicate linen, gauzy silk, ch iffo n - w ith perhaps a
ru ffle , bow o r bit o f crochet.
Sesame Street In te ra c tio n -The Portland C hildren’ s
Animation at O M S I — Explore how art, math, science, Museum presents “ Can You T e ll M e H ow to Get To
and technology come together in the e xciting w o rld o f
animation at the Oregon Museum o f Science and
Industry. Experiment w ith storyboarding, character
design, movement, tim ing, film in g , sound, editing and
more as you explore the process o f anim ation and
Sesame Street," using television's chrom a-key tech­
nology so local kids can see themselves on T V
alongside their favorite Muppet characters. For in fo r­
m a tio n ,
c a ll
5 0 3 -2 2 3 -6 5 0 0
v is it
www.portlandchildrensm useum .org.
diversity "Print
Jewelry w ill be at a m inim um , w ith a single large
pendant o r long, sw inging earrings - not both!
Makeup w ill stick to earth tones, w ith the emphasis on
a fresh, clean, natural look.
“ W ith such a bold but basically colorless silhou­
ette, more attention w ill be paid to your h air," says
C lairol C olor and Sty le Master Ingrinette Pope, w hose
w ork can be seen on music videos and in national
As fo r hair style. Ingrinette recommends short to
medium lengths fo r warm er weather, embracing your
------- natural texture o r layering i f you
relax your hair to a llow the most
options fo r styling.
223 NE Russell St
Portland, Oregon
Return your ballot by m od or drop i f o f f a t any designated voter
dm pate. C all 1- 866-675-8683 to find a location near you.
On Way
beauty magazines.
P r o je c t I lo p e
Participate in Democracy Z b u
‘¿"•JJttirtlani) (¡Dbseruer
B o ld h a ir c o lo rs lik e Textures & T o n e s ' B lazing
B urgundy w ill c o m p le m e n t the s u b d u e d black,
w h ite a n d g ra y a cce n ts o f th e la te s t s u m m e r
tre n d s, a cco rd in g to h a ir s ty lin g experts.
Open M -F9-5 pm • Saturdays 10-5 pm
FURNITURE SALE 5 0 % -7 0 %
All The Time
Help Support The Youth
People o f color
fin d a political fit
T h e se a r e
th e sort oi
th in g s th a t
p u sh you on
in m u sic- th e
& oñ Web
' »,S
I s it quickly becomes more and more an
electronic world. The Portland Observer
endeavors to meet the needs o f our read­
ers and advertisers by going online. With
the capability o f the Internet, the Port­
land Observer now reaches a broader
audience, and thus sets your business in
front o f a new generation.
curiosity, a
passion lor
new ideas.
Elvis C o ste llo
"W hether you part in the center
or the side, go fo r soft waves or
curls, brush hair back or up or fo r­
ward, give yo u rse lf as many op­
tions as you can so yo u ’ ll be turn­
ing heads all summer lo n g !”
Central Exit
( AP) — Dave Chappelle says in
a new interview that he had several
reasons fo r w alking away from his
cult-fave “ Chappelle's Show” - and
adeal worth more than $50 m illio n .
His decision to leave the C om ­
edy Central series last M ay led fans
and industry executives to ques­
tion his motives, and his sanity.
But in a 10-page spread in the
current issue o f Esquire magazine,
he says he closed “Chappelle” fo r
reasons cultural, professional and
C u lt u r a lly :
“ T h e b o tto m
line was, w hite
people own ev­
e ry th in g , and
w h e re can a
black person go D ave C h a p pe lle
and be h im se lf o r say something
that’ s fa m ilia r to him and not have
to explain or apologize?"
Professionally: “ I felt like I was
really pressured to settle fo r some­
thing that I d id n 't necessarily feel
like I wanted.”
Personally: “ The thing about
show business is that, in a way, it
forces dysfunctional relationships
in people."
Tune in a t 89.1 FM to h e a r a v ariety oi
music from tra d itio n a l jazz to m odern
rockin blues p re se n ted by local
v o lu n te e r o n -a ir p rogram m ers