í,!‘ |Jn rtla u b © bscruer Page B2 Wordstock Festival Over 250 I X I I r create your ow n animated sequences. E xh ib it open Tues­ day through Sunday 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.rn. For admission and tickets, call 503-797-4000. ■r authors reading over tw o days at the Oregon Convention Center, plus tjo ve r 1 (X) publishers, booksellers and w ritin g .O rganizations, and workshops fo r w riters and teach­ A p ril 19, 2006 Focus ers, take place at the W ordstock Festival Friday In n o v a tio n S ta tio n -K id s w ill have a ball at O M S I’ s -Jhrough Sunday, A p ril 21-23. V is it 11 stages fo r $3 a new Innovation Station by exploring the human side ;jd a y . For m ore in fo r m a tio n v is it o f te c h n o lo g y . F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n , v is it ¿ww w .W otdstockFestival.com . www.om si.edu. *