Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 29, 2006, Page 13, Image 13

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M arch 29. 2 0 0 6
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Page B 5
Health Care Issues Raised
O ver 60 people cam e together at
a health care forunt at Irvington
V illage in northeast Portland.
The March 22 session was the
third issues forum held in recent
w eeks by State Rep. Chip Shields
T he north and northeast Port­
land law m aker was joined by State
Rep. M itch G reenlick, chief peti­
tioner of HO PE for Oregon famil ies
and his wife Shelda Holmes, a pub­
lic health family nurse practitioner.
H olm es shared a need for access
to preventive health care, reducing
costs through preventing em er­
gency room visits. Solutions were
discussed, from fully funding the
O regon H ealth Plan to universal
health care coverage.
G re en lick said his in itiativ e
would put the right to health care
for all O regonians into the state
C onstitution.
A rea re sid e n ts sh a re d th e ir
health care frustrations, including
those with health insurance who
still struggle to pay hospital bills.
Shields' next and final forum will
be held on W ednesday. April 5. at
6:30 p.m. at Irvington Elementary
School w hen the topic will be
OSU Hosts King Member
Martin Luther King III. the
oldest son of America’s best-
known and most beloved civil
rights leader, will speak on his
father’s work and how it influ­
ences his own ac tivism today on
Tuesday, April 11, starting at 6
p.m .
O regon
S tate
University’s LaSells Stewart
4 9 4 6 N. Vancouver Ave.
Portland, OR 9 7 2 1 7
W ally Tesfa
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Multi-Million $ Service
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R egis S alon
Specializing in Ethnic Hair Care
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School Name Wanted
Portland Public Schools has be­
gun the process o f nam ing a school
under construction in the New C o­
lum bia hou sin g d ev elo p m en t in
north Portland.
The school will open in Septem ­
ber. M any partners, including H ous­
ing Authority o f Portland. Boys and
Girls Club, Portland Parks and Recre­
ation and the City o f Portland, have
w orked together to m ake this school
The com m unity is invited to sug­
gest nam es for the new school. Sug­
gestions will be accepted through
April 12. A newly formedcommitteeis
com posed o f T am ala Newsome, cur­
rent principal o f Ball Elem entary,
along with a teacher, classified staff
m em ber, student and com m unity
member. T he com m ittee will make
three to five recom m endations to the
superintendent. The superintendent
will recom m end one nam e to the
board for approval.
S u g gestio n s and co m m ent on
possible nam es can be m ade via the
d is tr ic t
w e b s ite
w w w .p p s .k l2 .o r .u s , by fax at
503.916.3100. by phone at 503-916-
3304 or by mail at 501 N. Dixon,
Portland. OR 97227.
Church Screens ‘Passion’
V ancouver's Community AM E
Zion Church is inviting the public to
a free screening o f the aw ard-w in­
ning biblical film "The Passion o f the
Christ" on Friday, April 10 at 7 p.m.
Special m ovies and snacks will be
provided for children.
The church is located at 3605 E. 13*
St. For more information, call 360-693-
Your Care
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Dr. Marcelitte Failla
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We are located at
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Center in Corvallis.
“My Father’s Dream, My
Mission" is the title of King’s
talk, a reflection on the civil
rights movement and his father’s
legacy. King will exam ine
America’s progress since his
father's legendary “I Have a
Dream" speech, delivered at
Dear Deanna!
I'v e been unem ployed for 2
years from a jo b that has lim ited
marketing availability . My wife
has supported me both em o­
tionally and financially during
this tim e. Now she com plains
and no m atter how many odd
jobs I take, sh e’s never satis­
fied. However, when I was gain­
fully em ployed she had a life of
luxury at my expense and she
claim s loss of the lifestyle isn’t
bothering her. W hat can 1 do to
make this situation better? —
Tim C.; Denver, Colo.
Dear Tim:
5 0 3 -2 8 8 -2 9 1 9
w w w .northportlandbiblecollege.org
Spring Term Schedule, 2006
April 3-June 15
Classes Io enhance ministry, fo r anyone, any night
O TS 103
O ld Testament Survey. HI
Jim Sellers, M . D iv
Isaiah th ro u g h M a la c h i
U M 20I
Understanding the C ity
D r. R ichard W h ite . P H .D
A c lo se r look a t the dynam ics o f the co n tem p o ra ry city
a nd the im pact o f an effective C h ris tia n presence
PM 222
LayCounseling:CaringforPeopleGod’ sW ay,III
U N 204
* M in is try to U rban Y outh
Carol Chism. MSSA
*F red W oods. M . D iv.
P rogram s an d strategies fo r m eeting needs o f yo u th in the
urban setting
N T 103
New Testament Survey I I I
Dan H o ffm a n . B .A .
Hebrews th rough Revelation
W ritin g Research Papers
C onnie Stanton. B. A.
C ollege level w ritin g <m o rn in g class)
BE 103
B ib le lands and Customs
Dave B ro w n . M . D iv
Study the physical & c u ltu ra l environm ent o f B ible events, fo r
accurate in te rp re tatio n
U M 20I
Biblical Mandate tor World Evangelism
Dr. RickCalenberg.Th.D.
A com prehensive look a t the M a s te r's w o rld p la n
Dr. James Sweeny. Ph D.
S p iritu a l fo rm a tio n , team m in istry, m in is te ria l ethics <S
M U 080
from Metro
P o rtlan d th e ir d u rin g the B illy R e e d 's c o n c e rt,
P o rtlan d ers w ill have an o p p o rtu n ity to m eet the
dozen o f N ew O rlean s m u sician s w h o relo cated p e r­
m anently to P o rtlan d , in clu d in g O ne M an M achine
B ernard P earce; visual artist and in stru m en t m aker
M arcu s B row n; and g u itar p la y er T om S andahl.
T o m ’s Fat T uesday Band, a traditional New O rleans
jazz, funk and R&B band will set the tone with 90 minutes
o f New O rleans party music. Devin Phi Hips and his New
O rleans Straight Ahead quartet will
follow. D evin’s band is the most
sought-after jazz com bo in town
and has been featured regularly at
l«K-al e I ubs i ne I ud i ng J i m my M ak' s.
The Blue Monk and the GoodfixX
N O LA 2PD X succeeded in tun­
neling over $40.(XM) to thedisplaeed
New O rleans m usicians, including
over $ 12,500 in direct fees for weekly
perform ances on M ercy Stage at
Billy R eed's and $4.(XX) in fees at
Portland Jazz Festival. Mercy
Making advance arrangements lor your own funeral may not be something you want to think about But when you choose to
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Basic Piano (In d iv id u a l/G ro u p lessons)
Zetla Burton, B .A .
M onday. Wednesday, a n d Thursday I by appointm ent o n ly)
All classes are from 6:30 - 9:30.
Morning class from 9-12 main
Tuition: $90 per course
^Required fo r the ACM degree in Christian Ministry
• Access to our G rie f
Internet Memorial Archive
• Aftercare Planner
• Bereavement Travel Services
Pastoral Leadership
she really missed me. W hen 1 d e­
ployed the second tim e she d idn’t
write me at all. Now that I’m back
she’s acting very suspicious and
she’s pregnant. I know fo ra fa e tth e
baby isn 't mine but w anted to wait
until it’s born. I’m getting ready to
go TDY again but I want to move
out until 1 get my head clear. W hat
should I do? --Confused Staff Ser­
Prearranged Serv ices
C M 204
Real Advice
This one requires planning
W ednesday
G E I 12
Real People,
Send Off for New
Orleans Musicians
North Portland
Bible College
P o rtla n d , O R 9 7 2 1 7
A sk Deanna'.
It’s good your wife is support­
ive but she’s dishonest with
her feelings o f your financial
loss. If you were on the sofa
geant; Ft. Bragg, N.C.
w atching television it would be
worth her com plaints. If y o u ’re Dear Confused at Ft. Bragg,
bringing in money and yo u 're Like many women, your wife lost
making it together, then she her mind and forgot her marriage
should be satisfied. Have a dis­ vows when you deployed. Her sus­
cussion and get to picious behavior coupled with a
the root and deter­ pregnancy is putting the w riting on
mine if she married the wall about her affair. However,
you for love o r fi­ as a man, you should give her the
nances. Keep work­ benefit o f the doubt until the baby
in g , k e e p th e is born and you have a paternity
money com ing in test. Y ou're doing the right thing
and keep it moving. by seeking space considering the
stress y o u ’re under. Consult with a
Dear Deanna!
counselor on base to help sort your
I’m in the Army and
feelings and position you for the
returned from Iraq
correct dialogue with your wife.
forthe second time.
My wife and I have Ask Deanna is written by Deanna
always had a great M. Write Ask Deanna! Email:
relationship. W hen askdeanna I @yahoo.com or 264
I deployed the first S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283
tim e , sh e w ro te Beverly Hills. CA 90211. Website:
m any letters and
49115 N . V a n c o u v e r Ave.,
the 1963 March on Washington,
and look at current efforts to
secure equality and justice and
combat discrimination.
Tickets for the event are free,
but required, and are available
now at the OSU Memorial
Union, Room 103. For ticket
information, call 541 -737-6872.
• Legal Serv ices Membership
\ot <nmlnbh on all plani
Management Iib ra rv
Ross Nolls wood Chapel and Killingswort h St. Johns Lombard Little Chapel of the Chimes
4733 NE Thompson St. • Portland, OR 97213
Dignity Meinorial.eiim
I want to thank those whose
names were not on the obituary
and came to visit momma. Her
good friends and mission sister,
Georgia Tillman, co-worker and
friends Buelah Blassingame,
Candy, Mr. H arris and Mrs.
Nelson from Woodlawn School
and anyone else I failed to name
God bless you G ertie Cross
loved all of you.
- Mary Harrison, Daughter